001// Copyright (c) FIRST and other WPILib contributors.
002// Open Source Software; you can modify and/or share it under the terms of
003// the WPILib BSD license file in the root directory of this project.
005package edu.wpi.first.hal;
008 * Encoder JNI Functions.
009 *
010 * @see "hal/Encoder.h"
011 */
012public class EncoderJNI extends JNIWrapper {
013  /**
014   * Initializes an encoder.
015   *
016   * @param digitalSourceHandleA the A source handle (either a digital or analog trigger)
017   * @param analogTriggerTypeA the analog trigger type of the A source if it is an analog trigger
018   * @param digitalSourceHandleB the B source handle (either a digital or analog trigger)
019   * @param analogTriggerTypeB the analog trigger type of the B source if it is an analog trigger
020   * @param reverseDirection true to reverse the counting direction from standard, otherwise false
021   * @param encodingType the encoding type
022   * @return the created encoder handle
023   * @see "HAL_InitializeEncoder"
024   */
025  public static native int initializeEncoder(
026      int digitalSourceHandleA,
027      int analogTriggerTypeA,
028      int digitalSourceHandleB,
029      int analogTriggerTypeB,
030      boolean reverseDirection,
031      int encodingType);
033  /**
034   * Frees an encoder.
035   *
036   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
037   * @see "HAL_FreeEncoder"
038   */
039  public static native void freeEncoder(int encoderHandle);
041  /**
042   * Indicates the encoder is used by a simulated device.
043   *
044   * @param handle the encoder handle
045   * @param device simulated device handle
046   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderSimDevice"
047   */
048  public static native void setEncoderSimDevice(int handle, int device);
050  /**
051   * Gets the current counts of the encoder after encoding type scaling.
052   *
053   * <p>This is scaled by the value passed during initialization to encodingType.
054   *
055   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
056   * @return the current scaled count
057   * @see "HAL_GetEncoder"
058   */
059  public static native int getEncoder(int encoderHandle);
061  /**
062   * Gets the raw counts of the encoder.
063   *
064   * <p>This is not scaled by any values.
065   *
066   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
067   * @return the raw encoder count
068   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderRaw"
069   */
070  public static native int getEncoderRaw(int encoderHandle);
072  /**
073   * Gets the encoder scale value.
074   *
075   * <p>This is set by the value passed during initialization to encodingType.
076   *
077   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
078   * @return the encoder scale value
079   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderEncodingScale"
080   */
081  public static native int getEncodingScaleFactor(int encoderHandle);
083  /**
084   * Reads the current encoder value.
085   *
086   * <p>Read the value at this instant. It may still be running, so it reflects the current value.
087   * Next time it is read, it might have a different value.
088   *
089   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
090   * @see "HAL_ResetEncoder"
091   */
092  public static native void resetEncoder(int encoderHandle);
094  /**
095   * Gets the Period of the most recent count.
096   *
097   * <p>Returns the time interval of the most recent count. This can be used for velocity
098   * calculations to determine shaft speed.
099   *
100   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
101   * @return the period of the last two pulses in units of seconds
102   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderPeriod"
103   */
104  public static native double getEncoderPeriod(int encoderHandle);
106  /**
107   * Sets the maximum period where the device is still considered "moving".
108   *
109   * <p>Sets the maximum period where the device is considered moving. This value is used to
110   * determine the "stopped" state of the encoder using the getEncoderStopped method.
111   *
112   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
113   * @param maxPeriod the maximum period where the counted device is considered moving in seconds
114   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderMaxPeriod"
115   */
116  public static native void setEncoderMaxPeriod(int encoderHandle, double maxPeriod);
118  /**
119   * Determines if the clock is stopped.
120   *
121   * <p>Determines if the clocked input is stopped based on the MaxPeriod value set using the
122   * SetMaxPeriod method. If the clock exceeds the MaxPeriod, then the device (and encoder) are
123   * assumed to be stopped and it returns true.
124   *
125   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
126   * @return true if the most recent encoder period exceeds the MaxPeriod value set by SetMaxPeriod
127   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderStopped"
128   */
129  public static native boolean getEncoderStopped(int encoderHandle);
131  /**
132   * Gets the last direction the encoder value changed.
133   *
134   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
135   * @return the last direction the encoder value changed
136   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderDirection"
137   */
138  public static native boolean getEncoderDirection(int encoderHandle);
140  /**
141   * Gets the current distance traveled by the encoder.
