001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
006/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2016. All Rights Reserved.                             */
007/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code   */
008/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
009/* the project.                                                               */
012package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj;
014// import java.lang.FdLibm.Pow;
015import edu.wpi.first.hal.FRCNetComm.tResourceType;
016import edu.wpi.first.hal.HAL;
017import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimBoolean;
018import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDevice;
019import edu.wpi.first.hal.SimDouble;
020import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.Sendable;
021import edu.wpi.first.util.sendable.SendableBuilder;
022import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
023import java.nio.ByteOrder;
025// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: TypeName
026// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: MemberName
027// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SummaryJavadoc
028// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: UnnecessaryParentheses
029// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder
030// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: NonEmptyAtclauseDescription
031// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: MissingOverride
032// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: AtclauseOrder
033// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: LocalVariableName
034// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: RedundantModifier
035// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: AbbreviationAsWordInName
036// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: ParameterName
037// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: EmptyCatchBlock
038// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: MissingJavadocMethod
039// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: MissingSwitchDefault
040// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: VariableDeclarationUsageDistance
041// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: ArrayTypeStyle
043/** This class is for the ADIS16470 IMU that connects to the RoboRIO SPI port. */
045  "unused",
046  "PMD.RedundantFieldInitializer",
047  "PMD.ImmutableField",
048  "PMD.SingularField",
049  "PMD.CollapsibleIfStatements",
050  "PMD.MissingOverride",
051  "PMD.EmptyIfStmt",
052  "PMD.EmptyStatementNotInLoop"
054public class ADIS16470_IMU implements AutoCloseable, Sendable {
055  /* ADIS16470 Register Map Declaration */
056  private static final int FLASH_CNT = 0x00; // Flash memory write count
057  private static final int DIAG_STAT = 0x02; // Diagnostic and operational status
058  private static final int X_GYRO_LOW = 0x04; // X-axis gyroscope output, lower word
059  private static final int X_GYRO_OUT = 0x06; // X-axis gyroscope output, upper word
060  private static final int Y_GYRO_LOW = 0x08; // Y-axis gyroscope output, lower word
061  private static final int Y_GYRO_OUT = 0x0A; // Y-axis gyroscope output, upper word
062  private static final int Z_GYRO_LOW = 0x0C; // Z-axis gyroscope output, lower word
063  private static final int Z_GYRO_OUT = 0x0E; // Z-axis gyroscope output, upper word
064  private static final int X_ACCL_LOW = 0x10; // X-axis accelerometer output, lower word
065  private static final int X_ACCL_OUT = 0x12; // X-axis accelerometer output, upper word
066  private static final int Y_ACCL_LOW = 0x14; // Y-axis accelerometer output, lower word
067  private static final int Y_ACCL_OUT = 0x16; // Y-axis accelerometer output, upper word
068  private static final int Z_ACCL_LOW = 0x18; // Z-axis accelerometer output, lower word
069  private static final int Z_ACCL_OUT = 0x1A; // Z-axis accelerometer output, upper word
070  private static final int TEMP_OUT = 0x1C; // Temperature output (internal, not calibrated)
071  private static final int TIME_STAMP = 0x1E; // PPS mode time stamp
072  private static final int X_DELTANG_LOW = 0x24; // X-axis delta angle output, lower word
073  private static final int X_DELTANG_OUT = 0x26; // X-axis delta angle output, upper word
074  private static final int Y_DELTANG_LOW = 0x28; // Y-axis delta angle output, lower word
075  private static final int Y_DELTANG_OUT = 0x2A; // Y-axis delta angle output, upper word
076  private static final int Z_DELTANG_LOW = 0x2C; // Z-axis delta angle output, lower word
077  private static final int Z_DELTANG_OUT = 0x2E; // Z-axis delta angle output, upper word
078  private static final int X_DELTVEL_LOW = 0x30; // X-axis delta velocity output, lower word
079  private static final int X_DELTVEL_OUT = 0x32; // X-axis delta velocity output, upper word
080  private static final int Y_DELTVEL_LOW = 0x34; // Y-axis delta velocity output, lower word
081  private static final int Y_DELTVEL_OUT = 0x36; // Y-axis delta velocity output, upper word
082  private static final int Z_DELTVEL_LOW = 0x38; // Z-axis delta velocity output, lower word
083  private static final int Z_DELTVEL_OUT = 0x3A; // Z-axis delta velocity output, upper word
084  private static final int XG_BIAS_LOW =
085      0x40; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
086  private static final int XG_BIAS_HIGH =
087      0x42; // X-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
088  private static final int YG_BIAS_LOW =
089      0x44; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
090  private static final int YG_BIAS_HIGH =
091      0x46; // Y-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
092  private static final int ZG_BIAS_LOW =
093      0x48; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, lower word
094  private static final int ZG_BIAS_HIGH =
095      0x4A; // Z-axis gyroscope bias offset correction, upper word
096  private static final int XA_BIAS_LOW =
097      0x4C; // X-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
098  private static final int XA_BIAS_HIGH =
099      0x4E; // X-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
100  private static final int YA_BIAS_LOW =
101      0x50; // Y-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
102  private static final int YA_BIAS_HIGH =
103      0x52; // Y-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
104  private static final int ZA_BIAS_LOW =
105      0x54; // Z-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, lower word
106  private static final int ZA_BIAS_HIGH =
107      0x56; // Z-axis accelerometer bias offset correction, upper word
108  private static final int FILT_CTRL = 0x5C; // Filter control
109  private static final int MSC_CTRL = 0x60; // Miscellaneous control
110  private static final int UP_SCALE = 0x62; // Clock scale factor, PPS mode
111  private static final int DEC_RATE = 0x64; // Decimation rate control (output data rate)
112  private static final int NULL_CNFG = 0x66; // Auto-null configuration control
113  private static final int GLOB_CMD = 0x68; // Global commands
114  private static final int FIRM_REV = 0x6C; // Firmware revision
115  private static final int FIRM_DM = 0x6E; // Firmware revision date, month and day
116  private static final int FIRM_Y = 0x70; // Firmware revision date, year
117  private static final int PROD_ID = 0x72; // Product identification
118  private static final int SERIAL_NUM = 0x74; // Serial number (relative to assembly lot)
119  private static final int USER_SCR1 = 0x76; // User scratch register 1
120  private static final int USER_SCR2 = 0x78; // User scratch register 2
121  private static final int USER_SCR3 = 0x7A; // User scratch register 3
122  private static final int FLSHCNT_LOW = 0x7C; // Flash update count, lower word
123  private static final int FLSHCNT_HIGH = 0x7E; // Flash update count, upper word
125  // Weight between the previous and current gyro angles represents 1 second for the timestamp,
126  // this is the point at which we ignore the previous angle because it is too old to be of use.
