001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj;
007import edu.wpi.first.hal.AllianceStationID;
008import edu.wpi.first.hal.ControlWord;
009import edu.wpi.first.hal.DriverStationJNI;
010import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
011import edu.wpi.first.hal.MatchInfoData;
012import edu.wpi.first.networktables.BooleanPublisher;
013import edu.wpi.first.networktables.IntegerPublisher;
014import edu.wpi.first.networktables.NetworkTableInstance;
015import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringPublisher;
016import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringTopic;
017import edu.wpi.first.util.EventVector;
018import edu.wpi.first.util.WPIUtilJNI;
019import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.BooleanArrayLogEntry;
020import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.BooleanLogEntry;
021import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.DataLog;
022import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.FloatArrayLogEntry;
023import edu.wpi.first.util.datalog.IntegerArrayLogEntry;
024import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
025import java.util.Map;
026import java.util.Optional;
027import java.util.OptionalInt;
028import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
030/** Provide access to the network communication data to / from the Driver Station. */
031public final class DriverStation {
032  /** Number of Joystick ports. */
033  public static final int kJoystickPorts = 6;
035  private static final class HALJoystickButtons {
036    public int m_buttons;
037    public byte m_count;
038  }
040  private static class HALJoystickAxes {
041    public final float[] m_axes;
042    public int m_count;
044    HALJoystickAxes(int count) {
045      m_axes = new float[count];
046    }
047  }
049  private static class HALJoystickAxesRaw {
050    public final int[] m_axes;
052    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
053    public int m_count;
055    HALJoystickAxesRaw(int count) {
056      m_axes = new int[count];
057    }
058  }
060  private static class HALJoystickPOVs {
061    public final short[] m_povs;
062    public int m_count;
064    HALJoystickPOVs(int count) {
065      m_povs = new short[count];
066      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
067        m_povs[i] = -1;
068      }
069    }
070  }
072  /** The robot alliance that the robot is a part of. */
073  public enum Alliance {
074    /** Red alliance. */
075    Red,
076    /** Blue alliance. */
077    Blue
078  }
080  /** The type of robot match that the robot is part of. */
081  public enum MatchType {
082    /** None. */
083    None,
084    /** Practice. */
085    Practice,
086    /** Qualification. */
087    Qualification,
088    /** Elimination. */
089    Elimination
090  }
092  private static final double JOYSTICK_UNPLUGGED_MESSAGE_INTERVAL = 1.0;
093  private static double m_nextMessageTime;
095  @SuppressWarnings("MemberName")
096  private static class MatchDataSender {
097    private static final String kSmartDashboardType = "FMSInfo";
099    final StringPublisher gameSpecificMessage;
100    final StringPublisher eventName;
101    final IntegerPublisher matchNumber;
102    final IntegerPublisher replayNumber;
103    final IntegerPublisher matchType;
104    final BooleanPublisher alliance;
105    final IntegerPublisher station;
106    final IntegerPublisher controlWord;
107    boolean oldIsRedAlliance = true;
108    int oldStationNumber = 1;
109    String oldEventName = "";
110    String oldGameSpecificMessage = "";
111    int oldMatchNumber;
112    int oldReplayNumber;
113    int oldMatchType;
114    int oldControlWord;
116    MatchDataSender() {
117      var table = NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable("FMSInfo");
118      table
119          .getStringTopic(".type")
120          .publishEx(
121              StringTopic.kTypeString, "{\"SmartDashboard\":\"" + kSmartDashboardType + "\"}")
122          .set(kSmartDashboardType);
123      gameSpecificMessage = table.getStringTopic("GameSpecificMessage").publish();
124      gameSpecificMessage.set("");
125      eventName = table.getStringTopic("EventName").publish();
126      eventName.set("");
127      matchNumber = table.getIntegerTopic("MatchNumber").publish();
128      matchNumber.set(0);
129      replayNumber = table.getIntegerTopic("ReplayNumber").publish();
130      replayNumber.set(0);
131      matchType = table.getIntegerTopic("MatchType").publish();
132      matchType.set(0);
133      alliance = table.getBooleanTopic("IsRedAlliance").publish();
134      alliance.set(true);
135      station = table.getIntegerTopic("StationNumber").publish();
136      station.set(1);
137      controlWord = table.getIntegerTopic("FMSControlData").publish();
138      controlWord.set(0);
139    }
141    private void sendMatchData() {
142      AllianceStationID allianceID = DriverStationJNI.getAllianceStation();
143      final int stationNumber =
144          switch (allianceID) {
145            case Blue1, Red1 -> 1;
146            case Blue2, Red2 -> 2;
147            case Blue3, Red3, Unknown -> 3;
148          };
149      final boolean isRedAlliance =
150          switch (allianceID) {
151            case Blue1, Blue2, Blue3 -> false;
152            case Red1, Red2, Red3, Unknown -> true;
153          };
155      String currentEventName;
156      String currentGameSpecificMessage;
157      int currentMatchNumber;
158      int currentReplayNumber;
159      int currentMatchType;
160      int currentControlWord;
161      m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
162      try {
163        currentEventName = DriverStation.m_matchInfo.eventName;
164        currentGameSpecificMessage = DriverStation.m_matchInfo.gameSpecificMessage;
