001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.math.jni;
007/** Pose3d JNI. */
008public final class Pose3dJNI extends WPIMathJNI {
009  /**
010   * Obtain a Pose3d from a (constant curvature) velocity.
011   *
012   * <p>The double array returned is of the form [dx, dy, dz, qx, qy, qz].
013   *
014   * @param poseX The pose's translational X component.
015   * @param poseY The pose's translational Y component.
016   * @param poseZ The pose's translational Z component.
017   * @param poseQw The pose quaternion's W component.
018   * @param poseQx The pose quaternion's X component.
019   * @param poseQy The pose quaternion's Y component.
020   * @param poseQz The pose quaternion's Z component.
021   * @param twistDx The twist's dx value.
022   * @param twistDy The twist's dy value.
023   * @param twistDz The twist's dz value.
024   * @param twistRx The twist's rx value.
025   * @param twistRy The twist's ry value.
026   * @param twistRz The twist's rz value.
027   * @return The new pose as a double array.
028   */
029  public static native double[] exp(
030      double poseX,
031      double poseY,
032      double poseZ,
033      double poseQw,
034      double poseQx,
035      double poseQy,
036      double poseQz,
037      double twistDx,
038      double twistDy,
039      double twistDz,
040      double twistRx,
041      double twistRy,
042      double twistRz);
044  /**
045   * Returns a Twist3d that maps the starting pose to the end pose.
046   *
047   * <p>The double array returned is of the form [dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz].
048   *
049   * @param startX The starting pose's translational X component.
050   * @param startY The starting pose's translational Y component.
051   * @param startZ The starting pose's translational Z component.
052   * @param startQw The starting pose quaternion's W component.
053   * @param startQx The starting pose quaternion's X component.
054   * @param startQy The starting pose quaternion's Y component.
055   * @param startQz The starting pose quaternion's Z component.
056   * @param endX The ending pose's translational X component.
057   * @param endY The ending pose's translational Y component.
058   * @param endZ The ending pose's translational Z component.
059   * @param endQw The ending pose quaternion's W component.
060   * @param endQx The ending pose quaternion's X component.
061   * @param endQy The ending pose quaternion's Y component.
062   * @param endQz The ending pose quaternion's Z component.
063   * @return The twist that maps start to end as a double array.
064   */
065  public static native double[] log(
066      double startX,
067      double startY,
068      double startZ,
069      double startQw,
070      double startQx,
071      double startQy,
072      double startQz,
073      double endX,
074      double endY,
075      double endZ,
076      double endQw,
077      double endQx,
078      double endQy,
079      double endQz);
081  /** Utility class. */
082  private Pose3dJNI() {}