127  // The IMU timestamp conversion is 1 = 49.02us, the value 1_000_000 is the number of microseconds
128  // we average over.
129  private static final double AVERAGE_RATE_SCALING_FACTOR = 49.02 / 1_000_000;
131  private static final byte[] m_autospi_allAngle_packet = {
133    FLASH_CNT,
135    FLASH_CNT,
137    FLASH_CNT,
139    FLASH_CNT,
141    FLASH_CNT,
143    FLASH_CNT,
144    X_GYRO_OUT,
145    FLASH_CNT,
146    Y_GYRO_OUT,
147    FLASH_CNT,
148    Z_GYRO_OUT,
149    FLASH_CNT,
150    X_ACCL_OUT,
151    FLASH_CNT,
152    Y_ACCL_OUT,
153    FLASH_CNT,
154    Z_ACCL_OUT,
155    FLASH_CNT
156  };
158  /** ADIS16470 calibration times. */
159  public enum CalibrationTime {
160    /** 32 ms calibration time */
161    _32ms(0),
162    /** 64 ms calibration time */
163    _64ms(1),
164    /** 128 ms calibration time */
165    _128ms(2),
166    /** 256 ms calibration time */
167    _256ms(3),
168    /** 512 ms calibration time */
169    _512ms(4),
170    /** 1 s calibration time */
171    _1s(5),
172    /** 2 s calibration time */
173    _2s(6),
174    /** 4 s calibration time */
175    _4s(7),
176    /** 8 s calibration time */
177    _8s(8),
178    /** 16 s calibration time */
179    _16s(9),
180    /** 32 s calibration time */
181    _32s(10),
182    /** 64 s calibration time */
183    _64s(11);
185    private final int value;
187    CalibrationTime(int value) {
188      this.value = value;
189    }
190  }
192  /**
193   * IMU axes.
194   *
195   * <p>kX, kY, and kZ refer to the IMU's X, Y, and Z axes respectively. kYaw, kPitch, and kRoll are
196   * configured by the user to refer to an X, Y, or Z axis.
197   */
198  public enum IMUAxis {
199    /** The IMU's X axis */
200    kX,
201    /** The IMU's Y axis */
202    kY,
203    /** The IMU's Z axis */
204    kZ,
205    /** The user-configured yaw axis */
206    kYaw,
207    /** The user-configured pitch axis */
208    kPitch,
209    /** The user-configured roll axis */
210    kRoll,
211  }
213  // Static Constants
214  private static final double delta_angle_sf = 2160.0 / 2147483648.0; /* 2160 / (2^31) */
215  private static final double rad_to_deg = 57.2957795;
216  private static final double deg_to_rad = 0.0174532;
217  private static final double grav = 9.81;
219  // User-specified axes
220  private IMUAxis m_yaw_axis;
221  private IMUAxis m_pitch_axis;
222  private IMUAxis m_roll_axis;
224  // Instant raw outputs
225  private double m_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
226  private double m_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
227  private double m_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
228  private double m_average_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
229  private double m_average_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
230  private double m_average_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
231  private double m_accel_x = 0.0;
232  private double m_accel_y = 0.0;
233  private double m_accel_z = 0.0;
235  // Integrated gyro angle
236  private double m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
237  private double m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
238  private double m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
240  // Complementary filter variables
241  private double m_dt = 0.0;
242  private double m_alpha = 0.0;
243  private double m_tau = 1.0;
244  private double m_compAngleX = 0.0;
245  private double m_compAngleY = 0.0;
246  private double m_accelAngleX = 0.0;
247  private double m_accelAngleY = 0.0;
249  // State variables
250  private volatile boolean m_thread_active = false;
251  private int m_calibration_time = 0;
252  private volatile boolean m_first_run = true;
253  private volatile boolean m_thread_idle = false;
254  private boolean m_auto_configured = false;
255  private double m_scaled_sample_rate = 2500.0;
257  // Resources
258  private SPI m_spi;
259  private SPI.Port m_spi_port;
260  private DigitalInput m_auto_interrupt;
261  private DigitalOutput m_reset_out;
262  private DigitalInput m_reset_in;
263  private DigitalOutput m_status_led;
264  private Thread m_acquire_task;
265  private boolean m_connected;
267  private SimDevice m_simDevice;
268  private SimBoolean m_simConnected;
269  private SimDouble m_simGyroAngleX;
270  private SimDouble m_simGyroAngleY;
271  private SimDouble m_simGyroAngleZ;
272  private SimDouble m_simGyroRateX;
273  private SimDouble m_simGyroRateY;
274  private SimDouble m_simGyroRateZ;
275  private SimDouble m_simAccelX;
276  private SimDouble m_simAccelY;
277  private SimDouble m_simAccelZ;
279  private static class AcquireTask implements Runnable {
280    private ADIS16470_IMU imu;
282    public AcquireTask(ADIS16470_IMU imu) {
283      this.imu = imu;
284    }
286    @Override
287    public void run() {
288      imu.acquire();
289    }
290  }
292  /**
293   * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
294   *
295   * <p>The default setup is the onboard SPI port with a calibration time of 4 seconds. Yaw, pitch,
296   * and roll are kZ, kX, and kY respectively.
