001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005// THIS FILE WAS AUTO-GENERATED BY ./hal/generate_usage_reporting.py. DO NOT MODIFY
007package edu.wpi.first.hal;
010 * JNI wrapper for library <b>FRC_NetworkCommunication</b><br>.
011 */
012public final class FRCNetComm {
013  /**
014   * Resource type from UsageReporting.
015   */
016  @SuppressWarnings("TypeName")
017  public static final class tResourceType {
018    private tResourceType() {
019    }
021    /** kResourceType_Controller = 0. */
022    public static final int kResourceType_Controller = 0;
023    /** kResourceType_Module = 1. */
024    public static final int kResourceType_Module = 1;
025    /** kResourceType_Language = 2. */
026    public static final int kResourceType_Language = 2;
027    /** kResourceType_CANPlugin = 3. */
028    public static final int kResourceType_CANPlugin = 3;
029    /** kResourceType_Accelerometer = 4. */
030    public static final int kResourceType_Accelerometer = 4;
031    /** kResourceType_ADXL345 = 5. */
032    public static final int kResourceType_ADXL345 = 5;
033    /** kResourceType_AnalogChannel = 6. */
034    public static final int kResourceType_AnalogChannel = 6;
035    /** kResourceType_AnalogTrigger = 7. */
036    public static final int kResourceType_AnalogTrigger = 7;
037    /** kResourceType_AnalogTriggerOutput = 8. */
038    public static final int kResourceType_AnalogTriggerOutput = 8;
039    /** kResourceType_CANJaguar = 9. */
040    public static final int kResourceType_CANJaguar = 9;
041    /** kResourceType_Compressor = 10. */
042    public static final int kResourceType_Compressor = 10;
043    /** kResourceType_Counter = 11. */
044    public static final int kResourceType_Counter = 11;
045    /** kResourceType_Dashboard = 12. */
046    public static final int kResourceType_Dashboard = 12;
047    /** kResourceType_DigitalInput = 13. */
048    public static final int kResourceType_DigitalInput = 13;
049    /** kResourceType_DigitalOutput = 14. */
050    public static final int kResourceType_DigitalOutput = 14;
051    /** kResourceType_DriverStationCIO = 15. */
052    public static final int kResourceType_DriverStationCIO = 15;
053    /** kResourceType_DriverStationEIO = 16. */
054    public static final int kResourceType_DriverStationEIO = 16;
055    /** kResourceType_DriverStationLCD = 17. */
056    public static final int kResourceType_DriverStationLCD = 17;
057    /** kResourceType_Encoder = 18. */
058    public static final int kResourceType_Encoder = 18;
059    /** kResourceType_GearTooth = 19. */
060    public static final int kResourceType_GearTooth = 19;
061    /** kResourceType_Gyro = 20. */
062    public static final int kResourceType_Gyro = 20;
063    /** kResourceType_I2C = 21. */
064    public static final int kResourceType_I2C = 21;
065    /** kResourceType_Framework = 22. */
066    public static final int kResourceType_Framework = 22;
067    /** kResourceType_Jaguar = 23. */
068    public static final int kResourceType_Jaguar = 23;
069    /** kResourceType_Joystick = 24. */
070    public static final int kResourceType_Joystick = 24;
071    /** kResourceType_Kinect = 25. */
072    public static final int kResourceType_Kinect = 25;
073    /** kResourceType_KinectStick = 26. */
074    public static final int kResourceType_KinectStick = 26;
075    /** kResourceType_PIDController = 27. */
076    public static final int kResourceType_PIDController = 27;
077    /** kResourceType_Preferences = 28. */
078    public static final int kResourceType_Preferences = 28;
079    /** kResourceType_PWM = 29. */
080    public static final int kResourceType_PWM = 29;
081    /** kResourceType_Relay = 30. */
082    public static final int kResourceType_Relay = 30;
083    /** kResourceType_RobotDrive = 31. */
084    public static final int kResourceType_RobotDrive = 31;
085    /** kResourceType_SerialPort = 32. */
