001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.cameraserver;
007import edu.wpi.first.cscore.AxisCamera;
008import edu.wpi.first.cscore.CameraServerJNI;
009import edu.wpi.first.cscore.CvSink;
010import edu.wpi.first.cscore.CvSource;
011import edu.wpi.first.cscore.MjpegServer;
012import edu.wpi.first.cscore.UsbCamera;
013import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoEvent;
014import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoException;
015import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoListener;
016import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoMode;
017import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoSink;
018import edu.wpi.first.cscore.VideoSource;
019import edu.wpi.first.networktables.BooleanEntry;
020import edu.wpi.first.networktables.BooleanPublisher;
021import edu.wpi.first.networktables.IntegerEntry;
022import edu.wpi.first.networktables.IntegerPublisher;
023import edu.wpi.first.networktables.NetworkTable;
024import edu.wpi.first.networktables.NetworkTableInstance;
025import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringArrayPublisher;
026import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringArrayTopic;
027import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringEntry;
028import edu.wpi.first.networktables.StringPublisher;
029import edu.wpi.first.util.PixelFormat;
030import java.lang.ref.Reference;
031import java.util.ArrayList;
032import java.util.Arrays;
033import java.util.HashMap;
034import java.util.Map;
035import java.util.Objects;
036import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
039 * Singleton class for creating and keeping camera servers. Also publishes camera information to
040 * NetworkTables.
041 */
042public final class CameraServer {
043  /** CameraServer base port. */
044  public static final int kBasePort = 1181;
046  private static final String kPublishName = "/CameraPublisher";
048  private static final class PropertyPublisher implements AutoCloseable {
049    @SuppressWarnings({"PMD.MissingBreakInSwitch", "PMD.ImplicitSwitchFallThrough", "fallthrough"})
050    PropertyPublisher(NetworkTable table, VideoEvent event) {
051      String name;
052      String infoName;
053      if (event.name.startsWith("raw_")) {
054        name = "RawProperty/" + event.name;
055        infoName = "RawPropertyInfo/" + event.name;
056      } else {
057        name = "Property/" + event.name;
058        infoName = "PropertyInfo/" + event.name;
059      }
061      try {
062        switch (event.propertyKind) {
063          case kBoolean:
064            m_booleanValueEntry = table.getBooleanTopic(name).getEntry(false);
065            m_booleanValueEntry.setDefault(event.value != 0);
066            break;
067          case kEnum:
068            m_choicesTopic = table.getStringArrayTopic(infoName + "/choices");
069            // fall through
070          case kInteger:
071            m_integerValueEntry = table.getIntegerTopic(name).getEntry(0);
072            m_minPublisher = table.getIntegerTopic(infoName + "/min").publish();
073            m_maxPublisher = table.getIntegerTopic(infoName + "/max").publish();
074            m_stepPublisher = table.getIntegerTopic(infoName + "/step").publish();
075            m_defaultPublisher = table.getIntegerTopic(infoName + "/default").publish();
077            m_integerValueEntry.setDefault(event.value);
078            m_minPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.getPropertyMin(event.propertyHandle));
079            m_maxPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.getPropertyMax(event.propertyHandle));
080            m_stepPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.getPropertyStep(event.propertyHandle));
081            m_defaultPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.getPropertyDefault(event.propertyHandle));
082            break;
083          case kString:
084            m_stringValueEntry = table.getStringTopic(name).getEntry("");
085            m_stringValueEntry.setDefault(event.valueStr);
086            break;
087          default:
088            break;
089        }
090      } catch (VideoException ignored) {
091        // ignore
092      }
093    }
095    void update(VideoEvent event) {
096      switch (event.propertyKind) {
097        case kBoolean:
098          if (m_booleanValueEntry != null) {
099            m_booleanValueEntry.set(event.value != 0);
100          }
101          break;
102        case kInteger:
103        case kEnum:
104          if (m_integerValueEntry != null) {
105            m_integerValueEntry.set(event.value);
106          }
107          break;
108        case kString:
109          if (m_stringValueEntry != null) {
110            m_stringValueEntry.set(event.valueStr);
111          }
112          break;
113        default:
114          break;
115      }
116    }
118    @Override
119    public void close() {
120      if (m_booleanValueEntry != null) {
121        m_booleanValueEntry.close();
122      }