165        currentMatchNumber = DriverStation.m_matchInfo.matchNumber;
166        currentReplayNumber = DriverStation.m_matchInfo.replayNumber;
167        currentMatchType = DriverStation.m_matchInfo.matchType;
168      } finally {
169        m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
170      }
171      currentControlWord = DriverStationJNI.nativeGetControlWord();
173      if (oldIsRedAlliance != isRedAlliance) {
174        alliance.set(isRedAlliance);
175        oldIsRedAlliance = isRedAlliance;
176      }
177      if (oldStationNumber != stationNumber) {
178        station.set(stationNumber);
179        oldStationNumber = stationNumber;
180      }
181      if (!oldEventName.equals(currentEventName)) {
182        eventName.set(currentEventName);
183        oldEventName = currentEventName;
184      }
185      if (!oldGameSpecificMessage.equals(currentGameSpecificMessage)) {
186        gameSpecificMessage.set(currentGameSpecificMessage);
187        oldGameSpecificMessage = currentGameSpecificMessage;
188      }
189      if (currentMatchNumber != oldMatchNumber) {
190        matchNumber.set(currentMatchNumber);
191        oldMatchNumber = currentMatchNumber;
192      }
193      if (currentReplayNumber != oldReplayNumber) {
194        replayNumber.set(currentReplayNumber);
195        oldReplayNumber = currentReplayNumber;
196      }
197      if (currentMatchType != oldMatchType) {
198        matchType.set(currentMatchType);
199        oldMatchType = currentMatchType;
200      }
201      if (currentControlWord != oldControlWord) {
202        controlWord.set(currentControlWord);
203        oldControlWord = currentControlWord;
204      }
205    }
206  }
208  private static class JoystickLogSender {
209    JoystickLogSender(DataLog log, int stick, long timestamp) {
210      m_stick = stick;
212      m_logButtons = new BooleanArrayLogEntry(log, "DS:joystick" + stick + "/buttons", timestamp);
213      m_logAxes = new FloatArrayLogEntry(log, "DS:joystick" + stick + "/axes", timestamp);
214      m_logPOVs = new IntegerArrayLogEntry(log, "DS:joystick" + stick + "/povs", timestamp);
216      appendButtons(m_joystickButtons[m_stick], timestamp);
217      appendAxes(m_joystickAxes[m_stick], timestamp);
218      appendPOVs(m_joystickPOVs[m_stick], timestamp);
219    }
221    public void send(long timestamp) {
222      HALJoystickButtons buttons = m_joystickButtons[m_stick];
223      if (buttons.m_count != m_prevButtons.m_count
224          || buttons.m_buttons != m_prevButtons.m_buttons) {
225        appendButtons(buttons, timestamp);
226      }
228      HALJoystickAxes axes = m_joystickAxes[m_stick];
229      int count = axes.m_count;
230      boolean needToLog = false;
231      if (count != m_prevAxes.m_count) {
232        needToLog = true;
233      } else {
234        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
235          if (axes.m_axes[i] != m_prevAxes.m_axes[i]) {
236            needToLog = true;
237            break;
238          }
239        }
240      }
241      if (needToLog) {
242        appendAxes(axes, timestamp);
243      }
245      HALJoystickPOVs povs = m_joystickPOVs[m_stick];
246      count = m_joystickPOVs[m_stick].m_count;
247      needToLog = false;
248      if (count != m_prevPOVs.m_count) {
249        needToLog = true;
250      } else {
251        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
252          if (povs.m_povs[i] != m_prevPOVs.m_povs[i]) {
253            needToLog = true;
254            break;
255          }
256        }
257      }
258      if (needToLog) {
259        appendPOVs(povs, timestamp);
260      }
261    }
263    void appendButtons(HALJoystickButtons buttons, long timestamp) {
264      byte count = buttons.m_count;
265      if (m_sizedButtons == null || m_sizedButtons.length != count) {
266        m_sizedButtons = new boolean[count];
267      }
268      int buttonsValue = buttons.m_buttons;
269      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
270        m_sizedButtons[i] = (buttonsValue & (1 << i)) != 0;
271      }
272      m_logButtons.append(m_sizedButtons, timestamp);
273      m_prevButtons.m_count = count;
274      m_prevButtons.m_buttons = buttons.m_buttons;
275    }
277    void appendAxes(HALJoystickAxes axes, long timestamp) {
278      int count = axes.m_count;
279      if (m_sizedAxes == null || m_sizedAxes.length != count) {
280        m_sizedAxes = new float[count];
281      }
282      System.arraycopy(axes.m_axes, 0, m_sizedAxes, 0, count);
283      m_logAxes.append(m_sizedAxes, timestamp);
284      m_prevAxes.m_count = count;
285      System.arraycopy(axes.m_axes, 0, m_prevAxes.m_axes, 0, count);
286    }
288    @SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidArrayLoops")
289    void appendPOVs(HALJoystickPOVs povs, long timestamp) {
290      int count = povs.m_count;
291      if (m_sizedPOVs == null || m_sizedPOVs.length != count) {
292        m_sizedPOVs = new long[count];
293      }
294      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
295        m_sizedPOVs[i] = povs.m_povs[i];
296      }
297      m_logPOVs.append(m_sizedPOVs, timestamp);
298      m_prevPOVs.m_count = count;
299      System.arraycopy(povs.m_povs, 0, m_prevPOVs.m_povs, 0, count);
300    }
302    final int m_stick;
303    boolean[] m_sizedButtons;
304    float[] m_sizedAxes;
305    long[] m_sizedPOVs;
306    final HALJoystickButtons m_prevButtons = new HALJoystickButtons();
307    final HALJoystickAxes m_prevAxes = new HALJoystickAxes(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes);
308    final HALJoystickPOVs m_prevPOVs = new HALJoystickPOVs(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickPOVs);
309    final BooleanArrayLogEntry m_logButtons;