086    public static final int kResourceType_SerialPort = 32;
087    /** kResourceType_Servo = 33. */
088    public static final int kResourceType_Servo = 33;
089    /** kResourceType_Solenoid = 34. */
090    public static final int kResourceType_Solenoid = 34;
091    /** kResourceType_SPI = 35. */
092    public static final int kResourceType_SPI = 35;
093    /** kResourceType_Task = 36. */
094    public static final int kResourceType_Task = 36;
095    /** kResourceType_Ultrasonic = 37. */
096    public static final int kResourceType_Ultrasonic = 37;
097    /** kResourceType_Victor = 38. */
098    public static final int kResourceType_Victor = 38;
099    /** kResourceType_Button = 39. */
100    public static final int kResourceType_Button = 39;
101    /** kResourceType_Command = 40. */
102    public static final int kResourceType_Command = 40;
103    /** kResourceType_AxisCamera = 41. */
104    public static final int kResourceType_AxisCamera = 41;
105    /** kResourceType_PCVideoServer = 42. */
106    public static final int kResourceType_PCVideoServer = 42;
107    /** kResourceType_SmartDashboard = 43. */
108    public static final int kResourceType_SmartDashboard = 43;
109    /** kResourceType_Talon = 44. */
110    public static final int kResourceType_Talon = 44;
111    /** kResourceType_HiTechnicColorSensor = 45. */
112    public static final int kResourceType_HiTechnicColorSensor = 45;
113    /** kResourceType_HiTechnicAccel = 46. */
114    public static final int kResourceType_HiTechnicAccel = 46;
115    /** kResourceType_HiTechnicCompass = 47. */
116    public static final int kResourceType_HiTechnicCompass = 47;
117    /** kResourceType_SRF08 = 48. */
118    public static final int kResourceType_SRF08 = 48;
119    /** kResourceType_AnalogOutput = 49. */
120    public static final int kResourceType_AnalogOutput = 49;
121    /** kResourceType_VictorSP = 50. */
122    public static final int kResourceType_VictorSP = 50;
123    /** kResourceType_PWMTalonSRX = 51. */
124    public static final int kResourceType_PWMTalonSRX = 51;
125    /** kResourceType_CANTalonSRX = 52. */
126    public static final int kResourceType_CANTalonSRX = 52;
127    /** kResourceType_ADXL362 = 53. */
128    public static final int kResourceType_ADXL362 = 53;
129    /** kResourceType_ADXRS450 = 54. */
130    public static final int kResourceType_ADXRS450 = 54;
131    /** kResourceType_RevSPARK = 55. */
132    public static final int kResourceType_RevSPARK = 55;
133    /** kResourceType_MindsensorsSD540 = 56. */
134    public static final int kResourceType_MindsensorsSD540 = 56;
135    /** kResourceType_DigitalGlitchFilter = 57. */
136    public static final int kResourceType_DigitalGlitchFilter = 57;
137    /** kResourceType_ADIS16448 = 58. */
138    public static final int kResourceType_ADIS16448 = 58;
139    /** kResourceType_PDP = 59. */
140    public static final int kResourceType_PDP = 59;
141    /** kResourceType_PCM = 60. */
142    public static final int kResourceType_PCM = 60;
143    /** kResourceType_PigeonIMU = 61. */
144    public static final int kResourceType_PigeonIMU = 61;
145    /** kResourceType_NidecBrushless = 62. */
146    public static final int kResourceType_NidecBrushless = 62;
147    /** kResourceType_CANifier = 63. */
148    public static final int kResourceType_CANifier = 63;
149    /** kResourceType_TalonFX = 64. */
150    public static final int kResourceType_TalonFX = 64;
151    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future1 = 65. */
152    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future1 = 65;
153    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future2 = 66. */
154    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future2 = 66;
155    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future3 = 67. */
156    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future3 = 67;