123      if (m_integerValueEntry != null) {
124        m_integerValueEntry.close();
125      }
126      if (m_stringValueEntry != null) {
127        m_stringValueEntry.close();
128      }
129      if (m_minPublisher != null) {
130        m_minPublisher.close();
131      }
132      if (m_maxPublisher != null) {
133        m_maxPublisher.close();
134      }
135      if (m_stepPublisher != null) {
136        m_stepPublisher.close();
137      }
138      if (m_defaultPublisher != null) {
139        m_defaultPublisher.close();
140      }
141      if (m_choicesPublisher != null) {
142        m_choicesPublisher.close();
143      }
144      Reference.reachabilityFence(m_videoListener);
145    }
147    BooleanEntry m_booleanValueEntry;
148    IntegerEntry m_integerValueEntry;
149    StringEntry m_stringValueEntry;
150    IntegerPublisher m_minPublisher;
151    IntegerPublisher m_maxPublisher;
152    IntegerPublisher m_stepPublisher;
153    IntegerPublisher m_defaultPublisher;
154    StringArrayTopic m_choicesTopic;
155    StringArrayPublisher m_choicesPublisher;
156  }
158  private static final class SourcePublisher implements AutoCloseable {
159    SourcePublisher(NetworkTable table, int sourceHandle) {
160      this.m_table = table;
161      m_sourcePublisher = table.getStringTopic("source").publish();
162      m_descriptionPublisher = table.getStringTopic("description").publish();
163      m_connectedPublisher = table.getBooleanTopic("connected").publish();
164      m_streamsPublisher = table.getStringArrayTopic("streams").publish();
165      m_modeEntry = table.getStringTopic("mode").getEntry("");
166      m_modesPublisher = table.getStringArrayTopic("modes").publish();
168      m_sourcePublisher.set(makeSourceValue(sourceHandle));
169      m_descriptionPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.getSourceDescription(sourceHandle));
170      m_connectedPublisher.set(CameraServerJNI.isSourceConnected(sourceHandle));
171      m_streamsPublisher.set(getSourceStreamValues(sourceHandle));
173      try {
174        VideoMode mode = CameraServerJNI.getSourceVideoMode(sourceHandle);
175        m_modeEntry.setDefault(videoModeToString(mode));
176        m_modesPublisher.set(getSourceModeValues(sourceHandle));
177      } catch (VideoException ignored) {
178        // Do nothing. Let the other event handlers update this if there is an error.
179      }
180    }
182    @Override
183    public void close() throws Exception {
184      m_sourcePublisher.close();
185      m_descriptionPublisher.close();
186      m_connectedPublisher.close();
187      m_streamsPublisher.close();
188      m_modeEntry.close();
189      m_modesPublisher.close();
190      for (PropertyPublisher pp : m_properties.values()) {
191        pp.close();
192      }
193    }
195    final NetworkTable m_table;
196    final StringPublisher m_sourcePublisher;
197    final StringPublisher m_descriptionPublisher;
198    final BooleanPublisher m_connectedPublisher;
199    final StringArrayPublisher m_streamsPublisher;
200    final StringEntry m_modeEntry;
201    final StringArrayPublisher m_modesPublisher;
202    final Map<Integer, PropertyPublisher> m_properties = new HashMap<>();
203  }
205  private static final AtomicInteger m_defaultUsbDevice = new AtomicInteger();
206  private static String m_primarySourceName;
207  private static final Map<String, VideoSource> m_sources = new HashMap<>();
208  private static final Map<String, VideoSink> m_sinks = new HashMap<>();
209  private static final Map<Integer, SourcePublisher> m_publishers =
210      new HashMap<>(); // indexed by source handle
211  // source handle indexed by sink handle
212  private static final Map<Integer, Integer> m_fixedSources = new HashMap<>();
213  private static final NetworkTable m_publishTable =
214      NetworkTableInstance.getDefault().getTable(kPublishName);
216  // We publish sources to NetworkTables using the following structure:
217  // "/CameraPublisher/{Source.Name}/" - root
218  // - "source" (string): Descriptive, prefixed with type (e.g. "usb:0")
219  // - "streams" (string array): URLs that can be used to stream data
220  // - "description" (string): Description of the source
221  // - "connected" (boolean): Whether source is connected
222  // - "mode" (string): Current video mode
223  // - "modes" (string array): Available video modes
224  // - "Property/{Property}" - Property values
225  // - "PropertyInfo/{Property}" - Property supporting information
227  // Listener for video events
228  @SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidCatchingGenericException")
229  private static final VideoListener m_videoListener =
230      new VideoListener(
231          event -> {
232            synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
233              switch (event.kind) {
234                case kSourceCreated:
235                  {
236                    // Create subtable for the camera
237                    NetworkTable table = m_publishTable.getSubTable(event.name);
238                    m_publishers.put(
