002// This file is auto-generated. Please don't modify it!
004package org.opencv.objdetect;
006import org.opencv.core.Mat;
007import org.opencv.core.Size;
008import org.opencv.objdetect.FaceDetectorYN;
010// C++: class FaceDetectorYN
012 * DNN-based face detector
013 *
014 * model download link: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_zoo/tree/master/models/face_detection_yunet
015 */
016public class FaceDetectorYN {
018    protected final long nativeObj;
019    protected FaceDetectorYN(long addr) { nativeObj = addr; }
021    public long getNativeObjAddr() { return nativeObj; }
023    // internal usage only
024    public static FaceDetectorYN __fromPtr__(long addr) { return new FaceDetectorYN(addr); }
026    //
027    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setInputSize(Size input_size)
028    //
030    /**
031     * Set the size for the network input, which overwrites the input size of creating model. Call this method when the size of input image does not match the input size when creating model
032     *
033     * @param input_size the size of the input image
034     */
035    public void setInputSize(Size input_size) {
036        setInputSize_0(nativeObj, input_size.width, input_size.height);
037    }
040    //
041    // C++:  Size cv::FaceDetectorYN::getInputSize()
042    //
044    public Size getInputSize() {
045        return new Size(getInputSize_0(nativeObj));
046    }
049    //
050    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setScoreThreshold(float score_threshold)
051    //
053    /**
054     * Set the score threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score less than the given value
055     *
056     * @param score_threshold threshold for filtering out bounding boxes
057     */
058    public void setScoreThreshold(float score_threshold) {
059        setScoreThreshold_0(nativeObj, score_threshold);
060    }
063    //
064    // C++:  float cv::FaceDetectorYN::getScoreThreshold()
065    //
067    public float getScoreThreshold() {
068        return getScoreThreshold_0(nativeObj);
069    }
072    //
073    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setNMSThreshold(float nms_threshold)
074    //
076    /**
077     * Set the Non-maximum-suppression threshold to suppress bounding boxes that have IoU greater than the given value
078     *
079     * @param nms_threshold threshold for NMS operation
080     */
081    public void setNMSThreshold(float nms_threshold) {
082        setNMSThreshold_0(nativeObj, nms_threshold);
083    }
086    //
087    // C++:  float cv::FaceDetectorYN::getNMSThreshold()
088    //
090    public float getNMSThreshold() {
091        return getNMSThreshold_0(nativeObj);
092    }
095    //
096    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setTopK(int top_k)
097    //
099    /**
100     * Set the number of bounding boxes preserved before NMS
101     *
102     * @param top_k the number of bounding boxes to preserve from top rank based on score
103     */
104    public void setTopK(int top_k) {
105        setTopK_0(nativeObj, top_k);
106    }
109    //
110    // C++:  int cv::FaceDetectorYN::getTopK()
111    //
113    public int getTopK() {
114        return getTopK_0(nativeObj);
115    }
118    //
119    // C++:  int cv::FaceDetectorYN::detect(Mat image, Mat& faces)
120    //
122    /**
123     * Detects faces in the input image. Following is an example output.
124     *
125     * ![image](pics/lena-face-detection.jpg)
126     *
127     * @param image an image to detect
128     * @param faces detection results stored in a 2D cv::Mat of shape [num_faces, 15]
129     * - 0-1: x, y of bbox top left corner
130     * - 2-3: width, height of bbox
131     * - 4-5: x, y of right eye (blue point in the example image)
132     * - 6-7: x, y of left eye (red point in the example image)
133     * - 8-9: x, y of nose tip (green point in the example image)
134     * - 10-11: x, y of right corner of mouth (pink point in the example image)
135     * - 12-13: x, y of left corner of mouth (yellow point in the example image)
136     * - 14: face score
137     * @return automatically generated
138     */
139    public int detect(Mat image, Mat faces) {
140        return detect_0(nativeObj, image.nativeObj, faces.nativeObj);
141    }
144    //
145    // C++: static Ptr_FaceDetectorYN cv::FaceDetectorYN::create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold = 0.9f, float nms_threshold = 0.3f, int top_k = 5000, int backend_id = 0, int target_id = 0)
146    //
148    /**
149     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
150     *
151     * @param model the path to the requested model
152     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
153     * @param input_size the size of the input image
154     * @param score_threshold the threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score smaller than the given value
155     * @param nms_threshold the threshold to suppress bounding boxes of IoU bigger than the given value
156     * @param top_k keep top K bboxes before NMS
157     * @param backend_id the id of backend
158     * @param target_id the id of target device
159     * @return automatically generated
160     */
161    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k, int backend_id, int target_id) {
162        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_0(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height, score_threshold, nms_threshold, top_k, backend_id, target_id));
163    }
165    /**
166     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
167     *
168     * @param model the path to the requested model
169     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
170     * @param input_size the size of the input image
171     * @param score_threshold the threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score smaller than the given value
