001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.util.datalog;
007import edu.wpi.first.util.WPIUtilJNI;
008import edu.wpi.first.util.protobuf.Protobuf;
009import edu.wpi.first.util.struct.Struct;
010import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
011import java.util.HashSet;
012import java.util.Set;
013import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
014import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
017 * A data log for high-speed writing of data values.
018 *
019 * <p>The finish() function is needed only to indicate in the log that a particular entry is no
020 * longer being used (it releases the name to ID mapping). The finish() function is not required to
021 * be called for data to be flushed to disk; entries in the log are written as append() calls are
022 * being made. In fact, finish() does not need to be called at all.
023 *
024 * <p>DataLog calls are thread safe. DataLog uses a typical multiple-supplier, single-consumer
025 * setup. Writes to the log are atomic, but there is no guaranteed order in the log when multiple
026 * threads are writing to it; whichever thread grabs the write mutex first will get written first.
027 * For this reason (as well as the fact that timestamps can be set to arbitrary values), records in
028 * the log are not guaranteed to be sorted by timestamp.
029 */
030public class DataLog implements AutoCloseable {
031  /**
032   * Constructs.
033   *
034   * @param impl implementation handle
035   */
036  protected DataLog(long impl) {
037    m_impl = impl;
038  }
040  /** Explicitly flushes the log data to disk. */
041  public void flush() {
042    DataLogJNI.flush(m_impl);
043  }
045  /**
046   * Pauses appending of data records to the log. While paused, no data records are saved (e.g.
047   * AppendX is a no-op). Has no effect on entry starts / finishes / metadata changes.
048   */
049  public void pause() {
050    DataLogJNI.pause(m_impl);
051  }
053  /** Resumes appending of data records to the log. */
054  public void resume() {
055    DataLogJNI.resume(m_impl);
056  }
058  /** Stops appending all records to the log, and closes the log file. */
059  public void stop() {
060    DataLogJNI.stop(m_impl);
061  }
063  /**
064   * Returns whether there is a data schema already registered with the given name.
065   *
066   * @param name Name (the string passed as the data type for records using this schema)
067   * @return True if schema already registered
068   */
069  public boolean hasSchema(String name) {
070    return m_schemaMap.containsKey(name);
071  }
073  /**
074   * Registers a data schema. Data schemas provide information for how a certain data type string
075   * can be decoded. The type string of a data schema indicates the type of the schema itself (e.g.
076   * "protobuf" for protobuf schemas, "struct" for struct schemas, etc). In the data log, schemas
077   * are saved just like normal records, with the name being generated from the provided name:
078   * "/.schema/name". Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently ignored.
079   *
080   * @param name Name (the string passed as the data type for records using this schema)
081   * @param type Type of schema (e.g. "protobuf", "struct", etc)
082   * @param schema Schema data
083   * @param timestamp Time stamp (may be 0 to indicate now)
084   */
085  public void addSchema(String name, String type, byte[] schema, long timestamp) {
086    if (m_schemaMap.putIfAbsent(name, 1) != null) {
087      return;
088    }
089    DataLogJNI.addSchema(m_impl, name, type, schema, timestamp);
090  }
092  /**
093   * Registers a data schema. Data schemas provide information for how a certain data type string
094   * can be decoded. The type string of a data schema indicates the type of the schema itself (e.g.
095   * "protobuf" for protobuf schemas, "struct" for struct schemas, etc). In the data log, schemas
096   * are saved just like normal records, with the name being generated from the provided name:
097   * "/.schema/name". Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently ignored.
098   *
099   * @param name Name (the string passed as the data type for records using this schema)
100   * @param type Type of schema (e.g. "protobuf", "struct", etc)
101   * @param schema Schema data
102   */
103  public void addSchema(String name, String type, byte[] schema) {
104    addSchema(name, type, schema, 0);
105  }
107  /**
108   * Registers a data schema. Data schemas provide information for how a certain data type string
109   * can be decoded. The type string of a data schema indicates the type of the schema itself (e.g.
110   * "protobuf" for protobuf schemas, "struct" for struct schemas, etc). In the data log, schemas
111   * are saved just like normal records, with the name being generated from the provided name:
112   * "/.schema/name". Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently ignored.
113   *
114   * @param name Name (the string passed as the data type for records using this schema)
115   * @param type Type of schema (e.g. "protobuf", "struct", etc)
116   * @param schema Schema data
117   * @param timestamp Time stamp (may be 0 to indicate now)
118   */
119  public void addSchema(String name, String type, String schema, long timestamp) {
120    if (m_schemaMap.putIfAbsent(name, 1) != null) {
121      return;
122    }
123    DataLogJNI.addSchemaString(m_impl, name, type, schema, timestamp);
124  }
126  /**
127   * Registers a data schema. Data schemas provide information for how a certain data type string
128   * can be decoded. The type string of a data schema indicates the type of the schema itself (e.g.
