001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.drive;
007import static edu.wpi.first.util.ErrorMessages.requireNonNullParam;
009import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tInstances;
010import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
011import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
012import edu.wpi.first.math.MathUtil;
013import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation2d;
014import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d;
015import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
016import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
017import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableRegistry;
018import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.motorcontrol.MotorController;
019import java.util.function.DoubleConsumer;
022 * A class for driving Mecanum drive platforms.
023 *
024 * <p>Mecanum drives are rectangular with one wheel on each corner. Each wheel has rollers toed in
025 * 45 degrees toward the front or back. When looking at the wheels from the top, the roller axles
026 * should form an X across the robot. Each drive() function provides different inverse kinematic
027 * relations for a Mecanum drive robot.
028 *
029 * <p>Drive base diagram:
030 *
031 * <pre>
032 * \\_______/
033 * \\ |   | /
034 *   |   |
035 * /_|___|_\\
036 * /       \\
037 * </pre>
038 *
039 * <p>Each drive() function provides different inverse kinematic relations for a Mecanum drive
040 * robot.
041 *
042 * <p>This library uses the NWU axes convention (North-West-Up as external reference in the world
043 * frame). The positive X axis points ahead, the positive Y axis points to the left, and the
044 * positive Z axis points up. Rotations follow the right-hand rule, so counterclockwise rotation
045 * around the Z axis is positive.
046 *
047 * <p>Inputs smaller then {@value edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.drive.RobotDriveBase#kDefaultDeadband} will
048 * be set to 0, and larger values will be scaled so that the full range is still used. This deadband
049 * value can be changed with {@link #setDeadband}.
050 *
051 * <p>{@link edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.MotorSafety} is enabled by default. The driveCartesian or
052 * drivePolar methods should be called periodically to avoid Motor Safety timeouts.
053 */
054public class MecanumDrive extends RobotDriveBase implements Sendable, AutoCloseable {
055  private static int instances;
057  private final DoubleConsumer m_frontLeftMotor;
058  private final DoubleConsumer m_rearLeftMotor;
059  private final DoubleConsumer m_frontRightMotor;
060  private final DoubleConsumer m_rearRightMotor;
062  // Used for Sendable property getters
063  private double m_frontLeftOutput;
064  private double m_rearLeftOutput;
065  private double m_frontRightOutput;
066  private double m_rearRightOutput;
068  private boolean m_reported;
070  /**
071   * Wheel speeds for a mecanum drive.
072   *
073   * <p>Uses normalized voltage [-1.0..1.0].
074   */
075  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
076  public static class WheelSpeeds {
077    /** Front-left wheel speed. */
078    public double frontLeft;
080    /** Front-right wheel speed. */
081    public double frontRight;
083    /** Rear-left wheel speed. */
084    public double rearLeft;
086    /** Rear-right wheel speed. */
087    public double rearRight;
089    /** Constructs a WheelSpeeds with zeroes for all four speeds. */
090    public WheelSpeeds() {}
092    /**
093     * Constructs a WheelSpeeds.
094     *
095     * @param frontLeft The front left speed [-1.0..1.0].
096     * @param frontRight The front right speed [-1.0..1.0].
097     * @param rearLeft The rear left speed [-1.0..1.0].
098     * @param rearRight The rear right speed [-1.0..1.0].
099     */
100    public WheelSpeeds(double frontLeft, double frontRight, double rearLeft, double rearRight) {
101      this.frontLeft = frontLeft;
102      this.frontRight = frontRight;
103      this.rearLeft = rearLeft;
104      this.rearRight = rearRight;
105    }
106  }
108  /**
109   * Construct a MecanumDrive.
110   *
111   * <p>If a motor needs to be inverted, do so before passing it in.
112   *
113   * @param frontLeftMotor The motor on the front-left corner.
114   * @param rearLeftMotor The motor on the rear-left corner.
115   * @param frontRightMotor The motor on the front-right corner.
116   * @param rearRightMotor The motor on the rear-right corner.
117   */
118  @SuppressWarnings({"removal", "this-escape"})
119  public MecanumDrive(
120      MotorController frontLeftMotor,
121      MotorController rearLeftMotor,
122      MotorController frontRightMotor,
123      MotorController rearRightMotor) {
124    this(
125        (double output) -> frontLeftMotor.set(output),
126        (double output) -> rearLeftMotor.set(output),
127        (double output) -> frontRightMotor.set(output),
128        (double output) -> rearRightMotor.set(output));
129    SendableRegistry.addChild(this, frontLeftMotor);
130    SendableRegistry.addChild(this, rearLeftMotor);
131    SendableRegistry.addChild(this, frontRightMotor);
132    SendableRegistry.addChild(this, rearRightMotor);
133  }
135  /**
136   * Construct a MecanumDrive.
