001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.math.spline;
007import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
008import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Translation2d;
009import java.util.Arrays;
010import java.util.List;
011import org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix;
013/** Helper class that is used to generate cubic and quintic splines from user provided waypoints. */
014public final class SplineHelper {
015  /** Private constructor because this is a utility class. */
016  private SplineHelper() {}
018  /**
019   * Returns 2 cubic control vectors from a set of exterior waypoints and interior translations.
020   *
021   * @param start The starting pose.
022   * @param interiorWaypoints The interior waypoints.
023   * @param end The ending pose.
024   * @return 2 cubic control vectors.
025   */
026  public static Spline.ControlVector[] getCubicControlVectorsFromWaypoints(
027      Pose2d start, Translation2d[] interiorWaypoints, Pose2d end) {
028    // Generate control vectors from poses.
029    Spline.ControlVector initialCV;
030    Spline.ControlVector endCV;
032    // Chooses a magnitude automatically that makes the splines look better.
033    if (interiorWaypoints.length < 1) {
034      double scalar = start.getTranslation().getDistance(end.getTranslation()) * 1.2;
035      initialCV = getCubicControlVector(scalar, start);
036      endCV = getCubicControlVector(scalar, end);
037    } else {
038      double scalar = start.getTranslation().getDistance(interiorWaypoints[0]) * 1.2;
039      initialCV = getCubicControlVector(scalar, start);
040      scalar =
041          end.getTranslation().getDistance(interiorWaypoints[interiorWaypoints.length - 1]) * 1.2;
042      endCV = getCubicControlVector(scalar, end);
043    }
044    return new Spline.ControlVector[] {initialCV, endCV};
045  }
047  /**
048   * Returns quintic splines from a set of waypoints.
049   *
050   * @param waypoints The waypoints
051   * @return array of splines.
052   */
053  public static QuinticHermiteSpline[] getQuinticSplinesFromWaypoints(List<Pose2d> waypoints) {
054    QuinticHermiteSpline[] splines = new QuinticHermiteSpline[waypoints.size() - 1];
055    for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size() - 1; ++i) {
056      var p0 = waypoints.get(i);
057      var p1 = waypoints.get(i + 1);
059      // This just makes the splines look better.
060      final var scalar = 1.2 * p0.getTranslation().getDistance(p1.getTranslation());
062      var controlVecA = getQuinticControlVector(scalar, p0);
063      var controlVecB = getQuinticControlVector(scalar, p1);
065      splines[i] =
066          new QuinticHermiteSpline(controlVecA.x, controlVecB.x, controlVecA.y, controlVecB.y);
067    }
068    return splines;
069  }
071  /**
072   * Returns a set of cubic splines corresponding to the provided control vectors. The user is free
073   * to set the direction of the start and end point. The directions for the middle waypoints are
074   * determined automatically to ensure continuous curvature throughout the path.
075   *
076   * @param start The starting control vector.
077   * @param waypoints The middle waypoints. This can be left blank if you only wish to create a path
078   *     with two waypoints.
079   * @param end The ending control vector.
080   * @return A vector of cubic hermite splines that interpolate through the provided waypoints and
081   *     control vectors.
082   */
083  public static CubicHermiteSpline[] getCubicSplinesFromControlVectors(
084      Spline.ControlVector start, Translation2d[] waypoints, Spline.ControlVector end) {
085    CubicHermiteSpline[] splines = new CubicHermiteSpline[waypoints.length + 1];
087    double[] xInitial = start.x;
088    double[] yInitial = start.y;
089    double[] xFinal = end.x;
090    double[] yFinal = end.y;
092    if (waypoints.length > 1) {
093      Translation2d[] newWaypts = new Translation2d[waypoints.length + 2];
095      // Create an array of all waypoints, including the start and end.
096      newWaypts[0] = new Translation2d(xInitial[0], yInitial[0]);
097      System.arraycopy(waypoints, 0, newWaypts, 1, waypoints.length);
098      newWaypts[newWaypts.length - 1] = new Translation2d(xFinal[0], yFinal[0]);
100      // Populate tridiagonal system for clamped cubic
101      /* See:
102      https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/nedlagte-emner/INF-MAT4350/h08
103      /undervisningsmateriale/chap7alecture.pdf
104      */
105      // Above-diagonal of tridiagonal matrix, zero-padded
106      final double[] a = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
108      // Diagonal of tridiagonal matrix
109      final double[] b = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
110      Arrays.fill(b, 4.0);
112      // Below-diagonal of tridiagonal matrix, zero-padded
113      final double[] c = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
115      // rhs vectors
116      final double[] dx = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
117      final double[] dy = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
119      // solution vectors
120      final double[] fx = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
121      final double[] fy = new double[newWaypts.length - 2];
123      // populate above-diagonal and below-diagonal vectors
124      a[0] = 0.0;
125      for (int i = 0; i < newWaypts.length - 3; i++) {
126        a[i + 1] = 1;
127        c[i] = 1;
128      }
129      c[c.length - 1] = 0.0;
131      // populate rhs vectors
132      dx[0] = 3 * (newWaypts[2].getX() - newWaypts[0].getX()) - xInitial[1];
133      dy[0] = 3 * (newWaypts[2].getY() - newWaypts[0].getY()) - yInitial[1];
135      if (newWaypts.length > 4) {
136        for (int i = 1; i <= newWaypts.length - 4; i++) {
137          // dx and dy represent the derivatives of the internal waypoints. The derivative
138          // of the second internal waypoint should involve the third and first internal waypoint,
139          // which have indices of 1 and 3 in the newWaypts list (which contains ALL waypoints).