297   */
298  public ADIS16470_IMU() {
299    this(IMUAxis.kZ, IMUAxis.kX, IMUAxis.kY, SPI.Port.kOnboardCS0, CalibrationTime._4s);
300  }
302  /**
303   * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
304   *
305   * <p>The default setup is the onboard SPI port with a calibration time of 4 seconds.
306   *
307   * <p><b><i>Input axes limited to kX, kY and kZ. Specifying kYaw, kPitch,or kRoll will result in
308   * an error.</i></b>
309   *
310   * @param yaw_axis The axis that measures the yaw
311   * @param pitch_axis The axis that measures the pitch
312   * @param roll_axis The axis that measures the roll
313   */
314  public ADIS16470_IMU(IMUAxis yaw_axis, IMUAxis pitch_axis, IMUAxis roll_axis) {
315    this(yaw_axis, pitch_axis, roll_axis, SPI.Port.kOnboardCS0, CalibrationTime._4s);
316  }
318  /**
319   * Creates a new ADIS16740 IMU object.
320   *
321   * <p><b><i>Input axes limited to kX, kY and kZ. Specifying kYaw, kPitch,or kRoll will result in
322   * an error.</i></b>
323   *
324   * @param yaw_axis The axis that measures the yaw
325   * @param pitch_axis The axis that measures the pitch
326   * @param roll_axis The axis that measures the roll
327   * @param port The SPI Port the gyro is plugged into
328   * @param cal_time Calibration time
329   */
330  @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
331  public ADIS16470_IMU(
332      IMUAxis yaw_axis,
333      IMUAxis pitch_axis,
334      IMUAxis roll_axis,
335      SPI.Port port,
336      CalibrationTime cal_time) {
337    if (yaw_axis == IMUAxis.kYaw
338        || yaw_axis == IMUAxis.kPitch
339        || yaw_axis == IMUAxis.kRoll
340        || pitch_axis == IMUAxis.kYaw
341        || pitch_axis == IMUAxis.kPitch
342        || pitch_axis == IMUAxis.kRoll
343        || roll_axis == IMUAxis.kYaw
344        || roll_axis == IMUAxis.kPitch
345        || roll_axis == IMUAxis.kRoll) {
346      DriverStation.reportError(
347          "ADIS16470 constructor only allows IMUAxis.kX, IMUAxis.kY or IMUAxis.kZ as arguments.",
348          false);
349      DriverStation.reportError(
350          "Constructing ADIS with default axes. (IMUAxis.kZ is defined as Yaw)", false);
351      yaw_axis = IMUAxis.kZ;
352      pitch_axis = IMUAxis.kY;
353      roll_axis = IMUAxis.kX;
354    }
356    m_yaw_axis = yaw_axis;
357    m_pitch_axis = pitch_axis;
358    m_roll_axis = roll_axis;
360    m_calibration_time = cal_time.value;
361    m_spi_port = port;
363    m_acquire_task = new Thread(new AcquireTask(this));
365    m_simDevice = SimDevice.create("Gyro:ADIS16470", port.value);
366    if (m_simDevice != null) {
367      m_simConnected = m_simDevice.createBoolean("connected", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, true);
368      m_simGyroAngleX = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_angle_x", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
369      m_simGyroAngleY = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_angle_y", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
370      m_simGyroAngleZ = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_angle_z", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
371      m_simGyroRateX = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_rate_x", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
372      m_simGyroRateY = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_rate_y", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
373      m_simGyroRateZ = m_simDevice.createDouble("gyro_rate_z", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
374      m_simAccelX = m_simDevice.createDouble("accel_x", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
375      m_simAccelY = m_simDevice.createDouble("accel_y", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
376      m_simAccelZ = m_simDevice.createDouble("accel_z", SimDevice.Direction.kInput, 0.0);
377    }
379    if (m_simDevice == null) {
380      // Force the IMU reset pin to toggle on startup (doesn't require DS enable)
381      // Relies on the RIO hardware by default configuring an output as low
382      // and configuring an input as high Z. The 10k pull-up resistor internal to the
383      // IMU then forces the reset line high for normal operation.
384      m_reset_out = new DigitalOutput(27); // Drive SPI CS2 (IMU RST) low
385      Timer.delay(0.01); // Wait 10ms
386      m_reset_out.close();
387      m_reset_in = new DigitalInput(27); // Set SPI CS2 (IMU RST) high
388      Timer.delay(0.25); // Wait 250ms for reset to complete
390      if (!switchToStandardSPI()) {
391        return;
392      }
394      // Set IMU internal decimation to 4 (output data rate of 2000 SPS / (4 + 1) =
395      // 400Hz)
396      writeRegister(DEC_RATE, 4);
398      // Set data ready polarity (HIGH = Good Data), Disable gSense Compensation and
399      // PoP
400      writeRegister(MSC_CTRL, 1);
402      // Configure IMU internal Bartlett filter
403      writeRegister(FILT_CTRL, 0);
405      // Configure continuous bias calibration time based on user setting
406      writeRegister(NULL_CNFG, (m_calibration_time | 0x0700));
408      // Notify DS that IMU calibration delay is active
409      DriverStation.reportWarning(
410          "ADIS16470 IMU Detected. Starting initial calibration delay.", false);
412      // Wait for samples to accumulate internal to the IMU (110% of user-defined
413      // time)
414      try {
415        Thread.sleep((long) (Math.pow(2.0, m_calibration_time) / 2000 * 64 * 1.1 * 1000));
416      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
417      }
419      // Write offset calibration command to IMU
420      writeRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0001);
422      // Configure and enable auto SPI
423      if (!switchToAutoSPI()) {
424        return;
425      }
427      // Let the user know the IMU was initiallized successfully
428      DriverStation.reportWarning("ADIS16470 IMU Successfully Initialized!", false);
430      // Drive "Ready" LED low
431      m_status_led = new DigitalOutput(28); // Set SPI CS3 (IMU Ready LED) low
432    }
434    // Report usage and post data to DS
435    HAL.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_ADIS16470, 0);
436    m_connected = true;
437  }
439  /**
440   * Checks the connection status of the IMU.