129   * "protobuf" for protobuf schemas, "struct" for struct schemas, etc). In the data log, schemas
130   * are saved just like normal records, with the name being generated from the provided name:
131   * "/.schema/name". Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently ignored.
132   *
133   * @param name Name (the string passed as the data type for records using this schema)
134   * @param type Type of schema (e.g. "protobuf", "struct", etc)
135   * @param schema Schema data
136   */
137  public void addSchema(String name, String type, String schema) {
138    addSchema(name, type, schema, 0);
139  }
141  /**
142   * Registers a protobuf schema. Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently
143   * ignored.
144   *
145   * @param proto protobuf serialization object
146   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
147   */
148  public void addSchema(Protobuf<?, ?> proto, long timestamp) {
149    final long actualTimestamp = timestamp == 0 ? WPIUtilJNI.now() : timestamp;
150    proto.forEachDescriptor(
151        this::hasSchema,
152        (typeString, schema) ->
153            addSchema(typeString, "proto:FileDescriptorProto", schema, actualTimestamp));
154  }
156  /**
157   * Registers a protobuf schema. Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently
158   * ignored.
159   *
160   * @param proto protobuf serialization object
161   */
162  public void addSchema(Protobuf<?, ?> proto) {
163    addSchema(proto, 0);
164  }
166  /**
167   * Registers a struct schema. Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently
168   * ignored.
169   *
170   * @param struct struct serialization object
171   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
172   */
173  public void addSchema(Struct<?> struct, long timestamp) {
174    addSchemaImpl(struct, timestamp == 0 ? WPIUtilJNI.now() : timestamp, new HashSet<>());
175  }
177  /**
178   * Registers a struct schema. Duplicate calls to this function with the same name are silently
179   * ignored.
180   *
181   * @param struct struct serialization object
182   */
183  public void addSchema(Struct<?> struct) {
184    addSchema(struct, 0);
185  }
187  /**
188   * Start an entry. Duplicate names are allowed (with the same type), and result in the same index
189   * being returned (start/finish are reference counted). A duplicate name with a different type
190   * will result in an error message being printed to the console and 0 being returned (which will
191   * be ignored by the append functions).
192   *
193   * @param name Name
194   * @param type Data type
195   * @param metadata Initial metadata (e.g. data properties)
196   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
197   * @return Entry index
198   */
199  public int start(String name, String type, String metadata, long timestamp) {
200    return DataLogJNI.start(m_impl, name, type, metadata, timestamp);
201  }
203  /**
204   * Start an entry. Duplicate names are allowed (with the same type), and result in the same index
205   * being returned (start/finish are reference counted). A duplicate name with a different type
206   * will result in an error message being printed to the console and 0 being returned (which will
207   * be ignored by the append functions).
208   *
209   * @param name Name
210   * @param type Data type
211   * @param metadata Initial metadata (e.g. data properties)
212   * @return Entry index
213   */
214  public int start(String name, String type, String metadata) {
215    return start(name, type, metadata, 0);
216  }
218  /**
219   * Start an entry. Duplicate names are allowed (with the same type), and result in the same index
220   * being returned (start/finish are reference counted). A duplicate name with a different type
221   * will result in an error message being printed to the console and 0 being returned (which will
222   * be ignored by the append functions).
223   *
224   * @param name Name
225   * @param type Data type
226   * @return Entry index
227   */
228  public int start(String name, String type) {
229    return start(name, type, "");
230  }
232  /**
233   * Finish an entry.
234   *
235   * @param entry Entry index
236   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
237   */
238  public void finish(int entry, long timestamp) {
239    DataLogJNI.finish(m_impl, entry, timestamp);
240  }
242  /**
243   * Finish an entry.
244   *
245   * @param entry Entry index
246   */
247  public void finish(int entry) {
248    finish(entry, 0);
249  }
251  /**
252   * Updates the metadata for an entry.
253   *
254   * @param entry Entry index
255   * @param metadata New metadata for the entry
256   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
257   */
258  public void setMetadata(int entry, String metadata, long timestamp) {
259    DataLogJNI.setMetadata(m_impl, entry, metadata, timestamp);
260  }
262  /**
263   * Updates the metadata for an entry.
264   *
265   * @param entry Entry index
266   * @param metadata New metadata for the entry
267   */
268  public void setMetadata(int entry, String metadata) {
269    setMetadata(entry, metadata, 0);
270  }
272  @Override
273  public void close() {
274    DataLogJNI.close(m_impl);
275    m_impl = 0;
276  }
278  /**
279   * Appends a raw record to the log.
280   *
281   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
282   * @param data Byte array to record; will send entire array contents
283   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
284   */
285  public void appendRaw(int entry, byte[] data, long timestamp) {
286    appendRaw(entry, data, 0, data.length, timestamp);
287  }
289  /**
290   * Appends a record to the log.
