001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.util;
007/** Exception thrown due to a bad MSVC Runtime. */
008public class MsvcRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {
009  private static final long serialVersionUID = -9155939328084105142L;
011  private static String generateMessage(
012      int foundMajor, int foundMinor, int expectedMajor, int expectedMinor, String runtimePath) {
013    String jvmLocation = ProcessHandle.current().info().command().orElse("Unknown");
015    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(100);
016    builder
017        .append("Invalid MSVC Runtime Detected.\n")
018        .append(
019            String.format(
020                "Expected at least %d.%d, but found %d.%d\n",
021                expectedMajor, expectedMinor, foundMajor, foundMinor))
022        .append(String.format("JVM Location: %s\n", jvmLocation))
023        .append(String.format("Runtime DLL Location: %s\n", runtimePath))
024        .append("See https://wpilib.org/jvmruntime for more information\n");
026    return builder.toString();
027  }
029  /**
030   * Constructs a runtime exception.
031   *
032   * @param foundMajor found major
033   * @param foundMinor found minor
034   * @param expectedMajor expected major
035   * @param expectedMinor expected minor
036   * @param runtimePath path of runtime
037   */
038  public MsvcRuntimeException(
039      int foundMajor, int foundMinor, int expectedMajor, int expectedMinor, String runtimePath) {
040    super(generateMessage(foundMajor, foundMinor, expectedMajor, expectedMinor, runtimePath));
041  }
043  /**
044   * Constructs a runtime exception.
045   *
046   * @param msg message
047   */
048  public MsvcRuntimeException(String msg) {
049    super(msg);
050  }