310    final FloatArrayLogEntry m_logAxes;
311    final IntegerArrayLogEntry m_logPOVs;
312  }
314  private static class DataLogSender {
315    DataLogSender(DataLog log, boolean logJoysticks, long timestamp) {
316      m_logEnabled = new BooleanLogEntry(log, "DS:enabled", timestamp);
317      m_logAutonomous = new BooleanLogEntry(log, "DS:autonomous", timestamp);
318      m_logTest = new BooleanLogEntry(log, "DS:test", timestamp);
319      m_logEstop = new BooleanLogEntry(log, "DS:estop", timestamp);
321      // append initial control word values
322      m_wasEnabled = m_controlWordCache.getEnabled();
323      m_wasAutonomous = m_controlWordCache.getAutonomous();
324      m_wasTest = m_controlWordCache.getTest();
325      m_wasEstop = m_controlWordCache.getEStop();
327      m_logEnabled.append(m_wasEnabled, timestamp);
328      m_logAutonomous.append(m_wasAutonomous, timestamp);
329      m_logTest.append(m_wasTest, timestamp);
330      m_logEstop.append(m_wasEstop, timestamp);
332      if (logJoysticks) {
333        m_joysticks = new JoystickLogSender[kJoystickPorts];
334        for (int i = 0; i < kJoystickPorts; i++) {
335          m_joysticks[i] = new JoystickLogSender(log, i, timestamp);
336        }
337      } else {
338        m_joysticks = new JoystickLogSender[0];
339      }
340    }
342    public void send(long timestamp) {
343      // append control word value changes
344      boolean enabled = m_controlWordCache.getEnabled();
345      if (enabled != m_wasEnabled) {
346        m_logEnabled.append(enabled, timestamp);
347      }
348      m_wasEnabled = enabled;
350      boolean autonomous = m_controlWordCache.getAutonomous();
351      if (autonomous != m_wasAutonomous) {
352        m_logAutonomous.append(autonomous, timestamp);
353      }
354      m_wasAutonomous = autonomous;
356      boolean test = m_controlWordCache.getTest();
357      if (test != m_wasTest) {
358        m_logTest.append(test, timestamp);
359      }
360      m_wasTest = test;
362      boolean estop = m_controlWordCache.getEStop();
363      if (estop != m_wasEstop) {
364        m_logEstop.append(estop, timestamp);
365      }
366      m_wasEstop = estop;
368      // append joystick value changes
369      for (JoystickLogSender joystick : m_joysticks) {
370        joystick.send(timestamp);
371      }
372    }
374    boolean m_wasEnabled;
375    boolean m_wasAutonomous;
376    boolean m_wasTest;
377    boolean m_wasEstop;
378    final BooleanLogEntry m_logEnabled;
379    final BooleanLogEntry m_logAutonomous;
380    final BooleanLogEntry m_logTest;
381    final BooleanLogEntry m_logEstop;
383    final JoystickLogSender[] m_joysticks;
384  }
386  // Joystick User Data
387  private static HALJoystickAxes[] m_joystickAxes = new HALJoystickAxes[kJoystickPorts];
388  private static HALJoystickAxesRaw[] m_joystickAxesRaw = new HALJoystickAxesRaw[kJoystickPorts];
389  private static HALJoystickPOVs[] m_joystickPOVs = new HALJoystickPOVs[kJoystickPorts];
390  private static HALJoystickButtons[] m_joystickButtons = new HALJoystickButtons[kJoystickPorts];
391  private static MatchInfoData m_matchInfo = new MatchInfoData();
392  private static ControlWord m_controlWord = new ControlWord();
393  private static EventVector m_refreshEvents = new EventVector();
395  // Joystick Cached Data
396  private static HALJoystickAxes[] m_joystickAxesCache = new HALJoystickAxes[kJoystickPorts];
397  private static HALJoystickAxesRaw[] m_joystickAxesRawCache =
398      new HALJoystickAxesRaw[kJoystickPorts];
399  private static HALJoystickPOVs[] m_joystickPOVsCache = new HALJoystickPOVs[kJoystickPorts];
400  private static HALJoystickButtons[] m_joystickButtonsCache =
401      new HALJoystickButtons[kJoystickPorts];
402  private static MatchInfoData m_matchInfoCache = new MatchInfoData();
403  private static ControlWord m_controlWordCache = new ControlWord();
405  // Joystick button rising/falling edge flags
406  private static int[] m_joystickButtonsPressed = new int[kJoystickPorts];
407  private static int[] m_joystickButtonsReleased = new int[kJoystickPorts];
409  // preallocated byte buffer for button count
410  private static final ByteBuffer m_buttonCountBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
412  private static final MatchDataSender m_matchDataSender;
413  private static DataLogSender m_dataLogSender;
415  private static final ReentrantLock m_cacheDataMutex = new ReentrantLock();
417  private static boolean m_silenceJoystickWarning;
419  /**
420   * DriverStation constructor.
421   *
422   * <p>The single DriverStation instance is created statically with the instance static member
423   * variable.
424   */
425  private DriverStation() {}
427  static {
428    HAL.initialize(500, 0);
430    for (int i = 0; i < kJoystickPorts; i++) {
431      m_joystickButtons[i] = new HALJoystickButtons();
432      m_joystickAxes[i] = new HALJoystickAxes(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes);
433      m_joystickAxesRaw[i] = new HALJoystickAxesRaw(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes);
434      m_joystickPOVs[i] = new HALJoystickPOVs(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickPOVs);
436      m_joystickButtonsCache[i] = new HALJoystickButtons();
437      m_joystickAxesCache[i] = new HALJoystickAxes(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes);
438      m_joystickAxesRawCache[i] = new HALJoystickAxesRaw(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes);
439      m_joystickPOVsCache[i] = new HALJoystickPOVs(DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickPOVs);
440    }
442    m_matchDataSender = new MatchDataSender();
443  }
445  /**
446   * Report error to Driver Station. Optionally appends Stack trace to error message.