291   *
292   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
293   * @param data Byte array to record
294   * @param start Start position of data (in byte array)
295   * @param len Length of data (must be less than or equal to data.length - start)
296   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
297   */
298  public void appendRaw(int entry, byte[] data, int start, int len, long timestamp) {
299    DataLogJNI.appendRaw(m_impl, entry, data, start, len, timestamp);
300  }
302  /**
303   * Appends a record to the log.
304   *
305   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
306   * @param data Buffer to record; will send from data.position() to data.limit()
307   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
308   */
309  public void appendRaw(int entry, ByteBuffer data, long timestamp) {
310    int pos = data.position();
311    appendRaw(entry, data, pos, data.limit() - pos, timestamp);
312  }
314  /**
315   * Appends a record to the log.
316   *
317   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
318   * @param data Buffer to record
319   * @param start Start position of data (in buffer)
320   * @param len Length of data (must be less than or equal to data.capacity() - start)
321   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
322   */
323  public void appendRaw(int entry, ByteBuffer data, int start, int len, long timestamp) {
324    DataLogJNI.appendRaw(m_impl, entry, data, start, len, timestamp);
325  }
327  /**
328   * Appends a boolean record to the log.
329   *
330   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
331   * @param value Boolean value to record
332   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
333   */
334  public void appendBoolean(int entry, boolean value, long timestamp) {
335    DataLogJNI.appendBoolean(m_impl, entry, value, timestamp);
336  }
338  /**
339   * Appends an integer record to the log.
340   *
341   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
342   * @param value Integer value to record
343   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
344   */
345  public void appendInteger(int entry, long value, long timestamp) {
346    DataLogJNI.appendInteger(m_impl, entry, value, timestamp);
347  }
349  /**
350   * Appends a float record to the log.
351   *
352   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
353   * @param value Float value to record
354   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
355   */
356  public void appendFloat(int entry, float value, long timestamp) {
357    DataLogJNI.appendFloat(m_impl, entry, value, timestamp);
358  }
360  /**
361   * Appends a double record to the log.
362   *
363   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
364   * @param value Double value to record
365   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
366   */
367  public void appendDouble(int entry, double value, long timestamp) {
368    DataLogJNI.appendDouble(m_impl, entry, value, timestamp);
369  }
371  /**
372   * Appends a string record to the log.
373   *
374   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
375   * @param value String value to record
376   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
377   */
378  public void appendString(int entry, String value, long timestamp) {
379    DataLogJNI.appendString(m_impl, entry, value, timestamp);
380  }
382  /**
383   * Appends a boolean array record to the log.
384   *
385   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
386   * @param arr Boolean array to record
387   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
388   */
389  public void appendBooleanArray(int entry, boolean[] arr, long timestamp) {
390    DataLogJNI.appendBooleanArray(m_impl, entry, arr, timestamp);
391  }
393  /**
394   * Appends an integer array record to the log.
395   *
396   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
397   * @param arr Integer array to record
398   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
399   */
400  public void appendIntegerArray(int entry, long[] arr, long timestamp) {
401    DataLogJNI.appendIntegerArray(m_impl, entry, arr, timestamp);
402  }
404  /**
405   * Appends a float array record to the log.
406   *
407   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
408   * @param arr Float array to record
409   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
410   */
411  public void appendFloatArray(int entry, float[] arr, long timestamp) {
412    DataLogJNI.appendFloatArray(m_impl, entry, arr, timestamp);
413  }
415  /**
416   * Appends a double array record to the log.
417   *
418   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
419   * @param arr Double array to record
420   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
421   */
422  public void appendDoubleArray(int entry, double[] arr, long timestamp) {
423    DataLogJNI.appendDoubleArray(m_impl, entry, arr, timestamp);
424  }
426  /**
427   * Appends a string array record to the log.
428   *
429   * @param entry Entry index, as returned by start()
430   * @param arr String array to record
431   * @param timestamp Time stamp (0 to indicate now)
432   */
433  public void appendStringArray(int entry, String[] arr, long timestamp) {
434    DataLogJNI.appendStringArray(m_impl, entry, arr, timestamp);
435  }
437  /**
438   * Gets the JNI implementation handle.
439   *
440   * @return data log handle.
441   */
442  public long getImpl() {
443    return m_impl;
444  }
446  private void addSchemaImpl(Struct<?> struct, long timestamp, Set<String> seen) {
447    String typeString = struct.getTypeString();
448    if (hasSchema(typeString)) {
449      return;
450    }
451    if (!seen.add(typeString)) {
452      throw new UnsupportedOperationException(typeString + ": circular reference with " + seen);
453    }
454    addSchema(typeString, "structschema", struct.getSchema(), timestamp);
455    for (Struct<?> inner : struct.getNested()) {
456      addSchemaImpl(inner, timestamp, seen);
457    }
458    seen.remove(typeString);
459  }
461  /** Implementation handle. */
462  protected long m_impl;
464  private final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> m_schemaMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();