157    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future4 = 68. */
158    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future4 = 68;
159    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future5 = 69. */
160    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future5 = 69;
161    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future6 = 70. */
162    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future6 = 70;
163    /** kResourceType_LinearFilter = 71. */
164    public static final int kResourceType_LinearFilter = 71;
165    /** kResourceType_XboxController = 72. */
166    public static final int kResourceType_XboxController = 72;
167    /** kResourceType_UsbCamera = 73. */
168    public static final int kResourceType_UsbCamera = 73;
169    /** kResourceType_NavX = 74. */
170    public static final int kResourceType_NavX = 74;
171    /** kResourceType_Pixy = 75. */
172    public static final int kResourceType_Pixy = 75;
173    /** kResourceType_Pixy2 = 76. */
174    public static final int kResourceType_Pixy2 = 76;
175    /** kResourceType_ScanseSweep = 77. */
176    public static final int kResourceType_ScanseSweep = 77;
177    /** kResourceType_Shuffleboard = 78. */
178    public static final int kResourceType_Shuffleboard = 78;
179    /** kResourceType_CAN = 79. */
180    public static final int kResourceType_CAN = 79;
181    /** kResourceType_DigilentDMC60 = 80. */
182    public static final int kResourceType_DigilentDMC60 = 80;
183    /** kResourceType_PWMVictorSPX = 81. */
184    public static final int kResourceType_PWMVictorSPX = 81;
185    /** kResourceType_RevSparkMaxPWM = 82. */
186    public static final int kResourceType_RevSparkMaxPWM = 82;
187    /** kResourceType_RevSparkMaxCAN = 83. */
188    public static final int kResourceType_RevSparkMaxCAN = 83;
189    /** kResourceType_ADIS16470 = 84. */
190    public static final int kResourceType_ADIS16470 = 84;
191    /** kResourceType_PIDController2 = 85. */
192    public static final int kResourceType_PIDController2 = 85;
193    /** kResourceType_ProfiledPIDController = 86. */
194    public static final int kResourceType_ProfiledPIDController = 86;
195    /** kResourceType_Kinematics = 87. */
196    public static final int kResourceType_Kinematics = 87;
197    /** kResourceType_Odometry = 88. */
198    public static final int kResourceType_Odometry = 88;
199    /** kResourceType_Units = 89. */
200    public static final int kResourceType_Units = 89;
201    /** kResourceType_TrapezoidProfile = 90. */
202    public static final int kResourceType_TrapezoidProfile = 90;
203    /** kResourceType_DutyCycle = 91. */
204    public static final int kResourceType_DutyCycle = 91;
205    /** kResourceType_AddressableLEDs = 92. */
206    public static final int kResourceType_AddressableLEDs = 92;
207    /** kResourceType_FusionVenom = 93. */
208    public static final int kResourceType_FusionVenom = 93;
209    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future7 = 94. */
210    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future7 = 94;
211    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future8 = 95. */
212    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future8 = 95;
213    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future9 = 96. */
214    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future9 = 96;
215    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future10 = 97. */
216    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future10 = 97;
217    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future11 = 98. */
218    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future11 = 98;
219    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future12 = 99. */
220    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future12 = 99;
221    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future13 = 100. */
