001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.net;
007import edu.wpi.first.util.RuntimeLoader;
008import java.io.IOException;
009import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
011/** WPINet JNI. */
012public class WPINetJNI {
013  static boolean libraryLoaded = false;
015  /** Sets whether JNI should be loaded in the static block. */
016  public static class Helper {
017    private static AtomicBoolean extractOnStaticLoad = new AtomicBoolean(true);
019    /**
020     * Returns true if the JNI should be loaded in the static block.
021     *
022     * @return True if the JNI should be loaded in the static block.
023     */
024    public static boolean getExtractOnStaticLoad() {
025      return extractOnStaticLoad.get();
026    }
028    /**
029     * Sets whether the JNI should be loaded in the static block.
030     *
031     * @param load Whether the JNI should be loaded in the static block.
032     */
033    public static void setExtractOnStaticLoad(boolean load) {
034      extractOnStaticLoad.set(load);
035    }
037    /** Utility class. */
038    private Helper() {}
039  }
041  static {
042    if (Helper.getExtractOnStaticLoad()) {
043      try {
044        RuntimeLoader.loadLibrary("wpinetjni");
045      } catch (Exception ex) {
046        ex.printStackTrace();
047        System.exit(1);
048      }
049      libraryLoaded = true;
050    }
051  }
053  /**
054   * Force load the library.
055   *
056   * @throws IOException if the library failed to load
057   */
058  public static synchronized void forceLoad() throws IOException {
059    if (libraryLoaded) {
060      return;
061    }
062    RuntimeLoader.loadLibrary("wpinetjni");
063    libraryLoaded = true;
064  }
066  /**
067   * Forward a local TCP port to a remote host and port. Note that local ports less than 1024 won't
068   * work as a normal user.
069   *
070   * @param port local port number
071   * @param remoteHost remote IP address / DNS name
072   * @param remotePort remote port number
073   */
074  public static native void addPortForwarder(int port, String remoteHost, int remotePort);
076  /**
077   * Stop TCP forwarding on a port.
078   *
079   * @param port local port number
080   */
081  public static native void removePortForwarder(int port);
083  /**
084   * Create a web server at the given port. Note that local ports less than 1024 won't work as a
085   * normal user.
086   *
087   * @param port local port number
088   * @param path local path to document root
089   */
090  public static native void startWebServer(int port, String path);
092  /**
093   * Stop web server running at the given port.
094   *
095   * @param port local port number
096   */
097  public static native void stopWebServer(int port);
099  /**
100   * Creates a MulticastServiceAnnouncer.
101   *
102   * @param serviceName service name
103   * @param serviceType service type
104   * @param port port
105   * @param keys keys
106   * @param values values
107   * @return MulticastServiceAnnouncer handle.
108   */
109  public static native int createMulticastServiceAnnouncer(
110      String serviceName, String serviceType, int port, String[] keys, String[] values);
112  /**
113   * Frees a MulticastServiceAnnouncer.
114   *
115   * @param handle MulticastServiceAnnouncer handle.
116   */
117  public static native void freeMulticastServiceAnnouncer(int handle);
119  /**
120   * Starts MulticastServiceAnnouncer.
121   *
122   * @param handle MulticastServiceAnnouncer handle.
123   */
124  public static native void startMulticastServiceAnnouncer(int handle);
126  /**
127   * Stops MulticastServiceAnnouncer.
128   *
129   * @param handle MulticastServiceAnnouncer handle.
130   */
131  public static native void stopMulticastServiceAnnouncer(int handle);
133  /**
134   * Returns true if MulticastServiceAnnouncer has an implementation.
135   *
136   * @param handle MulticastServiceAnnouncer handle.
137   * @return True if MulticastServiceAnnouncer has an implementation.
138   */
139  public static native boolean getMulticastServiceAnnouncerHasImplementation(int handle);
141  /**
142   * Creates a MulticastServiceResolver.
143   *
144   * @param serviceType Service type.
145   * @return MulticastServiceResolver handle.
146   */
147  public static native int createMulticastServiceResolver(String serviceType);
149  /**
150   * Frees MulticastServiceResolver.
151   *
152   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
153   */
154  public static native void freeMulticastServiceResolver(int handle);
156  /**
157   * Starts MulticastServiceResolver.
158   *
159   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
160   */
161  public static native void startMulticastServiceResolver(int handle);
163  /**
164   * Stops MulticastServiceResolver.
165   *
166   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
167   */
168  public static native void stopMulticastServiceResolver(int handle);
170  /**
171   * Returns true if MulticastServiceResolver has an implementation.
172   *
173   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
174   * @return True if MulticastServiceResolver has an implementation.
175   */
176  public static native boolean getMulticastServiceResolverHasImplementation(int handle);
178  /**
179   * Returns event handle for MulticastServiceResolver.
180   *
181   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
182   * @return Event handle for MulticastServiceResolver.
183   */
184  public static native int getMulticastServiceResolverEventHandle(int handle);
186  /**
187   * Returns service data for MulticastServiceResolver.
188   *
189   * @param handle MulticastServiceResolver handle.
190   * @return Service data for MulticastServiceResolver.
191   */
192  public static native ServiceData[] getMulticastServiceResolverData(int handle);
194  /** Utility class. */
195  private WPINetJNI() {}