172     * @param nms_threshold the threshold to suppress bounding boxes of IoU bigger than the given value
173     * @param top_k keep top K bboxes before NMS
174     * @param backend_id the id of backend
175     * @return automatically generated
176     */
177    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k, int backend_id) {
178        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_1(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height, score_threshold, nms_threshold, top_k, backend_id));
179    }
181    /**
182     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
183     *
184     * @param model the path to the requested model
185     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
186     * @param input_size the size of the input image
187     * @param score_threshold the threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score smaller than the given value
188     * @param nms_threshold the threshold to suppress bounding boxes of IoU bigger than the given value
189     * @param top_k keep top K bboxes before NMS
190     * @return automatically generated
191     */
192    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k) {
193        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_2(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height, score_threshold, nms_threshold, top_k));
194    }
196    /**
197     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
198     *
199     * @param model the path to the requested model
200     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
201     * @param input_size the size of the input image
202     * @param score_threshold the threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score smaller than the given value
203     * @param nms_threshold the threshold to suppress bounding boxes of IoU bigger than the given value
204     * @return automatically generated
205     */
206    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold) {
207        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_3(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height, score_threshold, nms_threshold));
208    }
210    /**
211     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
212     *
213     * @param model the path to the requested model
214     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
215     * @param input_size the size of the input image
216     * @param score_threshold the threshold to filter out bounding boxes of score smaller than the given value
217     * @return automatically generated
218     */
219    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold) {
220        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_4(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height, score_threshold));
221    }
223    /**
224     * Creates an instance of this class with given parameters
225     *
226     * @param model the path to the requested model
227     * @param config the path to the config file for compability, which is not requested for ONNX models
228     * @param input_size the size of the input image
229     * @return automatically generated
230     */
231    public static FaceDetectorYN create(String model, String config, Size input_size) {
232        return FaceDetectorYN.__fromPtr__(create_5(model, config, input_size.width, input_size.height));
233    }
236    @Override
237    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
238        delete(nativeObj);
239    }
243    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setInputSize(Size input_size)
244    private static native void setInputSize_0(long nativeObj, double input_size_width, double input_size_height);
246    // C++:  Size cv::FaceDetectorYN::getInputSize()
247    private static native double[] getInputSize_0(long nativeObj);
249    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setScoreThreshold(float score_threshold)
250    private static native void setScoreThreshold_0(long nativeObj, float score_threshold);
252    // C++:  float cv::FaceDetectorYN::getScoreThreshold()
253    private static native float getScoreThreshold_0(long nativeObj);
255    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setNMSThreshold(float nms_threshold)
256    private static native void setNMSThreshold_0(long nativeObj, float nms_threshold);
258    // C++:  float cv::FaceDetectorYN::getNMSThreshold()
259    private static native float getNMSThreshold_0(long nativeObj);
261    // C++:  void cv::FaceDetectorYN::setTopK(int top_k)
262    private static native void setTopK_0(long nativeObj, int top_k);
264    // C++:  int cv::FaceDetectorYN::getTopK()
265    private static native int getTopK_0(long nativeObj);
267    // C++:  int cv::FaceDetectorYN::detect(Mat image, Mat& faces)
268    private static native int detect_0(long nativeObj, long image_nativeObj, long faces_nativeObj);
270    // C++: static Ptr_FaceDetectorYN cv::FaceDetectorYN::create(String model, String config, Size input_size, float score_threshold = 0.9f, float nms_threshold = 0.3f, int top_k = 5000, int backend_id = 0, int target_id = 0)
271    private static native long create_0(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k, int backend_id, int target_id);
272    private static native long create_1(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k, int backend_id);
273    private static native long create_2(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold, int top_k);
274    private static native long create_3(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height, float score_threshold, float nms_threshold);
275    private static native long create_4(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height, float score_threshold);
276    private static native long create_5(String model, String config, double input_size_width, double input_size_height);
278    // native support for java finalize()
279    private static native void delete(long nativeObj);