137   *
138   * <p>If a motor needs to be inverted, do so before passing it in.
139   *
140   * @param frontLeftMotor The setter for the motor on the front-left corner.
141   * @param rearLeftMotor The setter for the motor on the rear-left corner.
142   * @param frontRightMotor The setter for the motor on the front-right corner.
143   * @param rearRightMotor The setter for the motor on the rear-right corner.
144   */
145  @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
146  public MecanumDrive(
147      DoubleConsumer frontLeftMotor,
148      DoubleConsumer rearLeftMotor,
149      DoubleConsumer frontRightMotor,
150      DoubleConsumer rearRightMotor) {
151    requireNonNullParam(frontLeftMotor, "frontLeftMotor", "MecanumDrive");
152    requireNonNullParam(rearLeftMotor, "rearLeftMotor", "MecanumDrive");
153    requireNonNullParam(frontRightMotor, "frontRightMotor", "MecanumDrive");
154    requireNonNullParam(rearRightMotor, "rearRightMotor", "MecanumDrive");
156    m_frontLeftMotor = frontLeftMotor;
157    m_rearLeftMotor = rearLeftMotor;
158    m_frontRightMotor = frontRightMotor;
159    m_rearRightMotor = rearRightMotor;
160    instances++;
161    SendableRegistry.addLW(this, "MecanumDrive", instances);
162  }
164  @Override
165  public void close() {
166    SendableRegistry.remove(this);
167  }
169  /**
170   * Drive method for Mecanum platform.
171   *
172   * <p>Angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive X axis. The robot's speed is
173   * independent of its angle or rotation rate.
174   *
175   * @param xSpeed The robot's speed along the X axis [-1.0..1.0]. Forward is positive.
176   * @param ySpeed The robot's speed along the Y axis [-1.0..1.0]. Left is positive.
177   * @param zRotation The robot's rotation rate around the Z axis [-1.0..1.0]. Counterclockwise is
178   *     positive.
179   */
180  public void driveCartesian(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zRotation) {
181    driveCartesian(xSpeed, ySpeed, zRotation, Rotation2d.kZero);
182  }
184  /**
185   * Drive method for Mecanum platform.
186   *
187   * <p>Angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive X axis. The robot's speed is
188   * independent of its angle or rotation rate.
189   *
190   * @param xSpeed The robot's speed along the X axis [-1.0..1.0]. Forward is positive.
191   * @param ySpeed The robot's speed along the Y axis [-1.0..1.0]. Left is positive.
192   * @param zRotation The robot's rotation rate around the Z axis [-1.0..1.0]. Counterclockwise is
193   *     positive.
194   * @param gyroAngle The gyro heading around the Z axis. Use this to implement field-oriented
195   *     controls.
196   */
197  public void driveCartesian(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zRotation, Rotation2d gyroAngle) {
198    if (!m_reported) {
199      HAL.report(
200          tResourceType.kResourceType_RobotDrive, tInstances.kRobotDrive2_MecanumCartesian, 4);
201      m_reported = true;
202    }
204    xSpeed = MathUtil.applyDeadband(xSpeed, m_deadband);
205    ySpeed = MathUtil.applyDeadband(ySpeed, m_deadband);
207    var speeds = driveCartesianIK(xSpeed, ySpeed, zRotation, gyroAngle);
209    m_frontLeftOutput = speeds.frontLeft * m_maxOutput;
210    m_rearLeftOutput = speeds.rearLeft * m_maxOutput;
211    m_frontRightOutput = speeds.frontRight * m_maxOutput;
212    m_rearRightOutput = speeds.rearRight * m_maxOutput;
214    m_frontLeftMotor.accept(m_frontLeftOutput);
215    m_frontRightMotor.accept(m_frontRightOutput);
216    m_rearLeftMotor.accept(m_rearLeftOutput);
217    m_rearRightMotor.accept(m_rearRightOutput);
219    feed();
220  }
222  /**
223   * Drive method for Mecanum platform.
224   *
225   * <p>Angles are measured counterclockwise from straight ahead. The speed at which the robot
226   * drives (translation) is independent of its angle or rotation rate.
227   *
228   * @param magnitude The robot's speed at a given angle [-1.0..1.0]. Forward is positive.