222    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future13 = 100;
223    /** kResourceType_CTRE_future14 = 101. */
224    public static final int kResourceType_CTRE_future14 = 101;
225    /** kResourceType_ExponentialProfile = 102. */
226    public static final int kResourceType_ExponentialProfile = 102;
227    /** kResourceType_PS4Controller = 103. */
228    public static final int kResourceType_PS4Controller = 103;
229    /** kResourceType_PhotonCamera = 104. */
230    public static final int kResourceType_PhotonCamera = 104;
231    /** kResourceType_PhotonPoseEstimator = 105. */
232    public static final int kResourceType_PhotonPoseEstimator = 105;
233    /** kResourceType_PathPlannerPath = 106. */
234    public static final int kResourceType_PathPlannerPath = 106;
235    /** kResourceType_PathPlannerAuto = 107. */
236    public static final int kResourceType_PathPlannerAuto = 107;
237    /** kResourceType_PathFindingCommand = 108. */
238    public static final int kResourceType_PathFindingCommand = 108;
239    /** kResourceType_Redux_future1 = 109. */
240    public static final int kResourceType_Redux_future1 = 109;
241    /** kResourceType_Redux_future2 = 110. */
242    public static final int kResourceType_Redux_future2 = 110;
243    /** kResourceType_Redux_future3 = 111. */
244    public static final int kResourceType_Redux_future3 = 111;
245    /** kResourceType_Redux_future4 = 112. */
246    public static final int kResourceType_Redux_future4 = 112;
247    /** kResourceType_Redux_future5 = 113. */
248    public static final int kResourceType_Redux_future5 = 113;
249    /** kResourceType_RevSparkFlexCAN = 114. */
250    public static final int kResourceType_RevSparkFlexCAN = 114;
251    /** kResourceType_RevSparkFlexPWM = 115. */
252    public static final int kResourceType_RevSparkFlexPWM = 115;
253  }
255  /**
256   * Instances from UsageReporting.
257   */
258  @SuppressWarnings("TypeName")
259  public static final class tInstances {
260    private tInstances() {
261    }
263    /** kLanguage_LabVIEW = 1. */
264    public static final int kLanguage_LabVIEW = 1;
265    /** kLanguage_CPlusPlus = 2. */
266    public static final int kLanguage_CPlusPlus = 2;
267    /** kLanguage_Java = 3. */
268    public static final int kLanguage_Java = 3;
269    /** kLanguage_Python = 4. */
270    public static final int kLanguage_Python = 4;
271    /** kLanguage_DotNet = 5. */
272    public static final int kLanguage_DotNet = 5;
273    /** kLanguage_Kotlin = 6. */
274    public static final int kLanguage_Kotlin = 6;
275    /** kCANPlugin_BlackJagBridge = 1. */
276    public static final int kCANPlugin_BlackJagBridge = 1;
277    /** kCANPlugin_2CAN = 2. */
278    public static final int kCANPlugin_2CAN = 2;
279    /** kFramework_Iterative = 1. */
280    public static final int kFramework_Iterative = 1;
281    /** kFramework_Simple = 2. */
282    public static final int kFramework_Simple = 2;
283    /** kFramework_CommandControl = 3. */
284    public static final int kFramework_CommandControl = 3;
285    /** kFramework_Timed = 4. */
286    public static final int kFramework_Timed = 4;
287    /** kFramework_ROS = 5. */
288    public static final int kFramework_ROS = 5;
289    /** kFramework_RobotBuilder = 6. */
290    public static final int kFramework_RobotBuilder = 6;
291    /** kFramework_AdvantageKit = 7. */
292    public static final int kFramework_AdvantageKit = 7;
293    /** kRobotDrive_ArcadeStandard = 1. */
294    public static final int kRobotDrive_ArcadeStandard = 1;
295    /** kRobotDrive_ArcadeButtonSpin = 2. */
296    public static final int kRobotDrive_ArcadeButtonSpin = 2;
297    /** kRobotDrive_ArcadeRatioCurve = 3. */
298    public static final int kRobotDrive_ArcadeRatioCurve = 3;
299    /** kRobotDrive_Tank = 4. */
300    public static final int kRobotDrive_Tank = 4;
301    /** kRobotDrive_MecanumPolar = 5. */