140          dx[i] = 3 * (newWaypts[i + 2].getX() - newWaypts[i].getX());
141          dy[i] = 3 * (newWaypts[i + 2].getY() - newWaypts[i].getY());
142        }
143      }
145      dx[dx.length - 1] =
146          3 * (newWaypts[newWaypts.length - 1].getX() - newWaypts[newWaypts.length - 3].getX())
147              - xFinal[1];
148      dy[dy.length - 1] =
149          3 * (newWaypts[newWaypts.length - 1].getY() - newWaypts[newWaypts.length - 3].getY())
150              - yFinal[1];
152      // Compute solution to tridiagonal system
153      thomasAlgorithm(a, b, c, dx, fx);
154      thomasAlgorithm(a, b, c, dy, fy);
156      double[] newFx = new double[fx.length + 2];
157      double[] newFy = new double[fy.length + 2];
159      newFx[0] = xInitial[1];
160      newFy[0] = yInitial[1];
161      System.arraycopy(fx, 0, newFx, 1, fx.length);
162      System.arraycopy(fy, 0, newFy, 1, fy.length);
163      newFx[newFx.length - 1] = xFinal[1];
164      newFy[newFy.length - 1] = yFinal[1];
166      for (int i = 0; i < newFx.length - 1; i++) {
167        splines[i] =
168            new CubicHermiteSpline(
169                new double[] {newWaypts[i].getX(), newFx[i]},
170                new double[] {newWaypts[i + 1].getX(), newFx[i + 1]},
171                new double[] {newWaypts[i].getY(), newFy[i]},
172                new double[] {newWaypts[i + 1].getY(), newFy[i + 1]});
173      }
174    } else if (waypoints.length == 1) {
175      final var xDeriv = (3 * (xFinal[0] - xInitial[0]) - xFinal[1] - xInitial[1]) / 4.0;
176      final var yDeriv = (3 * (yFinal[0] - yInitial[0]) - yFinal[1] - yInitial[1]) / 4.0;
178      double[] midXControlVector = {waypoints[0].getX(), xDeriv};
179      double[] midYControlVector = {waypoints[0].getY(), yDeriv};
181      splines[0] =
182          new CubicHermiteSpline(
183              xInitial, midXControlVector,
184              yInitial, midYControlVector);
185      splines[1] =
186          new CubicHermiteSpline(
187              midXControlVector, xFinal,
188              midYControlVector, yFinal);
189    } else {
190      splines[0] =
191          new CubicHermiteSpline(
192              xInitial, xFinal,
193              yInitial, yFinal);
194    }
195    return splines;
196  }
198  /**
199   * Returns a set of quintic splines corresponding to the provided control vectors. The user is
200   * free to set the direction of all control vectors. Continuous curvature is guaranteed throughout
201   * the path.
202   *
203   * @param controlVectors The control vectors.
204   * @return A vector of quintic hermite splines that interpolate through the provided waypoints.
205   */
206  public static QuinticHermiteSpline[] getQuinticSplinesFromControlVectors(
207      Spline.ControlVector[] controlVectors) {
208    QuinticHermiteSpline[] splines = new QuinticHermiteSpline[controlVectors.length - 1];
209    for (int i = 0; i < controlVectors.length - 1; i++) {
210      var xInitial = controlVectors[i].x;
211      var xFinal = controlVectors[i + 1].x;
212      var yInitial = controlVectors[i].y;
213      var yFinal = controlVectors[i + 1].y;
214      splines[i] =
215          new QuinticHermiteSpline(
216              xInitial, xFinal,
217              yInitial, yFinal);
218    }
219    return splines;
220  }
222  /**
223   * Optimizes the curvature of 2 or more quintic splines at knot points. Overall, this reduces the
224   * integral of the absolute value of the second derivative across the set of splines.
225   *
226   * @param splines An array of un-optimized quintic splines.
227   * @return An array of optimized quintic splines.
228   */
229  @SuppressWarnings({"LocalVariableName", "PMD.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops"})
230  public static QuinticHermiteSpline[] optimizeCurvature(QuinticHermiteSpline[] splines) {
231    // If there's only spline in the array, we can't optimize anything so just return that.