229   * @param angle The gyro heading around the Z axis at which the robot drives.
230   * @param zRotation The robot's rotation rate around the Z axis [-1.0..1.0]. Counterclockwise is
231   *     positive.
232   */
233  public void drivePolar(double magnitude, Rotation2d angle, double zRotation) {
234    if (!m_reported) {
235      HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_RobotDrive, tInstances.kRobotDrive2_MecanumPolar, 4);
236      m_reported = true;
237    }
239    driveCartesian(
240        magnitude * angle.getCos(), magnitude * angle.getSin(), zRotation, Rotation2d.kZero);
241  }
243  /**
244   * Cartesian inverse kinematics for Mecanum platform.
245   *
246   * <p>Angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive X axis. The robot's speed is
247   * independent of its angle or rotation rate.
248   *
249   * @param xSpeed The robot's speed along the X axis [-1.0..1.0]. Forward is positive.
250   * @param ySpeed The robot's speed along the Y axis [-1.0..1.0]. Left is positive.
251   * @param zRotation The robot's rotation rate around the Z axis [-1.0..1.0]. Counterclockwise is
252   *     positive.
253   * @return Wheel speeds [-1.0..1.0].
254   */
255  public static WheelSpeeds driveCartesianIK(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zRotation) {
256    return driveCartesianIK(xSpeed, ySpeed, zRotation, Rotation2d.kZero);
257  }
259  /**
260   * Cartesian inverse kinematics for Mecanum platform.
261   *
262   * <p>Angles are measured clockwise from the positive X axis. The robot's speed is independent of
263   * its angle or rotation rate.
264   *
265   * @param xSpeed The robot's speed along the X axis [-1.0..1.0]. Forward is positive.
266   * @param ySpeed The robot's speed along the Y axis [-1.0..1.0]. Left is positive.
267   * @param zRotation The robot's rotation rate around the Z axis [-1.0..1.0]. Counterclockwise is
268   *     positive.
269   * @param gyroAngle The gyro heading around the Z axis. Use this to implement field-oriented
270   *     controls.
271   * @return Wheel speeds [-1.0..1.0].
272   */
273  public static WheelSpeeds driveCartesianIK(
274      double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zRotation, Rotation2d gyroAngle) {
275    xSpeed = MathUtil.clamp(xSpeed, -1.0, 1.0);
276    ySpeed = MathUtil.clamp(ySpeed, -1.0, 1.0);
278    // Compensate for gyro angle.
279    var input = new Translation2d(xSpeed, ySpeed).rotateBy(gyroAngle.unaryMinus());
281    double[] wheelSpeeds = new double[4];
282    wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kFrontLeft.value] = input.getX() + input.getY() + zRotation;
283    wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kFrontRight.value] = input.getX() - input.getY() - zRotation;
284    wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kRearLeft.value] = input.getX() - input.getY() + zRotation;
285    wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kRearRight.value] = input.getX() + input.getY() - zRotation;
287    normalize(wheelSpeeds);
289    return new WheelSpeeds(
290        wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kFrontLeft.value],
291        wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kFrontRight.value],
292        wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kRearLeft.value],
293        wheelSpeeds[MotorType.kRearRight.value]);
294  }
296  @Override
297  public void stopMotor() {
298    m_frontLeftOutput = 0.0;
299    m_frontRightOutput = 0.0;
300    m_rearLeftOutput = 0.0;
301    m_rearRightOutput = 0.0;
303    m_frontLeftMotor.accept(0.0);
304    m_frontRightMotor.accept(0.0);
305    m_rearLeftMotor.accept(0.0);
306    m_rearRightMotor.accept(0.0);
308    feed();
309  }
311  @Override
312  public String getDescription() {
313    return "MecanumDrive";
314  }
316  @Override
317  public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
318    builder.setSmartDashboardType("MecanumDrive");
319    builder.setActuator(true);
320    builder.setSafeState(this::stopMotor);
321    builder.addDoubleProperty("Front Left Motor Speed", () -> m_frontLeftOutput, m_frontLeftMotor);
322    builder.addDoubleProperty(
323        "Front Right Motor Speed", () -> m_frontRightOutput, m_frontRightMotor);
324    builder.addDoubleProperty("Rear Left Motor Speed", () -> m_rearLeftOutput, m_rearLeftMotor);
325    builder.addDoubleProperty("Rear Right Motor Speed", () -> m_rearRightOutput, m_rearRightMotor);
326  }