239                        event.sourceHandle, new SourcePublisher(table, event.sourceHandle));
240                    break;
241                  }
242                case kSourceDestroyed:
243                  {
244                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.remove(event.sourceHandle);
245                    if (publisher != null) {
246                      try {
247                        publisher.close();
248                      } catch (Exception e) {
249                        // ignore (nothing we can do about it)
250                      }
251                    }
252                    break;
253                  }
254                case kSourceConnected:
255                  {
256                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
257                    if (publisher != null) {
258                      // update the description too (as it may have changed)
259                      publisher.m_descriptionPublisher.set(
260                          CameraServerJNI.getSourceDescription(event.sourceHandle));
261                      publisher.m_connectedPublisher.set(true);
262                    }
263                    break;
264                  }
265                case kSourceDisconnected:
266                  {
267                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
268                    if (publisher != null) {
269                      publisher.m_connectedPublisher.set(false);
270                    }
271                    break;
272                  }
273                case kSourceVideoModesUpdated:
274                  {
275                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
276                    if (publisher != null) {
277                      publisher.m_modesPublisher.set(getSourceModeValues(event.sourceHandle));
278                    }
279                    break;
280                  }
281                case kSourceVideoModeChanged:
282                  {
283                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
284                    if (publisher != null) {
285                      publisher.m_modeEntry.set(videoModeToString(event.mode));
286                    }
287                    break;
288                  }
289                case kSourcePropertyCreated:
290                  {
291                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
292                    if (publisher != null) {
293                      publisher.m_properties.put(
294                          event.propertyHandle, new PropertyPublisher(publisher.m_table, event));
295                    }
296                    break;
297                  }
298                case kSourcePropertyValueUpdated:
299                  {
300                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
301                    if (publisher != null) {
302                      PropertyPublisher pp = publisher.m_properties.get(event.propertyHandle);
303                      if (pp != null) {
304                        pp.update(event);
305                      }
306                    }
307                    break;
308                  }
309                case kSourcePropertyChoicesUpdated:
310                  {
311                    SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(event.sourceHandle);
312                    if (publisher != null) {
313                      PropertyPublisher pp = publisher.m_properties.get(event.propertyHandle);
314                      if (pp != null && pp.m_choicesTopic != null) {
315                        try {
316                          String[] choices =
317                              CameraServerJNI.getEnumPropertyChoices(event.propertyHandle);
318                          if (pp.m_choicesPublisher == null) {
319                            pp.m_choicesPublisher = pp.m_choicesTopic.publish();
320                          }
321                          pp.m_choicesPublisher.set(choices);
322                        } catch (VideoException ignored) {
323                          // ignore (just don't publish choices if we can't get them)
324                        }
325                      }
326                    }
327                    break;
328                  }
329                case kSinkSourceChanged:
330                case kSinkCreated:
331                case kSinkDestroyed:
332                case kNetworkInterfacesChanged:
333                  {
334                    m_addresses = CameraServerJNI.getNetworkInterfaces();
335                    updateStreamValues();
336                    break;
337                  }
338                default:
339                  break;
340              }
341            }
342          },
343          0x4fff,
344          true);
346  private static int m_nextPort = kBasePort;
347  private static String[] m_addresses = new String[0];
349  /**
350   * Return URI of source with the given index.
351   *
352   * @param source Source index.