142   *
143   * <p>This is the encoder count scaled by the distance per pulse set for the encoder.
144   *
145   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
146   * @return the encoder distance (units are determined by the units passed to
147   *     setEncoderDistancePerPulse)
148   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderDistance"
149   */
150  public static native double getEncoderDistance(int encoderHandle);
152  /**
153   * Gets the current rate of the encoder.
154   *
155   * <p>This is the encoder period scaled by the distance per pulse set for the encoder.
156   *
157   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
158   * @return the encoder rate (units are determined by the units passed to
159   *     setEncoderDistancePerPulse, time value is seconds)
160   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderRate"
161   */
162  public static native double getEncoderRate(int encoderHandle);
164  /**
165   * Sets the minimum rate to be considered moving by the encoder.
166   *
167   * <p>Units need to match what is set by setEncoderDistancePerPulse, with time as seconds.
168   *
169   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
170   * @param minRate the minimum rate to be considered moving (units are determined by the units
171   *     passed to setEncoderDistancePerPulse, time value is seconds)
172   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderMinRate"
173   */
174  public static native void setEncoderMinRate(int encoderHandle, double minRate);
176  /**
177   * Sets the distance traveled per encoder pulse. This is used as a scaling factor for the rate and
178   * distance calls.
179   *
180   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
181   * @param distancePerPulse the distance traveled per encoder pulse (units user defined)
182   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderDistancePerPulse"
183   */
184  public static native void setEncoderDistancePerPulse(int encoderHandle, double distancePerPulse);
186  /**
187   * Sets if to reverse the direction of the encoder.
188   *
189   * <p>Note that this is not a toggle. It is an absolute set.
190   *
191   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
192   * @param reverseDirection true to reverse the direction, false to not.
193   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderReverseDirection"
194   */
195  public static native void setEncoderReverseDirection(int encoderHandle, boolean reverseDirection);
197  /**
198   * Sets the number of encoder samples to average when calculating encoder rate.
199   *
200   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
201   * @param samplesToAverage the number of samples to average
202   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderSamplesToAverage"
203   */
204  public static native void setEncoderSamplesToAverage(int encoderHandle, int samplesToAverage);
206  /**
207   * Gets the current samples to average value.
208   *
209   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
210   * @return the current samples to average value
211   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderSamplesToAverage"
212   */
213  public static native int getEncoderSamplesToAverage(int encoderHandle);
215  /**
216   * Sets the source for an index pulse on the encoder.
217   *
218   * <p>The index pulse can be used to cause an encoder to reset based on an external input.
219   *
220   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
221   * @param digitalSourceHandle the index source handle (either a HAL_AnalogTriggerHandle or a
222   *     HAL_DigitalHandle)
223   * @param analogTriggerType the analog trigger type if the source is an analog trigger
224   * @param indexingType the index triggering type
225   * @see "HAL_SetEncoderIndexSource"
226   */
227  public static native void setEncoderIndexSource(
228      int encoderHandle, int digitalSourceHandle, int analogTriggerType, int indexingType);
230  /**
231   * Gets the FPGA index of the encoder.
232   *
233   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
234   * @return the FPGA index of the encoder
235   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderFPGAIndex"
236   */
237  public static native int getEncoderFPGAIndex(int encoderHandle);
239  /**
240   * Gets the encoder scale value.
241   *
242   * <p>This is set by the value passed during initialization to encodingType.
243   *
244   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
245   * @return the encoder scale value
246   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderEncodingScale"
247   */
248  public static native int getEncoderEncodingScale(int encoderHandle);
250  /**
251   * Gets the decoding scale factor of the encoder.
252   *
253   * <p>This is used to perform the scaling from raw to type scaled values.
254   *
255   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
256   * @return the scale value for the encoder
257   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderDecodingScaleFactor"
258   */
259  public static native double getEncoderDecodingScaleFactor(int encoderHandle);
261  /**
262   * Gets the user set distance per pulse of the encoder.
263   *
264   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
265   * @return the set distance per pulse
266   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderDistancePerPulse"
267   */
268  public static native double getEncoderDistancePerPulse(int encoderHandle);
270  /**
271   * Gets the encoding type of the encoder.
272   *
273   * @param encoderHandle the encoder handle
274   * @return the encoding type
275   * @see "HAL_GetEncoderEncodingType"
276   */
277  public static native int getEncoderEncodingType(int encoderHandle);