441   *
442   * @return True if the IMU is connected, false otherwise.
443   */
444  public boolean isConnected() {
445    if (m_simConnected != null) {
446      return m_simConnected.get();
447    }
448    return m_connected;
449  }
451  /**
452   * @param buf
453   * @return
454   */
455  private static int toUShort(ByteBuffer buf) {
456    return buf.getShort(0) & 0xFFFF;
457  }
459  /**
460   * @param sint
461   * @return
462   */
463  private static long toULong(int sint) {
464    return sint & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL;
465  }
467  /**
468   * @param buf
469   * @return
470   */
471  private static int toShort(int... buf) {
472    return (short) (((buf[0] & 0xFF) << 8) + (buf[1] & 0xFF));
473  }
475  /**
476   * @param buf
477   * @return
478   */
479  private static int toInt(int... buf) {
480    return (buf[0] & 0xFF) << 24 | (buf[1] & 0xFF) << 16 | (buf[2] & 0xFF) << 8 | (buf[3] & 0xFF);
481  }
483  /**
484   * Switch to standard SPI mode.
485   *
486   * @return True if successful, false otherwise.
487   */
488  private boolean switchToStandardSPI() {
489    // Check to see whether the acquire thread is active. If so, wait for it to stop
490    // producing data.
491    if (m_thread_active) {
492      m_thread_active = false;
493      while (!m_thread_idle) {
494        try {
495          Thread.sleep(10);
496        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
497        }
498      }
499      System.out.println("Paused the IMU processing thread successfully!");
500      // Maybe we're in auto SPI mode? If so, kill auto SPI, and then SPI.
501      if (m_spi != null && m_auto_configured) {
502        m_spi.stopAuto();
503        // We need to get rid of all the garbage left in the auto SPI buffer after
504        // stopping it.
505        // Sometimes data magically reappears, so we have to check the buffer size a
506        // couple of times
507        // to be sure we got it all. Yuck.
508        int[] trashBuffer = new int[200];
509        try {
510          Thread.sleep(100);
511        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
512        }
513        int data_count = m_spi.readAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0);
514        while (data_count > 0) {
515          m_spi.readAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, Math.min(data_count, 200), 0);
516          data_count = m_spi.readAutoReceivedData(trashBuffer, 0, 0);
517        }
518        System.out.println("Paused auto SPI successfully.");
519      }
520    }
521    // There doesn't seem to be a SPI port active. Let's try to set one up
522    if (m_spi == null) {
523      System.out.println("Setting up a new SPI port.");
524      m_spi = new SPI(m_spi_port);
525      m_spi.setClockRate(2000000);
526      m_spi.setMode(SPI.Mode.kMode3);
527      m_spi.setChipSelectActiveLow();
528      readRegister(PROD_ID); // Dummy read
530      // Validate the product ID
531      if (readRegister(PROD_ID) != 16982) {
532        DriverStation.reportError("Could not find ADIS16470", false);
533        close();
534        return false;
535      }
536      return true;
537    } else {
538      // Maybe the SPI port is active, but not in auto SPI mode? Try to read the
539      // product ID.
540      readRegister(PROD_ID); // dummy read
541      if (readRegister(PROD_ID) != 16982) {
542        DriverStation.reportError("Could not find an ADIS16470", false);
543        close();
544        return false;
545      } else {
546        return true;
547      }
548    }
549  }
551  /**
552   * Switch to auto SPI mode.
553   *
554   * @return True if successful, false otherwise.
555   */
556  boolean switchToAutoSPI() {
557    // No SPI port has been set up. Go set one up first.
558    if (m_spi == null) {
559      if (!switchToStandardSPI()) {
560        DriverStation.reportError("Failed to start/restart auto SPI", false);
561        return false;
562      }
563    }
564    // Only set up the interrupt if needed.
565    if (m_auto_interrupt == null) {
566      // Configure interrupt on SPI CS1
567      m_auto_interrupt = new DigitalInput(26);
568    }
569    // The auto SPI controller gets angry if you try to set up two instances on one
570    // bus.
571    if (!m_auto_configured) {
572      m_spi.initAuto(8200);
573      m_auto_configured = true;
574    }
575    // Do we need to change auto SPI settings?
576    m_spi.setAutoTransmitData(m_autospi_allAngle_packet, 2);
577    // Configure auto stall time
578    m_spi.configureAutoStall(5, 1000, 1);
579    // Kick off auto SPI (Note: Device configuration impossible after auto SPI is
580    // activated)
581    // DR High = Data good (data capture should be triggered on the rising edge)
582    m_spi.startAutoTrigger(m_auto_interrupt, true, false);
584    // Check to see if the acquire thread is running. If not, kick one off.
585    if (!m_acquire_task.isAlive()) {
586      m_first_run = true;
587      m_thread_active = true;
588      m_acquire_task.start();
589      System.out.println("Processing thread activated!");
590    } else {
591      // The thread was running, re-init run variables and start it up again.
592      m_first_run = true;
593      m_thread_active = true;
594      System.out.println("Processing thread activated!");
595    }
596    // Looks like the thread didn't start for some reason. Abort.
597    if (!m_acquire_task.isAlive()) {
598      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to start/restart the acquire() thread.", false);
599      close();
600      return false;
601    }
602    return true;
603  }
605  /**
606   * Configures calibration time
607   *
608   * @param new_cal_time New calibration time
609   * @return 1 if the new calibration time is the same as the current one else 0
610   */
611  public int configCalTime(CalibrationTime new_cal_time) {
612    if (m_calibration_time == new_cal_time.value) {
613      return 1;
614    }
615    if (!switchToStandardSPI()) {
616      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.", false);
617      return 2;
618    }
619    m_calibration_time = new_cal_time.value;
620    writeRegister(NULL_CNFG, (m_calibration_time | 0x700));
621    if (!switchToAutoSPI()) {
622      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.", false);
623      return 2;
624    }
625    return 0;
626  }
628  /**
629   * Configures the decimation rate of the IMU.