353   */
354  private static String makeSourceValue(int source) {
355    switch (VideoSource.getKindFromInt(CameraServerJNI.getSourceKind(source))) {
356      case kUsb:
357        return "usb:" + CameraServerJNI.getUsbCameraPath(source);
358      case kHttp:
359        {
360          String[] urls = CameraServerJNI.getHttpCameraUrls(source);
361          if (urls.length > 0) {
362            return "ip:" + urls[0];
363          } else {
364            return "ip:";
365          }
366        }
367      case kCv:
368        return "cv:";
369      default:
370        return "unknown:";
371    }
372  }
374  /**
375   * Return URI of stream with the given address and port.
376   *
377   * @param address Stream IP address.
378   * @param port Stream remote port.
379   */
380  private static String makeStreamValue(String address, int port) {
381    return "mjpg:http://" + address + ":" + port + "/?action=stream";
382  }
384  /**
385   * Return URI of sink stream with the given index.
386   *
387   * @param sink Sink index.
388   */
389  private static synchronized String[] getSinkStreamValues(int sink) {
390    // Ignore all but MjpegServer
391    if (VideoSink.getKindFromInt(CameraServerJNI.getSinkKind(sink)) != VideoSink.Kind.kMjpeg) {
392      return new String[0];
393    }
395    // Get port
396    int port = CameraServerJNI.getMjpegServerPort(sink);
398    // Generate values
399    ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<>(m_addresses.length + 1);
400    String listenAddress = CameraServerJNI.getMjpegServerListenAddress(sink);
401    if (!listenAddress.isEmpty()) {
402      // If a listen address is specified, only use that
403      values.add(makeStreamValue(listenAddress, port));
404    } else {
405      // Otherwise generate for hostname and all interface addresses
406      values.add(makeStreamValue(CameraServerJNI.getHostname() + ".local", port));
407      for (String addr : m_addresses) {
408        if ("".equals(addr)) {
409          continue; // ignore localhost
410        }
411        values.add(makeStreamValue(addr, port));
412      }
413    }
415    return values.toArray(new String[0]);
416  }
418  /**
419   * Return list of stream source URIs for the given source index.
420   *
421   * @param source Source index.
422   */
423  private static synchronized String[] getSourceStreamValues(int source) {
424    // Ignore all but HttpCamera
425    if (VideoSource.getKindFromInt(CameraServerJNI.getSourceKind(source))
426        != VideoSource.Kind.kHttp) {
427      return new String[0];
428    }
430    // Generate values
431    String[] values = CameraServerJNI.getHttpCameraUrls(source);
432    for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) {
433      values[j] = "mjpg:" + values[j];
434    }
436    if (CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().isRoboRIO()) {
437      // Look to see if we have a passthrough server for this source
438      // Only do this on the roboRIO
439      for (VideoSink i : m_sinks.values()) {
440        int sink = i.getHandle();
441        int sinkSource = CameraServerJNI.getSinkSource(sink);
442        if (source == sinkSource
443            && VideoSink.getKindFromInt(CameraServerJNI.getSinkKind(sink))
444                == VideoSink.Kind.kMjpeg) {
445          // Add USB-only passthrough
446          String[] finalValues = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length + 1);
447          int port = CameraServerJNI.getMjpegServerPort(sink);
448          finalValues[values.length] = makeStreamValue("", port);
449          return finalValues;
450        }
451      }
452    }
454    return values;
455  }
457  /** Update list of stream URIs. */
458  private static synchronized void updateStreamValues() {
459    // Over all the sinks...
460    for (VideoSink i : m_sinks.values()) {
461      int sink = i.getHandle();
463      // Get the source's subtable (if none exists, we're done)
464      int source =
465          Objects.requireNonNullElseGet(
466              m_fixedSources.get(sink), () -> CameraServerJNI.getSinkSource(sink));
468      if (source == 0) {
469        continue;
470      }
471      SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(source);
472      if (publisher != null) {
473        // Don't set stream values if this is a HttpCamera passthrough
474        if (VideoSource.getKindFromInt(CameraServerJNI.getSourceKind(source))
475            == VideoSource.Kind.kHttp) {
476          continue;
477        }
479        // Set table value
480        String[] values = getSinkStreamValues(sink);
481        if (values.length > 0) {
482          publisher.m_streamsPublisher.set(values);
483        }
484      }
485    }
487    // Over all the sources...