302    public static final int kRobotDrive_MecanumPolar = 5;
303    /** kRobotDrive_MecanumCartesian = 6. */
304    public static final int kRobotDrive_MecanumCartesian = 6;
305    /** kRobotDrive2_DifferentialArcade = 7. */
306    public static final int kRobotDrive2_DifferentialArcade = 7;
307    /** kRobotDrive2_DifferentialTank = 8. */
308    public static final int kRobotDrive2_DifferentialTank = 8;
309    /** kRobotDrive2_DifferentialCurvature = 9. */
310    public static final int kRobotDrive2_DifferentialCurvature = 9;
311    /** kRobotDrive2_MecanumCartesian = 10. */
312    public static final int kRobotDrive2_MecanumCartesian = 10;
313    /** kRobotDrive2_MecanumPolar = 11. */
314    public static final int kRobotDrive2_MecanumPolar = 11;
315    /** kRobotDrive2_KilloughCartesian = 12. */
316    public static final int kRobotDrive2_KilloughCartesian = 12;
317    /** kRobotDrive2_KilloughPolar = 13. */
318    public static final int kRobotDrive2_KilloughPolar = 13;
319    /** kDriverStationCIO_Analog = 1. */
320    public static final int kDriverStationCIO_Analog = 1;
321    /** kDriverStationCIO_DigitalIn = 2. */
322    public static final int kDriverStationCIO_DigitalIn = 2;
323    /** kDriverStationCIO_DigitalOut = 3. */
324    public static final int kDriverStationCIO_DigitalOut = 3;
325    /** kDriverStationEIO_Acceleration = 1. */
326    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_Acceleration = 1;
327    /** kDriverStationEIO_AnalogIn = 2. */
328    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_AnalogIn = 2;
329    /** kDriverStationEIO_AnalogOut = 3. */
330    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_AnalogOut = 3;
331    /** kDriverStationEIO_Button = 4. */
332    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_Button = 4;
333    /** kDriverStationEIO_LED = 5. */
334    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_LED = 5;
335    /** kDriverStationEIO_DigitalIn = 6. */
336    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_DigitalIn = 6;
337    /** kDriverStationEIO_DigitalOut = 7. */
338    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_DigitalOut = 7;
339    /** kDriverStationEIO_FixedDigitalOut = 8. */
340    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_FixedDigitalOut = 8;
341    /** kDriverStationEIO_PWM = 9. */
342    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_PWM = 9;
343    /** kDriverStationEIO_Encoder = 10. */
344    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_Encoder = 10;
345    /** kDriverStationEIO_TouchSlider = 11. */
346    public static final int kDriverStationEIO_TouchSlider = 11;
347    /** kADXL345_SPI = 1. */
348    public static final int kADXL345_SPI = 1;
349    /** kADXL345_I2C = 2. */
350    public static final int kADXL345_I2C = 2;
351    /** kCommand_Scheduler = 1. */
352    public static final int kCommand_Scheduler = 1;
353    /** kCommand2_Scheduler = 2. */
354    public static final int kCommand2_Scheduler = 2;
355    /** kSmartDashboard_Instance = 1. */
356    public static final int kSmartDashboard_Instance = 1;
357    /** kSmartDashboard_LiveWindow = 2. */
358    public static final int kSmartDashboard_LiveWindow = 2;
359    /** kKinematics_DifferentialDrive = 1. */
360    public static final int kKinematics_DifferentialDrive = 1;
361    /** kKinematics_MecanumDrive = 2. */
362    public static final int kKinematics_MecanumDrive = 2;
363    /** kKinematics_SwerveDrive = 3. */
364    public static final int kKinematics_SwerveDrive = 3;
365    /** kOdometry_DifferentialDrive = 1. */
366    public static final int kOdometry_DifferentialDrive = 1;
367    /** kOdometry_MecanumDrive = 2. */
368    public static final int kOdometry_MecanumDrive = 2;
369    /** kOdometry_SwerveDrive = 3. */
370    public static final int kOdometry_SwerveDrive = 3;
371  }
373  /** Utility class. */
374  private FRCNetComm() {}