630   *
631   * @param decimationRate The new decimation value.
632   * @return 0 if success, 1 if no change, 2 if error.
633   */
634  public int configDecRate(int decimationRate) {
635    // Switches the active SPI port to standard SPI mode, writes a new value to
636    // the DECIMATE register in the IMU, and re-enables auto SPI.
637    //
638    // This function enters standard SPI mode, writes a new DECIMATE setting to
639    // the IMU, adjusts the sample scale factor, and re-enters auto SPI mode.
640    if (!switchToStandardSPI()) {
641      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.", false);
642      return 2;
643    }
644    if (decimationRate > 1999) {
645      DriverStation.reportError("Attempted to write an invalid decimation value.", false);
646      decimationRate = 1999;
647    }
648    m_scaled_sample_rate = (((decimationRate + 1.0) / 2000.0) * 1000000.0);
649    writeRegister(DEC_RATE, decimationRate);
650    System.out.println("Decimation register: " + readRegister(DEC_RATE));
651    if (!switchToAutoSPI()) {
652      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.", false);
653      return 2;
654    }
655    return 0;
656  }
658  /**
659   * Calibrate the gyro. It's important to make sure that the robot is not moving while the
660   * calibration is in progress, this is typically done when the robot is first turned on while it's
661   * sitting at rest before the match starts.
662   */
663  public void calibrate() {
664    if (!switchToStandardSPI()) {
665      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure standard SPI.", false);
666    }
667    writeRegister(GLOB_CMD, 0x0001);
668    if (!switchToAutoSPI()) {
669      DriverStation.reportError("Failed to configure/reconfigure auto SPI.", false);
670    }
671  }
673  /**
674   * @param reg
675   * @return
676   */
677  private int readRegister(int reg) {
678    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2);
679    buf.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
680    buf.put(0, (byte) (reg & 0x7f));
681    buf.put(1, (byte) 0);
683    m_spi.write(buf, 2);
684    m_spi.read(false, buf, 2);
686    return toUShort(buf);
687  }
689  /**
690   * @param reg
691   * @param val
692   */
693  private void writeRegister(int reg, int val) {
694    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2);
695    // low byte
696    buf.put(0, (byte) (0x80 | reg));
697    buf.put(1, (byte) (val & 0xff));
698    m_spi.write(buf, 2);
699    // high byte
700    buf.put(0, (byte) (0x81 | reg));
701    buf.put(1, (byte) (val >> 8));
702    m_spi.write(buf, 2);
703  }
705  /** Delete (free) the spi port used for the IMU. */
706  @Override
707  public void close() {
708    if (m_thread_active) {
709      m_thread_active = false;
710      try {
711        if (m_acquire_task != null) {
712          m_acquire_task.join();
713          m_acquire_task = null;
714        }
715      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
716      }
717      if (m_spi != null) {
718        if (m_auto_configured) {
719          m_spi.stopAuto();
720        }
721        m_spi.close();
722        m_auto_configured = false;
723        if (m_auto_interrupt != null) {
724          m_auto_interrupt.close();
725          m_auto_interrupt = null;
726        }
727        m_spi = null;
728      }
729    }
730    if (m_simDevice != null) {
731      m_simDevice.close();
732      m_simDevice = null;
733    }
734    System.out.println("Finished cleaning up after the IMU driver.");
735  }
737  /** */
738  private void acquire() {
739    // Set data packet length
740    final int dataset_len = 27; // 26 data points + timestamp
741    final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4000;
743    // Set up buffers and variables
744    int[] buffer = new int[BUFFER_SIZE];
745    int data_count = 0;
746    int data_remainder = 0;
747    int data_to_read = 0;
748    double previous_timestamp = 0.0;
749    double delta_angle_x = 0.0;
750    double delta_angle_y = 0.0;
751    double delta_angle_z = 0.0;
752    double gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
753    double gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
754    double gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
755    double accel_x = 0.0;
756    double accel_y = 0.0;
757    double accel_z = 0.0;
758    double gyro_rate_x_si = 0.0;
759    double gyro_rate_y_si = 0.0;
760    double gyro_rate_z_si = 0.0;
761    double accel_x_si = 0.0;
762    double accel_y_si = 0.0;
763    double accel_z_si = 0.0;
764    double compAngleX = 0.0;
765    double compAngleY = 0.0;
766    double accelAngleX = 0.0;
767    double accelAngleY = 0.0;
769    while (true) {
770      // Sleep loop for 10ms
771      try {
772        Thread.sleep(10);
773      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
774      }
776      if (m_thread_active) {
777        m_thread_idle = false;
779        data_count =
780            m_spi.readAutoReceivedData(
781                buffer, 0, 0); // Read number of bytes currently stored in the buffer
783        data_remainder =
784            data_count % dataset_len; // Check if frame is incomplete. Add 1 because of timestamp
785        data_to_read = data_count - data_remainder; // Remove incomplete data from read count
786        /* Want to cap the data to read in a single read at the buffer size */
787        if (data_to_read > BUFFER_SIZE) {
788          DriverStation.reportWarning(
789              "ADIS16470 data processing thread overrun has occurred!", false);
790          data_to_read = BUFFER_SIZE - (BUFFER_SIZE % dataset_len);
791        }
792        m_spi.readAutoReceivedData(
793            buffer, data_to_read, 0); // Read data from DMA buffer (only complete sets)
795        // Could be multiple data sets in the buffer. Handle each one.