447   *
448   * @param error The error to report.
449   * @param printTrace If true, append stack trace to error string
450   */
451  public static void reportError(String error, boolean printTrace) {
452    reportErrorImpl(true, 1, error, printTrace);
453  }
455  /**
456   * Report error to Driver Station. Appends provided stack trace to error message.
457   *
458   * @param error The error to report.
459   * @param stackTrace The stack trace to append
460   */
461  public static void reportError(String error, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
462    reportErrorImpl(true, 1, error, stackTrace);
463  }
465  /**
466   * Report warning to Driver Station. Optionally appends Stack trace to warning message.
467   *
468   * @param warning The warning to report.
469   * @param printTrace If true, append stack trace to warning string
470   */
471  public static void reportWarning(String warning, boolean printTrace) {
472    reportErrorImpl(false, 1, warning, printTrace);
473  }
475  /**
476   * Report warning to Driver Station. Appends provided stack trace to warning message.
477   *
478   * @param warning The warning to report.
479   * @param stackTrace The stack trace to append
480   */
481  public static void reportWarning(String warning, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
482    reportErrorImpl(false, 1, warning, stackTrace);
483  }
485  private static void reportErrorImpl(boolean isError, int code, String error, boolean printTrace) {
486    reportErrorImpl(isError, code, error, printTrace, Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), 3);
487  }
489  private static void reportErrorImpl(
490      boolean isError, int code, String error, StackTraceElement[] stackTrace) {
491    reportErrorImpl(isError, code, error, true, stackTrace, 0);
492  }
494  private static void reportErrorImpl(
495      boolean isError,
496      int code,
497      String error,
498      boolean printTrace,
499      StackTraceElement[] stackTrace,
500      int stackTraceFirst) {
501    String locString;
502    if (stackTrace.length >= stackTraceFirst + 1) {
503      locString = stackTrace[stackTraceFirst].toString();
504    } else {
505      locString = "";
506    }
507    StringBuilder traceString = new StringBuilder();
508    if (printTrace) {
509      boolean haveLoc = false;
510      for (int i = stackTraceFirst; i < stackTrace.length; i++) {
511        String loc = stackTrace[i].toString();
512        traceString.append("\tat ").append(loc).append('\n');
513        // get first user function
514        if (!haveLoc && !loc.startsWith("edu.wpi.first")) {
515          locString = loc;
516          haveLoc = true;
517        }
518      }
519    }
520    DriverStationJNI.sendError(
521        isError, code, false, error, locString, traceString.toString(), true);
522  }
524  /**
525   * The state of one joystick button. Button indexes begin at 1.
526   *
527   * @param stick The joystick to read.
528   * @param button The button index, beginning at 1.
529   * @return The state of the joystick button.
530   */
531  public static boolean getStickButton(final int stick, final int button) {
532    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
533      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
534    }
535    if (button <= 0) {
536      reportJoystickUnpluggedError("Button indexes begin at 1 in WPILib for C++ and Java\n");
537      return false;
538    }
540    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
541    try {
542      if (button <= m_joystickButtons[stick].m_count) {
543        return (m_joystickButtons[stick].m_buttons & 1 << (button - 1)) != 0;
544      }
545    } finally {
546      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
547    }
549    reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(
550        "Joystick Button "
551            + button
552            + " on port "
553            + stick
554            + " not available, check if controller is plugged in");
555    return false;
556  }
558  /**
559   * Whether one joystick button was pressed since the last check. Button indexes begin at 1.
560   *
561   * @param stick The joystick to read.
562   * @param button The button index, beginning at 1.
563   * @return Whether the joystick button was pressed since the last check.
564   */
565  public static boolean getStickButtonPressed(final int stick, final int button) {
566    if (button <= 0) {
567      reportJoystickUnpluggedError("Button indexes begin at 1 in WPILib for C++ and Java\n");
568      return false;
569    }
570    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
571      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
572    }
574    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
575    try {
576      if (button <= m_joystickButtons[stick].m_count) {
577        // If button was pressed, clear flag and return true
578        if ((m_joystickButtonsPressed[stick] & 1 << (button - 1)) != 0) {
579          m_joystickButtonsPressed[stick] &= ~(1 << (button - 1));
580          return true;
581        } else {
582          return false;
583        }
584      }
585    } finally {
586      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
587    }
589    reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(
590        "Joystick Button "
591            + button
592            + " on port "
593            + stick
594            + " not available, check if controller is plugged in");
595    return false;
596  }
598  /**
599   * Whether one joystick button was released since the last check. Button indexes begin at 1.
600   *
601   * @param stick The joystick to read.
602   * @param button The button index, beginning at 1.
603   * @return Whether the joystick button was released since the last check.
