001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.units.collections;
007import java.util.ArrayList;
008import java.util.Arrays;
009import java.util.Collection;
010import java.util.List;
013 * A variant on {@code java.util.HashMap<K, V>} that uses primitive long ints for map keys instead
014 * of autoboxed Long objects like would be used for a {@code Map<Long, V>}.
015 *
016 * @param <V> the type of the values stored in the map
017 */
018public class LongToObjectHashMap<V> {
019  private static final int kInitialSize = 0;
020  private static final int kInitialCapacity = 8; // NOTE: must be a power of two
022  /**
023   * The default load factor of the hashmap. If the ratio of the number of entries to the map's
024   * capacity exceeds this value, the map will be resized (doubled capacity) in order for more
025   * values to be easily inserted.
026   */
027  private static final double kLoadFactor = 75.00 / 100;
029  /** The current number of key-value pairs in the map. */
030  private int m_size = kInitialSize;
032  /**
033   * The current maximum capacity of the map. Note that it will be resized before m_size reaches
034   * this value.
035   */
036  private int m_capacity = kInitialCapacity;
038  /**
039   * The keys in the map. This is a sparse array, and the location of a key may not be equal to the
040   * result of calling {@link #bucket(long)} on that key. To handle hash collisions, if a bucket is
041   * already in use when trying to insert a value, the bucket number is incremented (wrapping around
042   * to 0 if it's equal to m_capacity) and <i>that</i> bucket is checked to see if it's available.
043   * This process continues until an empty bucket is found (which is guaranteed because m_size is
044   * always less than m_capacity).
045   */
046  private long[] m_keys = new long[m_capacity];
048  /** Tracks which buckets are actually used (have a key-value mapping). */
049  private boolean[] m_uses = new boolean[m_capacity];
051  /**
052   * The values in the map. See the documentation for m_keys for how indexing into this array works.
053   */
054  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
055  private V[] m_values = (V[]) new Object[m_capacity];
057  /** Default constructor. */
058  public LongToObjectHashMap() {}
060  /**
061   * Puts a value {@code value} corresponding to key {@code key} in the map.
062   *
063   * @param key the associated key
064   * @param value the value to insert
065   * @return the previous value that was mapped to the key, or null if no such value existed
066   */
067  public V put(long key, V value) {
068    int bucket = bucket(key);
070    // Increment the bucket until we hit an open space (there's always going to be at least one)
071    while (m_uses[bucket]) {
072      if (m_keys[bucket] == key) {
073        // replace the existing value
074        var oldValue = m_values[bucket];
075        m_values[bucket] = value;
076        return oldValue;
077      }
078      bucket = safeIncrement(bucket);
079    }
081    m_uses[bucket] = true;
082    m_keys[bucket] = key;
083    m_values[bucket] = value;
084    m_size++;
086    if (m_size > maxSize()) {
087      grow();
088    }
089    return null;
090  }
092  /**
093   * Gets the value associated with the given key.
094   *
095   * @param key the key to retrieve the value for
096   * @return the value mapped to the key, or null if the key is not in the map
097   */
098  public V get(long key) {
099    int bucket = bucket(key);
100    while (m_uses[bucket]) {
101      if (m_keys[bucket] == key) {
102        // found it
103        return m_values[bucket];
104      }
105      bucket = safeIncrement(bucket);
106    }
107    return null;
108  }
110  /**
111   * Removes the value associated with the given key and returns it.
112   *
113   * @param key the key to remove
114   * @return the value corresponding to the key, or null if the key is not in the map
115   */
116  public V remove(long key) {
117    int bucket = bucket(key);
118    while (m_uses[bucket]) {
119      if (m_keys[bucket] == key) {
120        // found it
121        // TODO: Shrink the map when below a certain load factor
122        //       Current use cases don't remove elements from the map, so there's not much use
123        //       for shrinking at the moment.
124        m_size--;
125        m_keys[bucket] = 0L;
126        m_uses[bucket] = false;
128        var oldValue = m_values[bucket];
129        m_values[bucket] = null;
130        return oldValue;
131      }
132      bucket = safeIncrement(bucket);
133    }
135    return null;
136  }
138  /**
139   * Checks if a key is contained in the map.
140   *
141   * @param key the key to check
142   * @return true if the key has an associated value, false if not
143   */
144  public boolean containsKey(long key) {
145    int bucket = bucket(key);
146    while (m_uses[bucket]) {
147      if (m_keys[bucket] == key) {
148        return true;
149      }
150      bucket = safeIncrement(bucket);
151    }
152    return false;
153  }
155  /** Clears and removes all entries from the map. */
156  public void clear() {
157    if (m_size == 0) {
158      // Nothing to do
159      return;
160    }
161    m_size = 0;
163    Arrays.fill(m_uses, false);
164    Arrays.fill(m_keys, 0L);
165    Arrays.fill(m_values, null);
166  }
168  /**
169   * Gets the number of key-value pairs currently contained in the map.