232    if (splines.length < 2) {
233      return splines;
234    }
236    // Implements Section 4.1.2 of
237    // http://www2.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~lau/students/Sprunk2008.pdf.
239    // Cubic splines minimize the integral of the second derivative's absolute value. Therefore, we
240    // can create cubic splines with the same 0th and 1st derivatives and the provided quintic
241    // splines, find the second derivative of those cubic splines and then use a weighted average
242    // for the second derivatives of the quintic splines.
244    QuinticHermiteSpline[] optimizedSplines = new QuinticHermiteSpline[splines.length];
245    for (int i = 0; i < splines.length - 1; ++i) {
246      QuinticHermiteSpline a = splines[i];
247      QuinticHermiteSpline b = splines[i + 1];
249      // Get the control vectors that created the quintic splines above.
250      Spline.ControlVector aInitial = a.getInitialControlVector();
251      Spline.ControlVector aFinal = a.getFinalControlVector();
252      Spline.ControlVector bInitial = b.getInitialControlVector();
253      Spline.ControlVector bFinal = b.getFinalControlVector();
255      // Create cubic splines with the same control vectors.
256      CubicHermiteSpline ca = new CubicHermiteSpline(aInitial.x, aFinal.x, aInitial.y, aFinal.y);
257      CubicHermiteSpline cb = new CubicHermiteSpline(bInitial.x, bFinal.x, bInitial.y, bFinal.y);
259      // Calculate the second derivatives at the knot points.
260      SimpleMatrix bases = new SimpleMatrix(4, 1, true, new double[] {1, 1, 1, 1});
261      SimpleMatrix combinedA = ca.getCoefficients().mult(bases);
263      double ddxA = combinedA.get(4, 0);
264      double ddyA = combinedA.get(5, 0);
265      double ddxB = cb.getCoefficients().get(4, 1);
266      double ddyB = cb.getCoefficients().get(5, 1);
268      // Calculate the parameters for the weighted average.
269      double dAB = Math.hypot(aFinal.x[0] - aInitial.x[0], aFinal.y[0] - aInitial.y[0]);
270      double dBC = Math.hypot(bFinal.x[0] - bInitial.x[0], bFinal.y[0] - bInitial.y[0]);
271      double alpha = dBC / (dAB + dBC);
272      double beta = dAB / (dAB + dBC);
274      // Calculate the weighted average.
275      double ddx = alpha * ddxA + beta * ddxB;
276      double ddy = alpha * ddyA + beta * ddyB;
278      // Create new splines.
279      optimizedSplines[i] =
280          new QuinticHermiteSpline(
281              aInitial.x,
282              new double[] {aFinal.x[0], aFinal.x[1], ddx},
283              aInitial.y,
284              new double[] {aFinal.y[0], aFinal.y[1], ddy});
285      optimizedSplines[i + 1] =
286          new QuinticHermiteSpline(
287              new double[] {bInitial.x[0], bInitial.x[1], ddx},
288              bFinal.x,
289              new double[] {bInitial.y[0], bInitial.y[1], ddy},
290              bFinal.y);
291    }
292    return optimizedSplines;
293  }
295  /**
296   * Thomas algorithm for solving tridiagonal systems Af = d.
297   *
298   * @param a the values of A above the diagonal
299   * @param b the values of A on the diagonal
300   * @param c the values of A below the diagonal
301   * @param d the vector on the rhs
302   * @param solutionVector the unknown (solution) vector, modified in-place
303   */
304  private static void thomasAlgorithm(
305      double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] d, double[] solutionVector) {
306    int N = d.length;
308    double[] cStar = new double[N];
309    double[] dStar = new double[N];
311    // This updates the coefficients in the first row
312    // Note that we should be checking for division by zero here
313    cStar[0] = c[0] / b[0];
314    dStar[0] = d[0] / b[0];
316    // Create the c_star and d_star coefficients in the forward sweep
317    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
318      double m = 1.0 / (b[i] - a[i] * cStar[i - 1]);
319      cStar[i] = c[i] * m;
320      dStar[i] = (d[i] - a[i] * dStar[i - 1]) * m;
321    }
322    solutionVector[N - 1] = dStar[N - 1];
323    // This is the reverse sweep, used to update the solution vector f
324    for (int i = N - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
325      solutionVector[i] = dStar[i] - cStar[i] * solutionVector[i + 1];
326    }
327  }
329  private static Spline.ControlVector getCubicControlVector(double scalar, Pose2d point) {
330    return new Spline.ControlVector(
331        new double[] {point.getX(), scalar * point.getRotation().getCos()},
332        new double[] {point.getY(), scalar * point.getRotation().getSin()});
333  }
335  private static Spline.ControlVector getQuinticControlVector(double scalar, Pose2d point) {
336    return new Spline.ControlVector(
337        new double[] {point.getX(), scalar * point.getRotation().getCos(), 0.0},
338        new double[] {point.getY(), scalar * point.getRotation().getSin(), 0.0});
339  }