604   */
605  public static boolean getStickButtonReleased(final int stick, final int button) {
606    if (button <= 0) {
607      reportJoystickUnpluggedError("Button indexes begin at 1 in WPILib for C++ and Java\n");
608      return false;
609    }
610    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
611      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
612    }
614    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
615    try {
616      if (button <= m_joystickButtons[stick].m_count) {
617        // If button was released, clear flag and return true
618        if ((m_joystickButtonsReleased[stick] & 1 << (button - 1)) != 0) {
619          m_joystickButtonsReleased[stick] &= ~(1 << (button - 1));
620          return true;
621        } else {
622          return false;
623        }
624      }
625    } finally {
626      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
627    }
629    reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(
630        "Joystick Button "
631            + button
632            + " on port "
633            + stick
634            + " not available, check if controller is plugged in");
635    return false;
636  }
638  /**
639   * Get the value of the axis on a joystick. This depends on the mapping of the joystick connected
640   * to the specified port.
641   *
642   * @param stick The joystick to read.
643   * @param axis The analog axis value to read from the joystick.
644   * @return The value of the axis on the joystick.
645   */
646  public static double getStickAxis(int stick, int axis) {
647    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
648      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
649    }
650    if (axis < 0 || axis >= DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickAxes) {
651      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick axis is out of range");
652    }
654    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
655    try {
656      if (axis < m_joystickAxes[stick].m_count) {
657        return m_joystickAxes[stick].m_axes[axis];
658      }
659    } finally {
660      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
661    }
663    reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(
664        "Joystick axis "
665            + axis
666            + " on port "
667            + stick
668            + " not available, check if controller is plugged in");
669    return 0.0;
670  }
672  /**
673   * Get the state of a POV on the joystick.
674   *
675   * @param stick The joystick to read.
676   * @param pov The POV to read.
677   * @return the angle of the POV in degrees, or -1 if the POV is not pressed.
678   */
679  public static int getStickPOV(int stick, int pov) {
680    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
681      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
682    }
683    if (pov < 0 || pov >= DriverStationJNI.kMaxJoystickPOVs) {
684      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick POV is out of range");
685    }
687    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
688    try {
689      if (pov < m_joystickPOVs[stick].m_count) {
690        return m_joystickPOVs[stick].m_povs[pov];
691      }
692    } finally {
693      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
694    }
696    reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(
697        "Joystick POV "
698            + pov
699            + " on port "
700            + stick
701            + " not available, check if controller is plugged in");
702    return -1;
703  }
705  /**
706   * The state of the buttons on the joystick.
707   *
708   * @param stick The joystick to read.
709   * @return The state of the buttons on the joystick.
710   */
711  public static int getStickButtons(final int stick) {
712    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
713      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
714    }
716    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
717    try {
718      return m_joystickButtons[stick].m_buttons;
719    } finally {
720      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
721    }
722  }
724  /**
725   * Returns the number of axes on a given joystick port.
726   *
727   * @param stick The joystick port number
728   * @return The number of axes on the indicated joystick
729   */
730  public static int getStickAxisCount(int stick) {
731    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
732      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
733    }
735    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
736    try {
737      return m_joystickAxes[stick].m_count;
738    } finally {
739      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
740    }
741  }
743  /**
744   * Returns the number of povs on a given joystick port.
745   *
746   * @param stick The joystick port number
747   * @return The number of povs on the indicated joystick
748   */
749  public static int getStickPOVCount(int stick) {
750    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
751      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
752    }
754    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
755    try {
756      return m_joystickPOVs[stick].m_count;
757    } finally {
758      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
759    }
760  }
762  /**
763   * Gets the number of buttons on a joystick.
764   *
765   * @param stick The joystick port number
766   * @return The number of buttons on the indicated joystick
767   */
768  public static int getStickButtonCount(int stick) {
769    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
770      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
771    }
773    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
774    try {
775      return m_joystickButtons[stick].m_count;
776    } finally {
777      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
778    }
779  }
781  /**
782   * Gets the value of isXbox on a joystick.
783   *
784   * @param stick The joystick port number
785   * @return A boolean that returns the value of isXbox
786   */
787  public static boolean getJoystickIsXbox(int stick) {
788    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
789      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
790    }
792    return DriverStationJNI.getJoystickIsXbox((byte) stick) == 1;
793  }
795  /**
796   * Gets the value of type on a joystick.
797   *
798   * @param stick The joystick port number
799   * @return The value of type
800   */
801  public static int getJoystickType(int stick) {
802    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
803      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
804    }
806    return DriverStationJNI.getJoystickType((byte) stick);
807  }
809  /**
810   * Gets the name of the joystick at a port.
811   *
812   * @param stick The joystick port number
813   * @return The value of name
814   */
815  public static String getJoystickName(int stick) {
816    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
817      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
818    }
820    return DriverStationJNI.getJoystickName((byte) stick);
821  }
823  /**
824   * Returns the types of Axes on a given joystick port.
825   *
826   * @param stick The joystick port number
827   * @param axis The target axis
828   * @return What type of axis the axis is reporting to be
829   */
830  public static int getJoystickAxisType(int stick, int axis) {
831    if (stick < 0 || stick >= kJoystickPorts) {
832      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Joystick index is out of range, should be 0-5");
833    }
835    return DriverStationJNI.getJoystickAxisType((byte) stick, (byte) axis);
836  }
838  /**
839   * Returns if a joystick is connected to the Driver Station.
840   *
841   * <p>This makes a best effort guess by looking at the reported number of axis, buttons, and POVs
842   * attached.
843   *
844   * @param stick The joystick port number
845   * @return true if a joystick is connected
846   */
847  public static boolean isJoystickConnected(int stick) {
848    return getStickAxisCount(stick) > 0
849        || getStickButtonCount(stick) > 0
850        || getStickPOVCount(stick) > 0;
851  }
853  /**
854   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be enabled.
855   *
856   * @return True if the robot is enabled, false otherwise.