488    for (VideoSource i : m_sources.values()) {
489      int source = i.getHandle();
491      // Get the source's subtable (if none exists, we're done)
492      SourcePublisher publisher = m_publishers.get(source);
493      if (publisher != null) {
494        // Set table value
495        String[] values = getSourceStreamValues(source);
496        if (values.length > 0) {
497          publisher.m_streamsPublisher.set(values);
498        }
499      }
500    }
501  }
503  /** Provide string description of pixel format. */
504  private static String pixelFormatToString(PixelFormat pixelFormat) {
505    switch (pixelFormat) {
506      case kMJPEG:
507        return "MJPEG";
508      case kYUYV:
509        return "YUYV";
510      case kRGB565:
511        return "RGB565";
512      case kBGR:
513        return "BGR";
514      case kGray:
515        return "Gray";
516      default:
517        return "Unknown";
518    }
519  }
521  /**
522   * Provide string description of video mode.
523   *
524   * <p>The returned string is "{width}x{height} {format} {fps} fps".
525   */
526  private static String videoModeToString(VideoMode mode) {
527    return mode.width
528        + "x"
529        + mode.height
530        + " "
531        + pixelFormatToString(mode.pixelFormat)
532        + " "
533        + mode.fps
534        + " fps";
535  }
537  /**
538   * Get list of video modes for the given source handle.
539   *
540   * @param sourceHandle Source handle.
541   */
542  private static String[] getSourceModeValues(int sourceHandle) {
543    VideoMode[] modes = CameraServerJNI.enumerateSourceVideoModes(sourceHandle);
544    String[] modeStrings = new String[modes.length];
545    for (int i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) {
546      modeStrings[i] = videoModeToString(modes[i]);
547    }
548    return modeStrings;
549  }
551  private CameraServer() {}
553  /**
554   * Start automatically capturing images to send to the dashboard.
555   *
556   * <p>You should call this method to see a camera feed on the dashboard. If you also want to
557   * perform vision processing on the roboRIO, use getVideo() to get access to the camera images.
558   *
559   * <p>The first time this overload is called, it calls {@link #startAutomaticCapture(int)} with
560   * device 0, creating a camera named "USB Camera 0". Subsequent calls increment the device number
561   * (e.g. 1, 2, etc).
562   *
563   * @return The USB camera capturing images.
564   */
565  public static UsbCamera startAutomaticCapture() {
566    UsbCamera camera = startAutomaticCapture(m_defaultUsbDevice.getAndIncrement());
567    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportUsbCamera(camera.getHandle());
568    return camera;
569  }
571  /**
572   * Start automatically capturing images to send to the dashboard.
573   *
574   * <p>This overload calls {@link #startAutomaticCapture(String, int)} with a name of "USB Camera
575   * {dev}".
576   *
577   * @param dev The device number of the camera interface
578   * @return The USB camera capturing images.
579   */
580  public static UsbCamera startAutomaticCapture(int dev) {
581    UsbCamera camera = new UsbCamera("USB Camera " + dev, dev);
582    startAutomaticCapture(camera);
583    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportUsbCamera(camera.getHandle());
584    return camera;
585  }
587  /**
588   * Start automatically capturing images to send to the dashboard.
589   *
590   * @param name The name to give the camera
591   * @param dev The device number of the camera interface
592   * @return The USB camera capturing images.
593   */
594  public static UsbCamera startAutomaticCapture(String name, int dev) {
595    UsbCamera camera = new UsbCamera(name, dev);
596    startAutomaticCapture(camera);
597    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportUsbCamera(camera.getHandle());
598    return camera;
599  }
601  /**
602   * Start automatically capturing images to send to the dashboard.
603   *
604   * @param name The name to give the camera
605   * @param path The device path (e.g. "/dev/video0") of the camera
606   * @return The USB camera capturing images.
607   */
608  public static UsbCamera startAutomaticCapture(String name, String path) {
609    UsbCamera camera = new UsbCamera(name, path);
610    startAutomaticCapture(camera);
611    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportUsbCamera(camera.getHandle());
612    return camera;
613  }
615  /**
616   * Start automatically capturing images to send to the dashboard from an existing camera.
617   *
618   * @param camera Camera
619   * @return The MJPEG server serving images from the given camera.
620   */
621  public static MjpegServer startAutomaticCapture(VideoSource camera) {
622    addCamera(camera);
623    MjpegServer server = addServer("serve_" + camera.getName());
624    server.setSource(camera);
625    return server;
626  }
628  /**
629   * Adds an Axis IP camera.
