001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.util.struct.parser;
007import java.util.HashMap;
008import java.util.Map;
010/** Raw struct schema parser. */
011public class Parser {
012  /**
013   * Construct a raw struct schema parser.
014   *
015   * @param in schema
016   */
017  public Parser(String in) {
018    m_lexer = new Lexer(in);
019  }
021  /**
022   * Parses the schema.
023   *
024   * @return parsed schema object
025   * @throws ParseException on parse error
026   */
027  public ParsedSchema parse() throws ParseException {
028    ParsedSchema schema = new ParsedSchema();
029    do {
030      getNextToken();
031      if (m_token == TokenKind.kSemicolon) {
032        continue;
033      }
034      if (m_token == TokenKind.kEndOfInput) {
035        break;
036      }
037      schema.declarations.add(parseDeclaration());
038    } while (m_token != TokenKind.kEndOfInput);
039    return schema;
040  }
042  private ParsedDeclaration parseDeclaration() throws ParseException {
043    ParsedDeclaration decl = new ParsedDeclaration();
045    // optional enum specification
046    if (m_token == TokenKind.kIdentifier && "enum".equals(m_lexer.getTokenText())) {
047      getNextToken();
048      expect(TokenKind.kLeftBrace);
049      decl.enumValues = parseEnum();
050      getNextToken();
051    } else if (m_token == TokenKind.kLeftBrace) {
052      decl.enumValues = parseEnum();
053      getNextToken();
054    }
056    // type name
057    expect(TokenKind.kIdentifier);
058    decl.typeString = m_lexer.getTokenText();
059    getNextToken();
061    // identifier name
062    expect(TokenKind.kIdentifier);
063    decl.name = m_lexer.getTokenText();
064    getNextToken();
066    // array or bit field
067    if (m_token == TokenKind.kLeftBracket) {
068      getNextToken();
069      expect(TokenKind.kInteger);
070      String valueStr = m_lexer.getTokenText();
071      int value;
072      try {
073        value = Integer.parseInt(valueStr);
074      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
075        value = 0;
076      }
077      if (value > 0) {
078        decl.arraySize = value;
079      } else {
080        throw new ParseException(
081            m_lexer.m_pos, "array size '" + valueStr + "' is not a positive integer");
082      }
083      getNextToken();
084      expect(TokenKind.kRightBracket);
085      getNextToken();
086    } else if (m_token == TokenKind.kColon) {
087      getNextToken();
088      expect(TokenKind.kInteger);
089      String valueStr = m_lexer.getTokenText();
090      int value;
091      try {
092        value = Integer.parseInt(valueStr);
093      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
094        value = 0;
095      }
096      if (value > 0) {
097        decl.bitWidth = value;
098      } else {
099        throw new ParseException(
100            m_lexer.m_pos, "bitfield width '" + valueStr + "' is not a positive integer");
101      }
102      getNextToken();
103    }
105    // declaration must end with EOF or semicolon
106    if (m_token != TokenKind.kEndOfInput) {
107      expect(TokenKind.kSemicolon);
108    }
110    return decl;
111  }
113  private Map<String, Long> parseEnum() throws ParseException {
114    Map<String, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
116    // we start with current = '{'
117    getNextToken();
118    while (m_token != TokenKind.kRightBrace) {
119      expect(TokenKind.kIdentifier);
120      final String name = m_lexer.getTokenText();
121      getNextToken();
122      expect(TokenKind.kEquals);
123      getNextToken();
124      expect(TokenKind.kInteger);
125      String valueStr = m_lexer.getTokenText();
126      long value;
127      try {
128        value = Long.parseLong(valueStr);
129      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
130        throw new ParseException(m_lexer.m_pos, "could not parse enum value '" + valueStr + "'");
131      }
132      map.put(name, value);
133      getNextToken();
134      if (m_token == TokenKind.kRightBrace) {
135        break;
136      }
137      expect(TokenKind.kComma);
138      getNextToken();
139    }
140    return map;
141  }
143  private TokenKind getNextToken() {
144    m_token = m_lexer.scan();
145    return m_token;
146  }
148  private void expect(TokenKind kind) throws ParseException {
149    if (m_token != kind) {
150      throw new ParseException(
151          m_lexer.m_pos, "expected " + kind + ", got '" + m_lexer.getTokenText() + "'");
152    }
153  }
155  final Lexer m_lexer;
156  TokenKind m_token;