857   */
858  public static boolean isEnabled() {
859    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
860    try {
861      return m_controlWord.getEnabled() && m_controlWord.getDSAttached();
862    } finally {
863      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
864    }
865  }
867  /**
868   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be disabled.
869   *
870   * @return True if the robot should be disabled, false otherwise.
871   */
872  public static boolean isDisabled() {
873    return !isEnabled();
874  }
876  /**
877   * Gets a value indicating whether the Robot is e-stopped.
878   *
879   * @return True if the robot is e-stopped, false otherwise.
880   */
881  public static boolean isEStopped() {
882    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
883    try {
884      return m_controlWord.getEStop();
885    } finally {
886      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
887    }
888  }
890  /**
891   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in
892   * autonomous mode.
893   *
894   * @return True if autonomous mode should be enabled, false otherwise.
895   */
896  public static boolean isAutonomous() {
897    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
898    try {
899      return m_controlWord.getAutonomous();
900    } finally {
901      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
902    }
903  }
905  /**
906   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in
907   * autonomous mode and enabled.
908   *
909   * @return True if autonomous should be set and the robot should be enabled.
910   */
911  public static boolean isAutonomousEnabled() {
912    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
913    try {
914      return m_controlWord.getAutonomous() && m_controlWord.getEnabled();
915    } finally {
916      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
917    }
918  }
920  /**
921   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in
922   * operator-controlled mode.
923   *
924   * @return True if operator-controlled mode should be enabled, false otherwise.
925   */
926  public static boolean isTeleop() {
927    return !(isAutonomous() || isTest());
928  }
930  /**
931   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in
932   * operator-controller mode and enabled.
933   *
934   * @return True if operator-controlled mode should be set and the robot should be enabled.
935   */
936  public static boolean isTeleopEnabled() {
937    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
938    try {
939      return !m_controlWord.getAutonomous()
940          && !m_controlWord.getTest()
941          && m_controlWord.getEnabled();
942    } finally {
943      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
944    }
945  }
947  /**
948   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in Test
949   * mode.
950   *
951   * @return True if test mode should be enabled, false otherwise.
952   */
953  public static boolean isTest() {
954    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
955    try {
956      return m_controlWord.getTest();
957    } finally {
958      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
959    }
960  }
962  /**
963   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station requires the robot to be running in Test
964   * mode and enabled.
965   *
966   * @return True if test mode should be set and the robot should be enabled.
967   */
968  public static boolean isTestEnabled() {
969    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
970    try {
971      return m_controlWord.getTest() && m_controlWord.getEnabled();
972    } finally {
973      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
974    }
975  }
977  /**
978   * Gets a value indicating whether the Driver Station is attached.
979   *
980   * @return True if Driver Station is attached, false otherwise.
981   */
982  public static boolean isDSAttached() {
983    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
984    try {
985      return m_controlWord.getDSAttached();
986    } finally {
987      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
988    }
989  }
991  /**
992   * Gets if the driver station attached to a Field Management System.
993   *
994   * @return true if the robot is competing on a field being controlled by a Field Management System
995   */
996  public static boolean isFMSAttached() {
997    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
998    try {
999      return m_controlWord.getFMSAttached();
1000    } finally {
1001      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1002    }
1003  }
1005  /**
1006   * Get the game specific message from the FMS.
1007   *
1008   * <p>If the FMS is not connected, it is set from the game data setting on the driver station.
1009   *
1010   * @return the game specific message
1011   */
1012  public static String getGameSpecificMessage() {
1013    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1014    try {
1015      return m_matchInfo.gameSpecificMessage;
1016    } finally {
1017      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1018    }
1019  }
1021  /**
1022   * Get the event name from the FMS.
1023   *
1024   * @return the event name
1025   */
1026  public static String getEventName() {
1027    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1028    try {
1029      return m_matchInfo.eventName;
1030    } finally {
1031      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1032    }
1033  }
1035  /**
1036   * Get the match type from the FMS.
1037   *
1038   * @return the match type
1039   */
1040  public static MatchType getMatchType() {
1041    int matchType;
1042    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1043    try {
1044      matchType = m_matchInfo.matchType;
1045    } finally {
1046      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1047    }
1048    return switch (matchType) {
1049      case 1 -> MatchType.Practice;
1050      case 2 -> MatchType.Qualification;
1051      case 3 -> MatchType.Elimination;
1052      default -> MatchType.None;
1053    };
1054  }
1056  /**
1057   * Get the match number from the FMS.
1058   *
1059   * @return the match number
1060   */
1061  public static int getMatchNumber() {
1062    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1063    try {
1064      return m_matchInfo.matchNumber;
1065    } finally {
1066      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1067    }
1068  }
1070  /**
1071   * Get the replay number from the FMS.
1072   *
1073   * @return the replay number
1074   */
1075  public static int getReplayNumber() {
1076    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1077    try {
1078      return m_matchInfo.replayNumber;
1079    } finally {
1080      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1081    }
1082  }
1084  private static Map<AllianceStationID, Optional<Alliance>> m_allianceMap =
1085      Map.of(
1086          AllianceStationID.Unknown, Optional.empty(),
1087          AllianceStationID.Red1, Optional.of(Alliance.Red),
1088          AllianceStationID.Red2, Optional.of(Alliance.Red),
1089          AllianceStationID.Red3, Optional.of(Alliance.Red),
1090          AllianceStationID.Blue1, Optional.of(Alliance.Blue),
1091          AllianceStationID.Blue2, Optional.of(Alliance.Blue),
1092          AllianceStationID.Blue3, Optional.of(Alliance.Blue));
1094  private static Map<AllianceStationID, OptionalInt> m_stationMap =
1095      Map.of(
1096          AllianceStationID.Unknown, OptionalInt.empty(),
1097          AllianceStationID.Red1, OptionalInt.of(1),
1098          AllianceStationID.Red2, OptionalInt.of(2),
1099          AllianceStationID.Red3, OptionalInt.of(3),
1100          AllianceStationID.Blue1, OptionalInt.of(1),
1101          AllianceStationID.Blue2, OptionalInt.of(2),
1102          AllianceStationID.Blue3, OptionalInt.of(3));
1104  /**
1105   * Get the current alliance from the FMS.