630   *
631   * <p>This overload calls {@link #addAxisCamera(String, String)} with name "Axis Camera".
632   *
633   * @param host Camera host IP or DNS name (e.g. "10.x.y.11")
634   * @return The Axis camera capturing images.
635   */
636  public static AxisCamera addAxisCamera(String host) {
637    return addAxisCamera("Axis Camera", host);
638  }
640  /**
641   * Adds an Axis IP camera.
642   *
643   * <p>This overload calls {@link #addAxisCamera(String, String[])} with name "Axis Camera".
644   *
645   * @param hosts Array of Camera host IPs/DNS names
646   * @return The Axis camera capturing images.
647   */
648  public static AxisCamera addAxisCamera(String[] hosts) {
649    return addAxisCamera("Axis Camera", hosts);
650  }
652  /**
653   * Adds an Axis IP camera.
654   *
655   * @param name The name to give the camera
656   * @param host Camera host IP or DNS name (e.g. "10.x.y.11")
657   * @return The Axis camera capturing images.
658   */
659  public static AxisCamera addAxisCamera(String name, String host) {
660    AxisCamera camera = new AxisCamera(name, host);
661    // Create a passthrough MJPEG server for USB access
662    startAutomaticCapture(camera);
663    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportAxisCamera(camera.getHandle());
664    return camera;
665  }
667  /**
668   * Adds an Axis IP camera.
669   *
670   * @param name The name to give the camera
671   * @param hosts Array of Camera host IPs/DNS names
672   * @return The Axis camera capturing images.
673   */
674  public static AxisCamera addAxisCamera(String name, String[] hosts) {
675    AxisCamera camera = new AxisCamera(name, hosts);
676    // Create a passthrough MJPEG server for USB access
677    startAutomaticCapture(camera);
678    CameraServerSharedStore.getCameraServerShared().reportAxisCamera(camera.getHandle());
679    return camera;
680  }
682  /**
683   * Adds a virtual camera for switching between two streams. Unlike the other addCamera methods,
684   * this returns a VideoSink rather than a VideoSource. Calling setSource() on the returned object
685   * can be used to switch the actual source of the stream.
686   *
687   * @param name The name to give the camera
688   * @return The MJPEG server serving images from the given camera.
689   */
690  public static MjpegServer addSwitchedCamera(String name) {
691    // create a dummy CvSource
692    CvSource source = new CvSource(name, PixelFormat.kMJPEG, 160, 120, 30);
693    MjpegServer server = startAutomaticCapture(source);
694    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
695      m_fixedSources.put(server.getHandle(), source.getHandle());
696    }
698    return server;
699  }
701  /**
702   * Get OpenCV access to the primary camera feed. This allows you to get images from the camera for
703   * image processing on the roboRIO.
704   *
705   * <p>This is only valid to call after a camera feed has been added with startAutomaticCapture()
706   * or addServer().
707   *
708   * @return OpenCV sink for the primary camera feed
709   */
710  public static CvSink getVideo() {
711    VideoSource source;
712    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
713      if (m_primarySourceName == null) {
714        throw new VideoException("no camera available");
715      }
716      source = m_sources.get(m_primarySourceName);
717    }
718    if (source == null) {
719      throw new VideoException("no camera available");
720    }
721    return getVideo(source);
722  }
724  /**
725   * Get OpenCV access to the specified camera. This allows you to get images from the camera for
726   * image processing on the roboRIO.
727   *
728   * @param camera Camera (e.g. as returned by startAutomaticCapture).
729   * @return OpenCV sink for the specified camera
730   */
731  public static CvSink getVideo(VideoSource camera) {
732    String name = "opencv_" + camera.getName();
734    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
735      VideoSink sink = m_sinks.get(name);
736      if (sink != null) {
737        VideoSink.Kind kind = sink.getKind();
738        if (kind != VideoSink.Kind.kCv) {
739          throw new VideoException("expected OpenCV sink, but got " + kind);
740        }
741        return (CvSink) sink;
742      }
743    }
745    CvSink newsink = new CvSink(name);
746    newsink.setSource(camera);
747    addServer(newsink);
748    return newsink;
749  }
751  /**
752   * Get OpenCV access to the specified camera. This allows you to get images from the camera for
753   * image processing on the roboRIO.