796        for (int i = 0; i < data_to_read; i += dataset_len) {
797          // Timestamp is at buffer[i]
798          m_dt = ((double) buffer[i] - previous_timestamp) / 1000000.0;
800          /*
801           * System.out.println(((toInt(buffer[i + 3], buffer[i + 4], buffer[i + 5],
802           * buffer[i + 6]))*delta_angle_sf) / ((10000.0 / (buffer[i] -
803           * previous_timestamp)) / 100.0));
804           * // DEBUG: Plot Sub-Array Data in Terminal
805           * for (int j = 0; j < data_to_read; j++) {
806           * System.out.print(buffer[j]);
807           * System.out.print(" ,");
808           * }
809           * System.out.println(" ");
810           * //System.out.println(((toInt(buffer[i + 3], buffer[i + 4], buffer[i + 5],
811           * buffer[i + 6]))*delta_angle_sf) / ((10000.0 / (buffer[i] -
812           * previous_timestamp)) / 100.0) + "," + buffer[3] + "," + buffer[4] + "," +
813           * buffer[5] + "," + buffer[6]
814           * /*toShort(buffer[7], buffer[8]) + "," +
815           * toShort(buffer[9], buffer[10]) + "," +
816           * toShort(buffer[11], buffer[12]) + "," +
817           * toShort(buffer[13], buffer[14]) + "," +
818           * toShort(buffer[15], buffer[16]) + ","
819           * + toShort(buffer[17], buffer[18]));
820           */
822          /*
823           * Get delta angle value for all 3 axes and scale by the elapsed time
824           * (based on timestamp)
825           */
826          delta_angle_x =
827              (toInt(buffer[i + 3], buffer[i + 4], buffer[i + 5], buffer[i + 6]) * delta_angle_sf)
828                  / (m_scaled_sample_rate / (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp));
829          delta_angle_y =
830              (toInt(buffer[i + 7], buffer[i + 8], buffer[i + 9], buffer[i + 10]) * delta_angle_sf)
831                  / (m_scaled_sample_rate / (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp));
832          delta_angle_z =
833              (toInt(buffer[i + 11], buffer[i + 12], buffer[i + 13], buffer[i + 14])
834                      * delta_angle_sf)
835                  / (m_scaled_sample_rate / (buffer[i] - previous_timestamp));
837          gyro_rate_x = (toShort(buffer[i + 15], buffer[i + 16]) / 10.0);
838          gyro_rate_y = (toShort(buffer[i + 17], buffer[i + 18]) / 10.0);
839          gyro_rate_z = (toShort(buffer[i + 19], buffer[i + 20]) / 10.0);
841          accel_x = (toShort(buffer[i + 21], buffer[i + 22]) / 800.0);
842          accel_y = (toShort(buffer[i + 23], buffer[i + 24]) / 800.0);
843          accel_z = (toShort(buffer[i + 25], buffer[i + 26]) / 800.0);
845          // Convert scaled sensor data to SI units (for tilt calculations)
846          // TODO: Should the unit outputs be selectable?
847          gyro_rate_x_si = gyro_rate_x * deg_to_rad;
848          gyro_rate_y_si = gyro_rate_y * deg_to_rad;
849          gyro_rate_z_si = gyro_rate_z * deg_to_rad;
850          accel_x_si = accel_x * grav;
851          accel_y_si = accel_y * grav;
852          accel_z_si = accel_z * grav;
854          // Store timestamp for next iteration
855          previous_timestamp = buffer[i];
857          m_alpha = m_tau / (m_tau + m_dt);
859          if (m_first_run) {
860            // Set up inclinometer calculations for first run
861            accelAngleX =
862                Math.atan2(
863                    accel_x_si, Math.sqrt((accel_y_si * accel_y_si) + (accel_z_si * accel_z_si)));
864            accelAngleY =
865                Math.atan2(
866                    accel_y_si, Math.sqrt((accel_x_si * accel_x_si) + (accel_z_si * accel_z_si)));
867            compAngleX = accelAngleX;
868            compAngleY = accelAngleY;
870            m_average_gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
871            m_average_gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
872            m_average_gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
873          } else {
874            // Run inclinometer calculations
875            accelAngleX =
876                Math.atan2(
877                    accel_x_si, Math.sqrt((accel_y_si * accel_y_si) + (accel_z_si * accel_z_si)));
878            accelAngleY =
879                Math.atan2(
880                    accel_y_si, Math.sqrt((accel_x_si * accel_x_si) + (accel_z_si * accel_z_si)));
881            accelAngleX = formatAccelRange(accelAngleX, accel_z_si);
882            accelAngleY = formatAccelRange(accelAngleY, accel_z_si);
883            compAngleX = compFilterProcess(compAngleX, accelAngleX, -gyro_rate_y_si);
884            compAngleY = compFilterProcess(compAngleY, accelAngleY, gyro_rate_x_si);
885          }
887          synchronized (this) {
888            /* Push data to global variables */
889            if (m_first_run) {
890              /*
891               * Don't accumulate first run. previous_timestamp will be "very" old and the
892               * integration will end up way off
893               */
894              m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
895              m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
896              m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
897            } else {
898              m_integ_angle_x += delta_angle_x;
899              m_integ_angle_y += delta_angle_y;
900              m_integ_angle_z += delta_angle_z;
901            }
902            m_gyro_rate_x = gyro_rate_x;
903            m_gyro_rate_y = gyro_rate_y;
904            m_gyro_rate_z = gyro_rate_z;
905            m_accel_x = accel_x;
906            m_accel_y = accel_y;
907            m_accel_z = accel_z;
908            m_compAngleX = compAngleX * rad_to_deg;
909            m_compAngleY = compAngleY * rad_to_deg;
910            m_accelAngleX = accelAngleX * rad_to_deg;
911            m_accelAngleY = accelAngleY * rad_to_deg;
912            m_average_gyro_rate_x += gyro_rate_x;
913            m_average_gyro_rate_y += gyro_rate_y;
914            m_average_gyro_rate_z += gyro_rate_z;
915          }
916          m_first_run = false;
917        }
919        // The inverse of data to read divided by dataset length, his is the number of iterations
920        // of the for loop inverted (so multiplication can be used instead of division)
921        double invTotalIterations = (double) dataset_len / data_to_read;
922        m_average_gyro_rate_x *= invTotalIterations;