1106   *
1107   * <p>If the FMS is not connected, it is set from the team alliance setting on the driver station.
1108   *
1109   * @return The alliance (red or blue) or an empty optional if the alliance is invalid
1110   */
1111  public static Optional<Alliance> getAlliance() {
1112    AllianceStationID allianceStationID = DriverStationJNI.getAllianceStation();
1113    if (allianceStationID == null) {
1114      allianceStationID = AllianceStationID.Unknown;
1115    }
1117    return m_allianceMap.get(allianceStationID);
1118  }
1120  /**
1121   * Gets the location of the team's driver station controls from the FMS.
1122   *
1123   * <p>If the FMS is not connected, it is set from the team alliance setting on the driver station.
1124   *
1125   * @return the location of the team's driver station controls: 1, 2, or 3
1126   */
1127  public static OptionalInt getLocation() {
1128    AllianceStationID allianceStationID = DriverStationJNI.getAllianceStation();
1129    if (allianceStationID == null) {
1130      allianceStationID = AllianceStationID.Unknown;
1131    }
1133    return m_stationMap.get(allianceStationID);
1134  }
1136  /**
1137   * Gets the raw alliance station of the teams driver station.
1138   *
1139   * <p>This returns the raw low level value. Prefer getLocation or getAlliance unless necessary for
1140   * performance.
1141   *
1142   * @return The raw alliance station id.
1143   */
1144  public static AllianceStationID getRawAllianceStation() {
1145    return DriverStationJNI.getAllianceStation();
1146  }
1148  /**
1149   * Wait for a DS connection.
1150   *
1151   * @param timeoutSeconds timeout in seconds. 0 for infinite.
1152   * @return true if connected, false if timeout
1153   */
1154  public static boolean waitForDsConnection(double timeoutSeconds) {
1155    int event = WPIUtilJNI.createEvent(true, false);
1156    DriverStationJNI.provideNewDataEventHandle(event);
1157    boolean result;
1158    try {
1159      if (timeoutSeconds == 0) {
1160        WPIUtilJNI.waitForObject(event);
1161        result = true;
1162      } else {
1163        result = !WPIUtilJNI.waitForObjectTimeout(event, timeoutSeconds);
1164      }
1165    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
1166      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
1167      result = false;
1168    } finally {
1169      DriverStationJNI.removeNewDataEventHandle(event);
1170      WPIUtilJNI.destroyEvent(event);
1171    }
1172    return result;
1173  }
1175  /**
1176   * Return the approximate match time. The FMS does not send an official match time to the robots,
1177   * but does send an approximate match time. The value will count down the time remaining in the
1178   * current period (auto or teleop). Warning: This is not an official time (so it cannot be used to
1179   * dispute ref calls or guarantee that a function will trigger before the match ends).
1180   *
1181   * <p>When connected to the real field, this number only changes in full integer increments, and
1182   * always counts down.
1183   *
1184   * <p>When the DS is in practice mode, this number is a floating point number, and counts down.
1185   *
1186   * <p>When the DS is in teleop or autonomous mode, this number is a floating point number, and
1187   * counts up.
1188   *
1189   * <p>Simulation matches DS behavior without an FMS connected.
1190   *
1191   * @return Time remaining in current match period (auto or teleop) in seconds
1192   */
1193  public static double getMatchTime() {
1194    return DriverStationJNI.getMatchTime();
1195  }
1197  /**
1198   * Allows the user to specify whether they want joystick connection warnings to be printed to the
1199   * console. This setting is ignored when the FMS is connected -- warnings will always be on in
1200   * that scenario.
1201   *
1202   * @param silence Whether warning messages should be silenced.
1203   */
1204  public static void silenceJoystickConnectionWarning(boolean silence) {
1205    m_silenceJoystickWarning = silence;
1206  }
1208  /**
1209   * Returns whether joystick connection warnings are silenced. This will always return false when
1210   * connected to the FMS.
1211   *
1212   * @return Whether joystick connection warnings are silenced.
1213   */
1214  public static boolean isJoystickConnectionWarningSilenced() {
1215    return !isFMSAttached() && m_silenceJoystickWarning;
1216  }
1218  /**
1219   * Refresh the passed in control word to contain the current control word cache.
1220   *
1221   * @param word Word to refresh.
1222   */
1223  public static void refreshControlWordFromCache(ControlWord word) {
1224    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1225    try {
1226      word.update(m_controlWord);
1227    } finally {
1228      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1229    }
1230  }
1232  /**
1233   * Copy data from the DS task for the user. If no new data exists, it will just be returned,
1234   * otherwise the data will be copied from the DS polling loop.