754   *
755   * @param camera Camera (e.g. as returned by startAutomaticCapture).
756   * @param pixelFormat Desired pixelFormat of the camera
757   * @return OpenCV sink for the specified camera
758   */
759  public static CvSink getVideo(VideoSource camera, PixelFormat pixelFormat) {
760    String name = "opencv_" + camera.getName();
762    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
763      VideoSink sink = m_sinks.get(name);
764      if (sink != null) {
765        VideoSink.Kind kind = sink.getKind();
766        if (kind != VideoSink.Kind.kCv) {
767          throw new VideoException("expected OpenCV sink, but got " + kind);
768        }
769        return (CvSink) sink;
770      }
771    }
773    CvSink newsink = new CvSink(name, pixelFormat);
774    newsink.setSource(camera);
775    addServer(newsink);
776    return newsink;
777  }
779  /**
780   * Get OpenCV access to the specified camera. This allows you to get images from the camera for
781   * image processing on the roboRIO.
782   *
783   * @param name Camera name
784   * @return OpenCV sink for the specified camera
785   */
786  public static CvSink getVideo(String name) {
787    VideoSource source;
788    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
789      source = m_sources.get(name);
790      if (source == null) {
791        throw new VideoException("could not find camera " + name);
792      }
793    }
794    return getVideo(source);
795  }
797  /**
798   * Create a MJPEG stream with OpenCV input. This can be called to pass custom annotated images to
799   * the dashboard.
800   *
801   * @param name Name to give the stream
802   * @param width Width of the image being sent
803   * @param height Height of the image being sent
804   * @return OpenCV source for the MJPEG stream
805   */
806  public static CvSource putVideo(String name, int width, int height) {
807    CvSource source = new CvSource(name, PixelFormat.kMJPEG, width, height, 30);
808    startAutomaticCapture(source);
809    return source;
810  }
812  /**
813   * Adds a MJPEG server at the next available port.
814   *
815   * @param name Server name
816   * @return The MJPEG server
817   */
818  public static MjpegServer addServer(String name) {
819    int port;
820    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
821      port = m_nextPort;
822      m_nextPort++;
823    }
824    return addServer(name, port);
825  }
827  /**
828   * Adds a MJPEG server.
829   *
830   * @param name Server name
831   * @param port Server port
832   * @return The MJPEG server
833   */
834  public static MjpegServer addServer(String name, int port) {
835    MjpegServer server = new MjpegServer(name, port);
836    addServer(server);
837    return server;
838  }
840  /**
841   * Adds an already created server.
842   *
843   * @param server Server
844   */
845  public static void addServer(VideoSink server) {
846    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
847      m_sinks.put(server.getName(), server);
848    }
849  }
851  /**
852   * Removes a server by name.
853   *
854   * @param name Server name
855   */
856  public static void removeServer(String name) {
857    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
858      m_sinks.remove(name);
859    }
860  }
862  /**
863   * Get server for the primary camera feed.
864   *
865   * <p>This is only valid to call after a camera feed has been added with startAutomaticCapture()
866   * or addServer().
867   *
868   * @return The server for the primary camera feed
869   */
870  public static VideoSink getServer() {
871    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
872      if (m_primarySourceName == null) {
873        throw new VideoException("no camera available");
874      }
875      return getServer("serve_" + m_primarySourceName);
876    }
877  }
879  /**
880   * Gets a server by name.
881   *
882   * @param name Server name
883   * @return The server
884   */
885  public static VideoSink getServer(String name) {
886    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
887      return m_sinks.get(name);
888    }
889  }
891  /**
892   * Adds an already created camera.
893   *
894   * @param camera Camera
895   */
896  public static void addCamera(VideoSource camera) {
897    String name = camera.getName();
898    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
899      if (m_primarySourceName == null) {
900        m_primarySourceName = name;
901      }
902      m_sources.put(name, camera);
903    }
904  }
906  /**
907   * Removes a camera by name.
908   *
909   * @param name Camera name
910   */
911  public static void removeCamera(String name) {
912    synchronized (CameraServer.class) {
913      m_sources.remove(name);
914    }
915  }