923        m_average_gyro_rate_y *= invTotalIterations;
924        m_average_gyro_rate_z *= invTotalIterations;
925      } else {
926        m_thread_idle = true;
927        data_count = 0;
928        data_remainder = 0;
929        data_to_read = 0;
930        previous_timestamp = 0.0;
931        delta_angle_x = 0.0;
932        delta_angle_y = 0.0;
933        delta_angle_z = 0.0;
934        gyro_rate_x = 0.0;
935        gyro_rate_y = 0.0;
936        gyro_rate_z = 0.0;
937        accel_x = 0.0;
938        accel_y = 0.0;
939        accel_z = 0.0;
940        gyro_rate_x_si = 0.0;
941        gyro_rate_y_si = 0.0;
942        gyro_rate_z_si = 0.0;
943        accel_x_si = 0.0;
944        accel_y_si = 0.0;
945        accel_z_si = 0.0;
946        compAngleX = 0.0;
947        compAngleY = 0.0;
948        accelAngleX = 0.0;
949        accelAngleY = 0.0;
950      }
951    }
952  }
954  /**
955   * @param compAngle
956   * @param accAngle
957   * @return
958   */
959  private double formatFastConverge(double compAngle, double accAngle) {
960    if (compAngle > accAngle + Math.PI) {
961      compAngle = compAngle - 2.0 * Math.PI;
962    } else if (accAngle > compAngle + Math.PI) {
963      compAngle = compAngle + 2.0 * Math.PI;
964    }
965    return compAngle;
966  }
968  /**
969   * @param compAngle
970   * @return
971   */
972  private double formatRange0to2PI(double compAngle) {
973    while (compAngle >= 2 * Math.PI) {
974      compAngle = compAngle - 2.0 * Math.PI;
975    }
976    while (compAngle < 0.0) {
977      compAngle = compAngle + 2.0 * Math.PI;
978    }
979    return compAngle;
980  }
982  /**
983   * @param accelAngle
984   * @param accelZ
985   * @return
986   */
987  private double formatAccelRange(double accelAngle, double accelZ) {
988    if (accelZ < 0.0) {
989      accelAngle = Math.PI - accelAngle;
990    } else if (accelZ > 0.0 && accelAngle < 0.0) {
991      accelAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI + accelAngle;
992    }
993    return accelAngle;
994  }
996  /**
997   * @param compAngle
998   * @param accelAngle
999   * @param omega
1000   * @return
1001   */
1002  private double compFilterProcess(double compAngle, double accelAngle, double omega) {
1003    compAngle = formatFastConverge(compAngle, accelAngle);
1004    compAngle = m_alpha * (compAngle + omega * m_dt) + (1.0 - m_alpha) * accelAngle;
1005    compAngle = formatRange0to2PI(compAngle);
1006    if (compAngle > Math.PI) {
1007      compAngle = compAngle - 2.0 * Math.PI;
1008    }
1009    return compAngle;
1010  }
1012  /**
1013   * Reset the gyro.
1014   *
1015   * <p>Resets the gyro accumulations to a heading of zero. This can be used if there is significant
1016   * drift in the gyro and it needs to be recalibrated after running.
1017   */
1018  public void reset() {
1019    synchronized (this) {
1020      m_integ_angle_x = 0.0;
1021      m_integ_angle_y = 0.0;
1022      m_integ_angle_z = 0.0;
1023    }
1024  }
1026  /**
1027   * Allow the designated gyro angle to be set to a given value. This may happen with unread values
1028   * in the buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving when this method is run.
1029   *
1030   * @param axis IMUAxis that will be changed
1031   * @param angle A double in degrees (CCW positive)
1032   */
1033  public void setGyroAngle(IMUAxis axis, double angle) {
1034    switch (axis) {
1035      case kYaw:
1036        axis = m_yaw_axis;
1037        break;
1038      case kPitch:
1039        axis = m_pitch_axis;
1040        break;
1041      case kRoll:
1042        axis = m_roll_axis;
1043        break;
1044      default:
1045    }
1047    switch (axis) {
1048      case kX:
1049        this.setGyroAngleX(angle);
1050        break;
1051      case kY:
1052        this.setGyroAngleY(angle);
1053        break;
1054      case kZ:
1055        this.setGyroAngleZ(angle);
1056        break;
1057      default:
1058    }
1059  }
1061  /**
1062   * Allow the gyro angle X to be set to a given value. This may happen with unread values in the
1063   * buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving when this method is run.
1064   *
1065   * @param angle A double in degrees (CCW positive)
1066   */
1067  public void setGyroAngleX(double angle) {
1068    synchronized (this) {
1069      m_integ_angle_x = angle;
1070    }
1071  }
1073  /**
1074   * Allow the gyro angle Y to be set to a given value. This may happen with unread values in the
1075   * buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving when this method is run.
1076   *
1077   * @param angle A double in degrees (CCW positive)
1078   */
1079  public void setGyroAngleY(double angle) {
1080    synchronized (this) {
1081      m_integ_angle_y = angle;
1082    }
1083  }
1085  /**
1086   * Allow the gyro angle Z to be set to a given value. This may happen with unread values in the
1087   * buffer, it is suggested that the IMU is not moving when this method is run.
1088   *
1089   * @param angle A double in degrees (CCW positive)
1090   */
1091  public void setGyroAngleZ(double angle) {
1092    synchronized (this) {
1093      m_integ_angle_z = angle;
1094    }
1095  }
1097  /**
1098   * Returns the axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
1099   *
1100   * @param axis The IMUAxis whose angle to return.
1101   * @return The axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
1102   */
1103  public synchronized double getAngle(IMUAxis axis) {
1104    switch (axis) {
1105      case kYaw:
1106        axis = m_yaw_axis;
1107        break;
1108      case kPitch:
1109        axis = m_pitch_axis;
1110        break;
1111      case kRoll:
1112        axis = m_roll_axis;
1113        break;
1114      default:
1115    }
1117    switch (axis) {
1118      case kX:
1119        if (m_simGyroAngleX != null) {
1120          return m_simGyroAngleX.get();
1121        }
1122        return m_integ_angle_x;
1123      case kY:
1124        if (m_simGyroAngleY != null) {
1125          return m_simGyroAngleY.get();
1126        }
1127        return m_integ_angle_y;
1128      case kZ:
1129        if (m_simGyroAngleZ != null) {
1130          return m_simGyroAngleZ.get();
1131        }
1132        return m_integ_angle_z;
1133      default:
1134    }
1136    return 0.0;
1137  }
1139  /**
1140   * Returns the Yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
1141   *
1142   * @return The Yaw axis angle in degrees (CCW positive).