170   *
171   * @return the current size of the map
172   */
173  public int size() {
174    return m_size;
175  }
177  // package-private for tests
178  int capacity() {
179    return m_capacity;
180  }
182  /**
183   * Checks if the map contains any entries.
184   *
185   * @return true if at least one entry is present, false otherwise
186   */
187  public boolean isEmpty() {
188    return m_size == 0;
189  }
191  /**
192   * Gets the keys contained in the map. Ordering is not guaranteed. The returned set is read-only
193   * and immutable. This uses a custom class for primitive long values to avoid unnecessary
194   * autoboxing to {@code java.lang.Long}.
195   *
196   * @return a read-only set of keys
197   */
198  public ReadOnlyPrimitiveLongSet keySet() {
199    // copy the sparse key array into a compact array
200    final long[] keys = new long[m_size];
201    int i = 0;
202    for (int bucket = 0; bucket < m_capacity; bucket++) {
203      if (m_uses[bucket]) {
204        keys[i] = m_keys[bucket];
205        i++;
206      }
207    }
209    return new ReadOnlyPrimitiveLongSet(keys);
210  }
212  /**
213   * Gets the values contained in the map. Ordering is not guaranteed. The returned collection is
214   * read-only and immutable.
215   *
216   * @return a read-only collection of values
217   */
218  public Collection<V> values() {
219    Collection<V> values = new ArrayList<>();
220    for (int bucket = 0; bucket < m_capacity; bucket++) {
221      if (m_uses[bucket]) {
222        values.add(m_values[bucket]);
223      }
224    }
225    return List.copyOf(values); // return a readonly copy
226  }
228  /**
229   * Interface for map iterator function.
230   *
231   * @param <V> Value type.
232   */
233  @FunctionalInterface
234  public interface IteratorFunction<V> {
235    /**
236     * Accepts a key-value pair from the map.
237     *
238     * @param key The key.
239     * @param value The value.
240     */
241    void accept(long key, V value);
242  }
244  /**
245   * Iterates over every key-value pair in the map and passes them to the given function.
246   *
247   * @param function the function to apply to every key-value pair.
248   */
249  public void forEach(IteratorFunction<? super V> function) {
250    for (int bucket = 0; bucket < m_capacity; bucket++) {
251      if (m_uses[bucket]) {
252        function.accept(m_keys[bucket], m_values[bucket]);
253      }
254    }
255  }
257  private void grow() {
258    final int currentSize = m_size;
259    final int oldCapacity = m_capacity;
260    if (oldCapacity * kLoadFactor >= currentSize) {
261      // We're below the maximum allowed size for the current capacity
262      // Nothing to do
263      return;
264    }
266    final int newCapacity = oldCapacity * 2;
267    final int newMask = newCapacity - 1;
269    final boolean[] oldUses = m_uses;
270    final long[] oldKeys = m_keys;
271    final V[] oldValues = m_values;
273    final boolean[] newUses = new boolean[newCapacity];
274    final long[] newKeys = new long[newCapacity];
275    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
276    final V[] newValues = (V[]) new Object[newCapacity];
278    for (int oldBucket = 0; oldBucket < oldCapacity; oldBucket++) {
279      if (!oldUses[oldBucket]) {
280        // Bucket is empty, skip
281        continue;
282      }
283      final long key = oldKeys[oldBucket];
284      final V value = oldValues[oldBucket];
286      int newBucket = (int) (hash(key) & newMask);
287      while (newUses[newBucket]) {
288        newBucket = (newBucket + 1) & newMask;
289      }
291      newUses[newBucket] = true;
292      newKeys[newBucket] = key;
293      newValues[newBucket] = value;
294    }
296    m_capacity = newCapacity;
297    m_uses = newUses;
298    m_keys = newKeys;
299    m_values = newValues;
300  }
302  private int maxSize() {
303    return (int) (m_capacity * kLoadFactor);
304  }
306  /**
307   * Calculates a hashcode for an input key. Does some bit shuffling to account for poor hash
308   * functions.
309   *
310   * @param key the key to hash
311   * @return a hashcode for the input key
312   */
313  private long hash(long key) {
314    return 31 + (key ^ (key >>> 15) ^ (key >>> 31) ^ (key << 31));
315  }
317  /**
318   * The mask to use when translating a hashcode to a bucket index. Relies on m_capacity being a
319   * power of two.
320   */
321  private int mask() {
322    return m_capacity - 1;
323  }
325  /**
326   * Calculates the desired bucket index for a particular key. Does nothing to handle the case where
327   * the calculated index is already in use by another key.
328   *
329   * @param key the key to get the bucket for
330   * @return the desired bucket index
331   */
332  private int bucket(long key) {
333    var hash = hash(key);
334    return (int) (hash & mask());
335  }
337  /**
338   * Increments a bucket index by 1, wrapping around to 0 if the index is already at the maximum.
339   *
340   * @param bucket the index to increment
341   * @return the incremented bucket index
342   */
343  private int safeIncrement(int bucket) {
344    return (bucket + 1) & mask();
345  }