1235   */
1236  public static void refreshData() {
1237    DriverStationJNI.refreshDSData();
1239    // Get the status of all the joysticks
1240    for (byte stick = 0; stick < kJoystickPorts; stick++) {
1241      m_joystickAxesCache[stick].m_count =
1242          DriverStationJNI.getJoystickAxes(stick, m_joystickAxesCache[stick].m_axes);
1243      m_joystickAxesRawCache[stick].m_count =
1244          DriverStationJNI.getJoystickAxesRaw(stick, m_joystickAxesRawCache[stick].m_axes);
1245      m_joystickPOVsCache[stick].m_count =
1246          DriverStationJNI.getJoystickPOVs(stick, m_joystickPOVsCache[stick].m_povs);
1247      m_joystickButtonsCache[stick].m_buttons =
1248          DriverStationJNI.getJoystickButtons(stick, m_buttonCountBuffer);
1249      m_joystickButtonsCache[stick].m_count = m_buttonCountBuffer.get(0);
1250    }
1252    DriverStationJNI.getMatchInfo(m_matchInfoCache);
1254    DriverStationJNI.getControlWord(m_controlWordCache);
1256    DataLogSender dataLogSender;
1257    // lock joystick mutex to swap cache data
1258    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1259    try {
1260      for (int i = 0; i < kJoystickPorts; i++) {
1261        // If buttons weren't pressed and are now, set flags in m_buttonsPressed
1262        m_joystickButtonsPressed[i] |=
1263            ~m_joystickButtons[i].m_buttons & m_joystickButtonsCache[i].m_buttons;
1265        // If buttons were pressed and aren't now, set flags in m_buttonsReleased
1266        m_joystickButtonsReleased[i] |=
1267            m_joystickButtons[i].m_buttons & ~m_joystickButtonsCache[i].m_buttons;
1268      }
1270      // move cache to actual data
1271      HALJoystickAxes[] currentAxes = m_joystickAxes;
1272      m_joystickAxes = m_joystickAxesCache;
1273      m_joystickAxesCache = currentAxes;
1275      HALJoystickAxesRaw[] currentAxesRaw = m_joystickAxesRaw;
1276      m_joystickAxesRaw = m_joystickAxesRawCache;
1277      m_joystickAxesRawCache = currentAxesRaw;
1279      HALJoystickButtons[] currentButtons = m_joystickButtons;
1280      m_joystickButtons = m_joystickButtonsCache;
1281      m_joystickButtonsCache = currentButtons;
1283      HALJoystickPOVs[] currentPOVs = m_joystickPOVs;
1284      m_joystickPOVs = m_joystickPOVsCache;
1285      m_joystickPOVsCache = currentPOVs;
1287      MatchInfoData currentInfo = m_matchInfo;
1288      m_matchInfo = m_matchInfoCache;
1289      m_matchInfoCache = currentInfo;
1291      ControlWord currentWord = m_controlWord;
1292      m_controlWord = m_controlWordCache;
1293      m_controlWordCache = currentWord;
1295      dataLogSender = m_dataLogSender;
1296    } finally {
1297      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1298    }
1300    m_refreshEvents.wakeup();
1302    m_matchDataSender.sendMatchData();
1303    if (dataLogSender != null) {
1304      dataLogSender.send(WPIUtilJNI.now());
1305    }
1306  }
1308  /**
1309   * Registers the given handle for DS data refresh notifications.
1310   *
1311   * @param handle The event handle.
1312   */
1313  public static void provideRefreshedDataEventHandle(int handle) {
1314    m_refreshEvents.add(handle);
1315  }
1317  /**
1318   * Unregisters the given handle from DS data refresh notifications.
1319   *
1320   * @param handle The event handle.
1321   */
1322  public static void removeRefreshedDataEventHandle(int handle) {
1323    m_refreshEvents.remove(handle);
1324  }
1326  /**
1327   * Reports errors related to unplugged joysticks Throttles the errors so that they don't overwhelm
1328   * the DS.
1329   */
1330  private static void reportJoystickUnpluggedError(String message) {
1331    double currentTime = Timer.getTimestamp();
1332    if (currentTime > m_nextMessageTime) {
1333      reportError(message, false);
1334      m_nextMessageTime = currentTime + JOYSTICK_UNPLUGGED_MESSAGE_INTERVAL;
1335    }
1336  }
1338  /**
1339   * Reports errors related to unplugged joysticks Throttles the errors so that they don't overwhelm
1340   * the DS.
1341   */
1342  private static void reportJoystickUnpluggedWarning(String message) {
1343    if (isFMSAttached() || !m_silenceJoystickWarning) {
1344      double currentTime = Timer.getTimestamp();
1345      if (currentTime > m_nextMessageTime) {
1346        reportWarning(message, false);
1347        m_nextMessageTime = currentTime + JOYSTICK_UNPLUGGED_MESSAGE_INTERVAL;
1348      }
1349    }
1350  }
1352  /**
1353   * Starts logging DriverStation data to data log. Repeated calls are ignored.
1354   *
1355   * @param log data log
1356   * @param logJoysticks if true, log joystick data
1357   */
1358  @SuppressWarnings("PMD.NonThreadSafeSingleton")
1359  public static void startDataLog(DataLog log, boolean logJoysticks) {
1360    m_cacheDataMutex.lock();
1361    try {
1362      if (m_dataLogSender == null) {
1363        m_dataLogSender = new DataLogSender(log, logJoysticks, WPIUtilJNI.now());
1364      }
1365    } finally {
1366      m_cacheDataMutex.unlock();
1367    }
1368  }
1370  /**
1371   * Starts logging DriverStation data to data log, including joystick data. Repeated calls are
1372   * ignored.
1373   *
1374   * @param log data log
1375   */
1376  public static void startDataLog(DataLog log) {
1377    startDataLog(log, true);
1378  }