1143   */
1144  public synchronized double getAngle() {
1145    switch (m_yaw_axis) {
1146      case kX:
1147        if (m_simGyroAngleX != null) {
1148          return m_simGyroAngleX.get();
1149        }
1150        return m_integ_angle_x;
1151      case kY:
1152        if (m_simGyroAngleY != null) {
1153          return m_simGyroAngleY.get();
1154        }
1155        return m_integ_angle_y;
1156      case kZ:
1157        if (m_simGyroAngleZ != null) {
1158          return m_simGyroAngleZ.get();
1159        }
1160        return m_integ_angle_z;
1161      default:
1162    }
1163    return 0.0;
1164  }
1166  /**
1167   * Returns the axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
1168   *
1169   * @param axis The IMUAxis whose rate to return.
1170   * @return Axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
1171   */
1172  public synchronized double getRate(IMUAxis axis) {
1173    switch (axis) {
1174      case kYaw:
1175        axis = m_yaw_axis;
1176        break;
1177      case kPitch:
1178        axis = m_pitch_axis;
1179        break;
1180      case kRoll:
1181        axis = m_roll_axis;
1182        break;
1183      default:
1184    }
1186    switch (axis) {
1187      case kX:
1188        if (m_simGyroRateX != null) {
1189          return m_simGyroRateX.get();
1190        }
1191        return m_gyro_rate_x;
1192      case kY:
1193        if (m_simGyroRateY != null) {
1194          return m_simGyroRateY.get();
1195        }
1196        return m_gyro_rate_y;
1197      case kZ:
1198        if (m_simGyroRateZ != null) {
1199          return m_simGyroRateZ.get();
1200        }
1201        return m_gyro_rate_z;
1202      default:
1203    }
1204    return 0.0;
1205  }
1207  /**
1208   * Returns the Yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
1209   *
1210   * @return Yaw axis angular rate in degrees per second (CCW positive).
1211   */
1212  public synchronized double getRate() {
1213    switch (m_yaw_axis) {
1214      case kX:
1215        if (m_simGyroRateX != null) {
1216          return m_simGyroRateX.get();
1217        }
1218        return m_gyro_rate_x;
1219      case kY:
1220        if (m_simGyroRateY != null) {
1221          return m_simGyroRateY.get();
1222        }
1223        return m_gyro_rate_y;
1224      case kZ:
1225        if (m_simGyroRateZ != null) {
1226          return m_simGyroRateZ.get();
1227        }
1228        return m_gyro_rate_z;
1229      default:
1230    }
1231    return 0.0;
1232  }
1234  /**
1235   * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the yaw axis.
1236   *
1237   * @return IMUAxis Yaw Axis
1238   */
1239  public IMUAxis getYawAxis() {
1240    return m_yaw_axis;
1241  }
1243  /**
1244   * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the pitch axis.
1245   *
1246   * @return IMUAxis Pitch Axis
1247   */
1248  public IMUAxis getPitchAxis() {
1249    return m_pitch_axis;
1250  }
1252  /**
1253   * Returns which axis, kX, kY, or kZ, is set to the roll axis.
1254   *
1255   * @return IMUAxis Roll Axis
1256   */
1257  public IMUAxis getRollAxis() {
1258    return m_roll_axis;
1259  }
1261  /**
1262   * Returns the acceleration in the X axis in meters per second squared.
1263   *
1264   * @return The acceleration in the X axis in meters per second squared.
1265   */
1266  public synchronized double getAccelX() {
1267    return m_accel_x * 9.81;
1268  }
1270  /**
1271   * Returns the acceleration in the Y axis in meters per second squared.
1272   *
1273   * @return The acceleration in the Y axis in meters per second squared.
1274   */
1275  public synchronized double getAccelY() {
1276    return m_accel_y * 9.81;
1277  }
1279  /**
1280   * Returns the acceleration in the Z axis in meters per second squared.
1281   *
1282   * @return The acceleration in the Z axis in meters per second squared.
1283   */
1284  public synchronized double getAccelZ() {
1285    return m_accel_z * 9.81;
1286  }
1288  /**
1289   * Returns the complementary angle around the X axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate
1290   * measurements.
1291   *
1292   * @return The X-axis complementary angle in degrees.
1293   */
1294  public synchronized double getXComplementaryAngle() {
1295    return m_compAngleX;
1296  }
1298  /**
1299   * Returns the complementary angle around the Y axis computed from accelerometer and gyro rate
1300   * measurements.
1301   *
1302   * @return The Y-axis complementary angle in degrees.
1303   */
1304  public synchronized double getYComplementaryAngle() {
1305    return m_compAngleY;
1306  }
1308  /**
1309   * Returns the X-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
1310   *
1311   * @return The X-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
1312   */
1313  public synchronized double getXFilteredAccelAngle() {
1314    return m_accelAngleX;
1315  }
1317  /**
1318   * Returns the Y-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
1319   *
1320   * @return The Y-axis filtered acceleration angle in degrees.
1321   */
1322  public synchronized double getYFilteredAccelAngle() {
1323    return m_accelAngleY;
1324  }
1326  /**
1327   * Gets the SPI port number.
1328   *
1329   * @return The SPI port number.
1330   */
1331  public int getPort() {
1332    return m_spi_port.value;
1333  }
1335  @Override
1336  public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
1337    builder.setSmartDashboardType("Gyro");
1338    builder.addDoubleProperty("Value", () -> getAngle(m_yaw_axis), null);
1339  }